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Code Reference

Text Codes
Bold Text:


Text placed inbetween the [b] brackets will force the text to become BOLD.

Italic Text:


Text placed inbetween the [i] brackets will force the text to become ITALICIZED.

Left Align:


Text placed inbetween the [left] brackets will place the text on the left side of the page. This is the normal placement of text, very rarely needed.

Center Align:


Text placed inbetween the [center] brackets will place the text on the middle of the page.

Right Align:


Text placed inbetween the [right] brackets will place the text on the right side of the page.



Text placed inbetween the [heading] brackets will divide the page into a new section. Perfect when the page is getting long and needs to be broken up into several sections.

Info Box:


Text placed inbetween the [infobox] brackets will float the text to the right side of the page, creating a small area for technical information or a single photo. Should be used spareingly on a page.

Alternate Version:


This allows you to put in a title for the Infobox.

Horizontal Line Break


Put this code in for a horizontal bar to be drawn across the page. This is noramlly done for you when using the [header] code. Use spareingly on the page.



Text placed inbetween the [quote] brackets will create a quotation box around text quoted from a source. Do not use when using a simple quotation symbol will do.

Quote: (Advanced)


Text placed inbetween the [quote] brackets will create a quotation box around text quoted from a source. Place the authors name or website after the equals sign. Do not use when using a simple quotation symbol will do.

Image Code

Place an image URL inbetween the IMG brackets to make the image appear on the page.

Link Codes
Regular Link Code:


Place a URL inbetween the URL brackets to make the url into a link.
Advanced Link Code:


Place a URL after the equals sign in the first bracket. Place the text that you want to become a link in between the two brackets.
Linking to Internal GBFans Page: (Advanced Users Only)


Place the title of a page inbetween two brackets. The software will look for the page and generate a link automatically. Example: Placing "Dan Aykroyd" in those brackets would create a link to the Dan Aykroyd page. [[Dan Aykroyd]]

Table Codes (Advanced Editors Only!)
Table Code:


The [table] brackets are needed to create a table on the page. The code inbetween the brackets should be [row] & [cell] codes only. Similar to <table> HTML code.

Row Code:


The [row] code creates new rows in a table. This is needed immediately after [table] code. Similar to <tr> HTML code.

Cell Code:


The [cell] code places cells inside of a row, inside of a table. Similar to <td> HTML code.

© 1998 - 2024 Ghostbusters Fans / Ghostbusters Prop Archive - Created and Written By AJ Quick