Have you picked up your AMT Ecto-1a model yet? Start a topic in this forum and share your build along with hundreds of others!
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By Fritz
First up, since I'm planning to make it Post-GB2 ECTO-1, as based on the hybrid continuity of the Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline, I need a few more decals. I need at least one more GB1 logo, since the kit only includes the three appropriate to the original ECTO-1 (It's got four GB2 logos, which is right, but that doesn't really help much).

So I took a scan of the decal sheet, and made a copy of the GB1 logo.

I also did some work on the license plates. I'm considering some methods of making the plates removeable and interchangeable using magnets, so I actually made three sets of plates:

--ECTO-1 plates basically by photoshopping the ECTO-1A plates. This would be accurate from 1989-~2000, including EGB

Some images from Wikipedia helped with the other two sets

--ECTO-1 plates appropriate to ~2000-~2010

--ECTO-1 plates appropriate from ~2011-Present

I put one extra of each of the four designs on, just in case, meaning two GB`1 logos and 3 each of the plates:


I've tried printing those up on decal paper, but I'm having some problems getting the settings right. I'll let you know when I get it to work. The 1990s plates are usable, and the 2000s in a pinch, but the logos are sloppy and the 2010+ plates look like mud.

So, I mentioned in another thread I realized Minimates scale pretty well with the 1/25 models. Behold:

The Ghostbusters and the classic original ECTO-1 (in GBOT terms, late 1983-1986), the Polar Lights kit from 2002.

(Yeah, I never said I had access to a really good digital camera)

A bit of fun with the Minimates. Venkman's being Slimed and Egon and Janine are making out in the background

The Ghostbusters and the ECTO-1A, probably just as they arrived at Liberty Island, December 31, 1988. Venkman: "I wonder if she's naked under that toga". The ECTO-1A is the AMT one I bought and made in 1990, when I had no patience and practically slopped it together.

(I bought a set of GB2 movie Minimates with the Slime Blowers for Ray and Winston. Also gives me a set of work gloves for all four, and a Giga Meter for Egon)

Now...on to the Round 2 repop:

Here we see the Minimates trying out the interior. (Obviously, I haven't painted the interior yet) The front seat works pretty darn well. The back seat is a little more cramped.

The Minimates inside the test fit of the main body and the interior. The backseat figures had to have their lower halves removed to fit into the car. Fortunately, being Minimates, that's easy to do.

I'm considering not gluing the body, interior, and chassis together just so I can take it apart and take the Minimates in and out. We'll see how feasible that is as the project advances.

This is a little trick I learned from Star Trek modellers: use a dark color, like black or (in this case) Gunship Grey to line the interiors of the pieces. These are parts that won't actually be seen when the model is assembled, which makes it feel weird to do at first, but it blocks light and minimizes the translucence of the plastic. It gives it more of a solid, less toy-like look. (But since it won't be seen, it doesn't have to be a totally perfect, pretty paint job either)

The bottom of the chassis, painted Rust. This is one of the options from the instructions; I'm gonna try that one. If I don't like the results in the end, I'll just paint it flat black like I did the earlier two models.
Interesting to see the mini mates in the car.
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By Fritz
Matt Campbell wrote:Interesting to see the mini mates in the car.
It really was kind of a flash of insight. I was looking at my old ECTO-1A a few weeks ago going "What this thing really needs is some tiny Ghostbusters to put along side it...

Wait a minute..they make Minimates..."

I know the scale is not 100% accurate. A six foot man would be 183cm (72 inches) tall; 1/25 scale would be 7.3 cm (2.8 inches); the Minimates are about 5.5 cm tall (2.2 inches). Even Janine is a little too small at scale (5'4"/163cm comes to 6.5cm/2.5 inches) but is closer.

But it's all close enough for me, especially since there's no way I could make anything close to it on my own. No way I could pull off what Darthbuster did. :lol:
Yeah I seen what Darthbuster had, that's neat too cause I honestly haven't seen that before. But kudos on the mini mate idea cause the scale does come pretty close. :nicejobyoudid:
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By Fritz
No, haven't forgotten about this. Some updates:

Painted the fuel tank (at least I assume it's the fuel tank) on the bottom of the chassis. I came up with this color combination on accident while doing a Star Trek model; it's acrylic silver over flat black, and recently used it deliberately on the treads of a Space Shuttle Mobile Launch Platform, and liked the results so I used it again here. Acrylic metallics really aren't very good, but the "wateriness" actually works well over the flat black to create a sort of "used steel" appearance.


Yeah, I know, maybe I'll stop sticking Minimates in the shots, but maybe I won't.

The main body has been painted Gloss White. I know it feels weird to paint white plastic with white paint, but there's two very good reasons:

1. Gloss paint is best for decal application
2. If you mess up, it's easier to cover the error. You make an error on bare plastic, and then cover it with paint, it's more obvious.


It really doesn't show up well in the pictures, but the windows and the hood details have been detailed with Chrome paint (Testors#1790), with the help of a Micro Brush (on sale at most hobby stores in a variety of sizes). I stick with acrylics as much as possible, but as mentioned above, acryllic metallics aren't very good in my experience. Thus, for things like chrome, gold, aluminum, and copper, enamels are necessary.


The inside roof. Black as far as I can tell from the photos on this site, and it matches the upholstery.


Also painted the floor of the back section of the interior. I tried Gunship Grey first, but decided it was too dark--painted it over with Neutral Grey, which works better. Next step will be painting much of the interior flat black

Success with the decal printing, more or less. I did it twice just to be sure. There's still some smudging on the GB logo, and the 2010+ plates never came out usable, but everything else is close enough I'm going to go with it. I may replace the 2010+ plates with the 1984 plates from the kit; they're both orange, and only someone who lives in New York or a real nerd would know the difference.

Part of the secret of success was a tip from Captain Cyan, to up the dpi count, so thanks for that. It also helped to toggle the settings and tell the printer to not print it high speed; I think the rapid movement of the print heads back and forth may have contributed to the smudging.

Important safety tip: put these decals in a safe place for a few days to let them dry. Otherwise, as Egon would say, it would be bad.
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By Fritz
Progress to the interior:
You can almost see in these bad pictures how I painted part of the seat semi-gloss and part of it flat to give it a look of different materials present

The monitor screen and steering wheel:

The dashboard. I still need to add the steering wheel, CB radio, and the radar scanner. I like the look of the dashboard without the last two items, though; if I ever do a build of the GBWC's ECTO-1N, I'll probably leave them off. But since this is ECTO-1, they'll go on their before the interior is finalized.

Put together the wheels and the chassis. I know this is far "later" according to the instructions, but I don't think I've built a model in the exact instruction order in my life :lol:

Okay, time for some more Minimate fun. Test fit the chassis, the interior bucket, and the body shell, and it reminded me a little of the "I found the car!" scene in GB1.
November 1988
Ray: Louis and I found the new car, Peter!
Louis: Only sixty-eight hundred! With five years of inflation since you bought the first one, that's pretty good!
Venkman: ..somebody shoot me...
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By Fritz
The complete dashboard

The complete interior bucket, with the dashboard and the computer monitor installed. The monitor is pretty tight without gluing, so I left it unglued. I like being able to reangle it if I so chose, even though I probably won't

I really wish I had a better camera. I pleased myself inordinately with some of the details on the dashboard, computer keyboard, and control panels in the back. They don't show up real well in these pictures (The look like stills from a low rez flash video because they sorta are--it's a cheap camera/camcorder)

And because it's what I've been doing the entire build, a shot of the Minimates trying out the interior.
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By Fritz
Not a huge update, but I'm excited and want to share:


This is the GB logo I scanned and printed on decal paper. After letting it dry for days, and spraying it twice with decal bonder, I finally cut it out, dipped it in water, and slid it into place.

In hindsight, I should have cut slightly closer to the image, but I was afraid of cutting anything off. It's white against a white background, fortunately. The whole reason I put the 'extra" decal on the back door was because it would be the one of the four seen the least in all probability.

Thanks once more to CaptCyan for his advice on decal printing. It helped a lot.
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By Fritz
The red paint to the main body shell, and the fins.


And the fins complete and glued to the ECTO-1


I've started some paint work on the roof rack, but at the moment it's all white paint on white plastic, so that's not really worth taking pictures of.

Actually, the next step I'm probably making is finishing the decaling of the main body shell. Definitely the caution stripes and the GB1 logos. I may not use the advertising stuff, though. I left them off of my own previous artistic depictions of the post-GB2 ECTO-1, after all, though leaving them on would make it look a little closer to the IDW version.
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By CaptCyan
Fritz wrote:In hindsight, I should have cut slightly closer to the image, but I was afraid of cutting anything off. It's white against a white background, fortunately. The whole reason I put the 'extra" decal on the back door was because it would be the one of the four seen the least in all probability.

Thanks once more to CaptCyan for his advice on decal printing. It helped a lot.
You're welcome, but also in hindsight, I should have mentioned the advantages of using a Clear Decal Backing in cases like this. when dealing with a white (or off white surface ) It eliminates the need to trim the Decal close to the image. "I blame myself".
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By Fritz
CaptCyan wrote:You're welcome, but also in hindsight, I should have mentioned the advantages of using a Clear Decal Backing in cases like this. when dealing with a white (or off white surface ) It eliminates the need to trim the Decal close to the image. "I blame myself".
I did think of that, but I figured with the license plates going over chrome or red, and the two non-ECTO-1 decals I printed off at the same time going over black backgrounds* I figured the white decals would be better. And since it was white backing over a white background, not a huge deal unless you look really close.

So don't blame yourself--totally my call.

*In the slim chance anybody cares
This Post Contains Spoilers
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By Fritz
slaysghosts wrote:Cant wait to see more!
Great timing! :D

Main body shell decals done:

The hood, sporting one of the kit provided GB1 logos (which normally would have gone on the tailgate):

The sides:

I decided to go ahead and add the various advertising stuff. It just seemed a bit bare without it, and adds to the verisimilitude that it's the same car as the ECTO-1A with just the logos on the three doors and the hood changed.
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By Fritz
Two days to the contest deadline. I know I ain't gonna win shit, but I want to get it in anyway...

So a few days of progress right here:





The license plates I made. Because some of the plates didn't come out on the decal paper, I printed off another set on paper and laminated them. I'm attaching these to the car with rubber cement; that way, in theory, if I want to peel these off and switch in the 2000s or 2010s plates, I can, but chances are I probably won't. I just like having the option.


Dry test of the main assembly. I really don't have a way I like of tinting the windows, so they'll probably be clear. It would match my old ECTO-1A that way anyway.




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By Fritz
CaptCyan wrote:Looks pretty good for a win in the "fuzzy" catagory from what I can see...I think you need a better camea. :wink:
Yeah. :lol:

I'm hoping I can borrow a friend's camera when I'm finished with it, and have one good looking set of photos to put up here, and maybe in the Prop section.

Since AJ said in another thread there really aren't enough builds to really have a contest, I may just take it easy the next few days. I had a couple of setbacks in the last couple days, one of which probably was a direct result of rushing a bit. It's still possible I get it done tomorrow, but less likely at this point.
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By Fritz
The sign boards installed, showing one side with the red "Ghostbusters" display, the other the green "Ghostbusters" display.

I didn't use the "We're Back" decals because this build represents the ECTO-1 after the post-GB2 newness wears off. Though as I write this I realize they could have used the blurb in 1997 after the Extreme Ghostbusters form.

This is also one area I botched on the original build in 1990. I slopped it together and the panels ended up glued into the signboards. This time I did it slow and got it right.


That's actually the reverse side of one of the other panels, painted black. This would simulate the signboards being turned off.

Now, I discovered a little problem last week. I don't know how or when, but part 113, the "braided hose", is missing from my kit. I don't know if it's a factory defect, or it came off the sprue some time and I didn't notice, but it's not there. I know I never removed it.

Fortunately, this ended up being a really easy fix. Some bead wire from the Hobby Lobby and presto:


It lacks some of the little detail work of the kit part, but it's there and works great. I was even able to shape it to what might be a more "natural" lay than the kit part.

More soon. Just a couple of little parts to go.
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By Fritz
I delayed making this post in hopes of getting ahold of my friend's camera and putting up better pictures that this, but while that may still happen I'm done and wanted to share:

A few last details. The rearview mirror and the electrical conduits:



The whip antenna. I mentioned on another thread that I had a setback caused by rushing? Yeah, it was hurrying when I was taking the whip antenna from the sprue. I cut the wrong connection first and the damned thing snapped in two. I glued it back together, but I'm not 100% pleased with the results. I debated with myself whether to use it anyway or make a substitute out of the same bead wire I used to replace the "braided hose". In the end, I decided that the loss of detail would be more noticeable, and went with the repaired kit part. It doesn't look as crappy as I feared.


So here it is, the complete ECTO-1, January 1989-c.2001 version:





And because it's me, some more "Ectozone Minimate Theatre":

To celebrate the successful completion of the ECTO-1, I semi-reenacted the picture of the Ghostbusters with the original ECTO-1 in the first post of the thread:

As you can see, in the excitement we got a few extras.


Heck, even the Rookie showed up, which will inexplicably make this thread three times as popular as it was before!


Then they got a call, and only had room for one extra. These three got left behind, solving the "Which one is the real 'fifth Ghostbuster'?" question once and for all.


Unfortunately for Venkman, the call was Nick the Biker Punk, necessitating him having to go onto the roof rack again:


I actually didn't glue the parts of the body together. I doubt I will be taking the Minimates in and out of it very often, but I have the option. If the model just sits there on display, the fact that it's not totally glued together doesn't really matter.

It's been a long time getting here, and while I'm glad to have it done I'm also almost sad in a way. It's been a lot of fun, and I hope I've entertained everybody at least just a little bit.
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By Fritz
:whatever:--"Threads rising from the grave..."

It took a little longer than I thought, but I finally got access to a slightly better camera. It's an iPhone 3, so it could still be better, but it's an improvement over the previous camera.

So here we go...

The requisite shot of the ECTO-1 with the Minimate Ghostbusters:


The walkaround:


A close-up of the improvised "braided hose"

As I mentioned previously, I didn't actually do the final glue assembly, leaving me the option of taking the car apart. So here it pays off a little: some better shots o the interior, including some closer-ups of the dashboard and some of the equipment.

A quick shot of the Minimates inside, with the windows removed to show them better:

Uh-oh...Nick the Biker Punk escaped again. Since I don't have an Eduardo Minimate to put in drag, Venkman gets to go on the roof again! He's so thrilled!
Looks good man! I've got 2 of these babies myself, one that's maybe half built that sort of fell by the wayside due to some difficulties I was having with the build, and the other completely untouched due to the lack of progress on the first. I should probably complete them some day.
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By Fritz
Matt Campbell wrote:Looks good man! I've got 2 of these babies myself, one that's maybe half built that sort of fell by the wayside due to some difficulties I was having with the build, and the other completely untouched due to the lack of progress on the first. I should probably complete them some day.
Aw, c'mon, you gotta get at least one of them done. :lol:

I still contemplate buying a second one and turning it into the car from my fan fic franchise, the ECTO-1N
I'll eventually get one of 'em done. :) I just finished putting together 2 sets of Ecto Goggles from Norm's Plans in the Equipment Section and started on a Real Ghostbusters Proton Pack build with a shell I bought from JoeLuna33 for my 3 year old son, maybe after that's done I'll finally finish the Ecto I started at least.
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