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"Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" Feature Talkback Thread
by mrmichaelt -  - in: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)
1409 Replies
by mrmichaelt
"Tainted Empire" pack build
by Nerdy NotionZ -  - in: Proton Packs
3 Replies
by Nerdy NotionZ
Silly Question, but... Good Books about the Paranormal?
by Rasponov -  - in: General Discussion
9 Replies
by jasicarose75
New (vintage) P.K.E. Prop sighting
by Kingpin -  - in: General Ghostbusters Discussion
0 Replies
by Kingpin
Spirit/Qpack hybrid
by MayorLenny -  - in: Proton Packs
1 Replies
by MayorLenny
Ed’s 84 Pack Build
by edspengler -  - in: Proton Packs
39 Replies
by timecatalyst
Britain's best Remote Trap Vehicle replica build
by Mercifull -  - in: Ghost Traps
73 Replies
by mike_waclo
Cross The Streams 2 - Birmingham, UK - 30th November 2024
by tobycj -  - in: Europe
3 Replies
by Mercifull
Proton Props UK
by GaudinosWheels -  - in: Feedback
531 Replies
by StarkMarkV
Tobin's Spirit Guide: Afterlife Prop Replica Community Build by Magnoli Props
by Indy Magnoli -  - in: Other Props
50 Replies
by mrmichaelt
Ray's "Occult Books" sign from 8th Logistics Division
by SpaceBallz -  - in: Other Props
5 Replies
by edspengler
Help on GBFans Bargraph
by Elliott52 -  - in: Proton Packs
5 Replies
by prodestrian
Regal Theatres Ghost Trap Popcorn Bucket
by spookcentral -  - in: Collectibles
11 Replies
Dual speakers on GB soundboard
by Slimecto1 -  - in: Proton Packs
0 Replies
by Slimecto1
Hasbro Ghostbusters
by grantofkings -  - in: Collectibles
724 Replies
by timeware
Sound Effects Available For Download
by Ryusui -  - in: Ghost Traps
20 Replies
by soren hoffmann
OnEdge’s GB1 Foam Build
by OnEdge -  - in: Proton Packs
21 Replies
by Joeyvenkman
GBFans Shop - Goggle Parts Restocks & more
by GBFans -  - in: Site Updates
0 Replies
by GBFans
Frozen Empire Goggles Modification
by Steeler Pulaski -  - in: Ecto Goggles
8 Replies
by darthbuster
Apparently Universal Studios Is Building an Ecto-1 for...something
by Rookie99 -  - in: General Ghostbusters Discussion
44 Replies
by mrmichaelt
Painting a pack question.
by RageQuitDad -  - in: Proton Packs
1 Replies
by Masterolizardry
First Hungarian Ghostbuster's Car ECTO - 2104
by Zeller -  - in: Ectomobiles
8 Replies
by Zeller
Hey y'all, it's been a minute but I'm back
by Agent J -  - in: Introductions
0 Replies
by Agent J
When did Beetlejuice become more popular than Ghostbusters?
by Nate Dawg -  - in: General Ghostbusters Discussion
17 Replies
by RealGhostbusterJay
My New GB1 Accurate Bumper 3D Model
by pchrisbosh1 -  - in: Proton Packs
6 Replies
by pchrisbosh1
Kenners unreleased Egons Lab gb wiki updated
by JBlake -  - in: Ghostbusters Cartoons
13 Replies
by prodestrian
Spirit Halloween Proton Pack wand light kit
by Ectobeast -  - in: Proton Packs
0 Replies
by Ectobeast
slimed heroes ray mask
by beric -  - in: Wanted
0 Replies
by beric
My personal hand-made Egon lab playset
by bobby80s -  - in: Other Props
9 Replies
by beric
Who Saw GB1/GB2 in theaters when it was originally released? Can you please share what you remember?
by Nate Dawg -  - in: General Ghostbusters Discussion
5 Replies
by Nate Dawg
Alice frame Spirit Proton pack
by Meek1 -  - in: Proton Packs
3 Replies
by Moonraker
The Last Proton Pack (Astantax's last custom build)
by Astantax -  - in: Proton Packs
0 Replies
by Astantax
Pchrisbosh1 GB1 Hero Shell 3D Model for 3D Printing! Fully Printed 9/5/2024
by pchrisbosh1 -  - in: Proton Packs
18 Replies
by pchrisbosh1
Narda Electromagnetic radiation monitor
by Mercifull -  - in: Other Props
9 Replies
by Mercifull
Would like to add power on and off sounds to Spiritminimal.ino
by Mikeofalltrades -  - in: Proton Packs
2 Replies
by Mikeofalltrades
GBFans Shop - Trap Parts Restocks & more
by GBFans -  - in: Site Updates
0 Replies
by GBFans
Spirit ghost trap upgrades?
by Bison256 -  - in: Ghost Traps
0 Replies
by Bison256
Anyone else printing/printed Ghostbusters Gear's XGB Pack?
by RiverofSlime -  - in: Proton Packs
2 Replies
by in_the_city
Paranormal Research Center [FE] Lab Props
by prodestrian -  - in: Other Props
11 Replies
by Mercifull
The New York Public Library to host Ghostbusters moviethon
by Kingpin -  - in: Ghostbusters News
7 Replies
by Lisadyer228
GB Hero trap and light weight belt hanger.
by RedSpecial -  - in: Ghost Traps
33 Replies
by RedSpecial
What's Your Day Job
by mrmichaelt -  - in: General Discussion
68 Replies
by anxer5
Cancelled Hasbro RTV 2021
by RiverofSlime -  - in: Collectibles
4 Replies
by VenomSymbiote
"Tainted Empire" pack build

Got it wearable! You will have to click the link […]

Hey there friends! I had a bit of a silly quest[…]

Dennis Rubarth recently posted a discovery he'd ma[…]

Spirit/Qpack hybrid

It’s coming along… https://i.imgur.c[…]