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Bermuda Triangle and the New Jersey Parallelogram...

Posted: March 26th, 2009, 7:36 pm
by spenglerjjc
Sam Champion from Good Morning America recently did a story (3/25/09) about the Bermuda Triangle and I just couldn't help thinking of the New Jersey Parallelogram...Apparentlya plane recently vanished as late as December of '08...Any input? :cool:

Re: Bermuda Triangle and the New Jersey Parallelogram...

Posted: March 28th, 2009, 10:50 am
by Venkman Blues
'you didnt do the assigned reading did you!' :sigh:

the new jersy parallelogram was based on the stories of the bermunda triangle - and was described as a smaller, nastier verison of it
that doesnt mean it existed :) the writers did there homework