Discuss Ghostbusters: Afterlife, released on November 19, 2021 and directed by Jason Reitman.
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By mrmichaelt
I think it would be conducive to make a thread about the deleted scenes. So if anyone remembers all those trailers, TV spots, online spots, and clips that didn't make it into the movie in theaters or you found interviews where the cast and crew lists a deleted scene, this is the place to post them. I will try to keep a 'master list' handy in this original post.

--What we know--

1. The first assembly cut was 2 hours, 56 minutes hours. The theatrical cut is close to 2 hours, 4 minutes. The home release will have a "few deleted scenes."
Source: Collider Interviews 11/24/2021
Jason: "The first cut was easily over three hours and and now we're down to I think an hour, 56 with credits so it's it's way more slim."/"Yeah, that's the assembly cut."
Source: Frame.io 12/1/2021
Dana Glauberman: "The first assembly was 2hr 56min."

--Deleted Scenes seen in previews, B-roll, special features, books--

1. Close up of Callie's eviction notice, in Landlord's POV
Source: Trailer #1

2. Shot of lower halves of Callie and Phoebe they exit the apartment with their luggage
Source: Trailer #1

3. Close up shot of Summerville water tower
Source: Trailer #1 (33 second mark) and Trailer #2 (start of)

4. (Alternate take) Janine says "I wouldn't say nothing" (in movie, left a sizeable debt)
Source: Trailer #2

5. Phoebe looking at cover of Tobin's Spirit Guide while lying on her bed.
Source: Francois Audouy Case Studies, second gallery

6. Doritos shot at Phoebe during class.
Source: Trailer #2

7. There is an alternate scene of Podcast and Phoebe shaking hands. It's an alternate shot because Podcast is wearing his headphones as he shakes her hand and you'll notice Phoebe has a Doritos in her hair.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 13

8. Close up of Gary's seismic map
Source: Trailer #1

9. Trevor working on Ecto-1 in barn, Phoebe strolls by, "You went with the station wagon?" Trevor, "It's the only one that had an engine"
Source: Trailer #2

10. Brief filming shot of Callie walking across street to her car from Wertheimers Hardware and Sheriff Domingo is there looking at her car.
Source: Summoning The Spirit special feature, 8:01 mark

11. Shot of Callie amused by something holding her paper bag from Wetheimers.
Source: Hasbro Haslab Spengler's Proton Pack, Egon's Journal page 32

12. There is a deleted shot of Phoebe walking down the stairs with the P.K.E. Meter.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 97

13. There is a deleted shot/alternate angle of Phoebe taking the Trap out of the floor.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 151

14. (Alternate scene) In Trailer #1, Phoebe opens the floor puzzle with left hand. In Trailer #2 with her right hand

15. Before scene of Podcast prying trap with ruler, Phoebe says wood vs metal box, who will win?
Source: Gearhead's Guide, 2:59 mark

16. There is a deleted shot/alternate shot of Podcast and Phoebe seated at Gary's laptop.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 17

17. Grooberson tells Podcast and Phoebe in classroom, a movie about the Ghostbusters was made in the 90s then Podcast says, "I need to see this movie."
Source: B-roll taken from press site, 7:30 mark and January 14, 2022, 10 sec mark promo

18. Overhead shot of Vinz Clortho, in Sentinel form, dashing between buses.
Source: Trailer #1

19. There is a deleted shot/alternate angle of Phoebe seated at the Proton Pack.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 35

20. Phoebe stepping out of lab through exit for the popcorn making deleted scene
Source: Gearhead's Guide, 2:21 mark

21. There is a shot of from the deleted scene Phoebe walking through the barley field after she fixes the Proton Pack.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 5

22. Phoebe wearing Proton Pack in barley field
Note: SEE Confirmed Deleted Scenes, 5.

23. Phoebe and Podcast after Muncher leaves, Podcast yells, "Yes!", left hanging for a high five, Phoebe says "I told you to trap him," and he's says "It's fine, we'll get him next time. Okay? Okay."
Source: B-roll, 2:15-2:18, 2:39-2:50 and Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 119.

24. There is an alternate scene of Gary and Callie's date where they are sitting at a different table in Enjoy Garden.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 44

25. Phoebe and Podcast after Muncher leaves Foundry, Podcast says "I had fun, we had fun."
Source: Promo for digital release 0:11 mark 1/4/22

26. Podcast, after gunner seat is accidentally activated, says, "I love this car!"
Source: International Trailer #3, 1:17 mark

27. (Alternate scene) Muncher is in differing positions between trailers when he flies by bins across from Empress Theatre.

28. Restaurant table are slimed.

29. Slimed waitress in Enjoy Garden Restaurant.
Source: B-roll taken from press site, 7:00 mark

30. Grooberson talks to Vinz in Walmart with a "Hey, budd--" then roar but in the movie it's "Hey--" then roar.

31. Phoebe soldering P.K.E. Meter.
Source: Trailer #2

32. There is an alternate scene of the meeting at Spinners. Lucky sits somewhere else or the napkin dispenser is in an alternate spot.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 65

33. There is a deleted shot of Callie walking to the shed with the P.K.E. Meter.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 53 (proof draft only)

34. More camera angles on Miner Ghost.

35. Wertheimer's Hardware owner walks down aisle with shovel. Mini-Pufts on shelf. Mini-Puft fires a nail gun.
Source: Trailer #1, B-roll taken from press site, 6:15 mark, Jason Reitman, Eric Reich 1/6/22 email, The Art and Making of The Movie Page 158

36. Bts shots of Janine being present at the Farmhouse final battle
Source: Collider, 1:07 and 1:50

37. There is a deleted shot of Podcast covered in marshmallow residue in Ecto-1.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 18

38. Podcast, still covered in marshmallow residue, standing in front of Ghostbusters as Egon dissipates. Podcast turns his head and looks at them. They look down at him.
Source: Summoning The Spirits special feature 16:49 mark, Logan Kim 2/7/22

39. A shot of a framed photo of the original Ghostbusters in front of the Firehouse. It is in Peter and Dana's place in upstate New York.
Source: Trailer #2
Source: Eric Reich 1/6/22 email

40. Bts shots of Janine in mid-credits tag with Peter and Dana
Collider, 0:55 and 1:30

41. There is a deleted close up shot of Janine visiting Peter and Dana.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 59 (Proof draft only)

42. There are deleted shots of Winston seated in his office.
Source: Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook, page 11 and 118

--Deleted Scenes Mentioned in Interviews--

1. More of Zuul attacking Egon in the armchair.
Source: Crossrip #743
After 40:17 mark, Arjen Tuiten, "Unfortunately, the cut is so fast, we don't see quite what they are. Because what we shot was quite violent actually. Grabbing him and basically that's it. That's the end of Egon."

2. Production was sold fake fliers for "the funeral"
Source: The Black Firehouse Podcast Episode 3, 1:06:19-1:06:33

3. "Is It Ever Too Late?" - Janine and Callie talk in kitchen.
Source: Deleted Scene in special features of home entertainment release

4. More of Spinners employees skating around cars and doing tricks
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5oykz4 ... 2:08-13:05

5. Callie telling Phoebe to wink to let people know she's kidding
Frame.io 12/1/2021
Nate Orloff: "Actually to continue on this subject, in that scene when she [Mckenna Grace playing Phoebe] said, "Maybe it's the apocalypse," she winked after that, and in the original version of the movie, winking was a thing that her mom told her to do to let people know she was kidding. We experimented even later putting that back where she said that and then winked, and Dana was completely right. It was funny, but it didn't keep the energy up and it was like begging for more laughs when you just had a great one. We needed to just keep going, and the movie's better for it."

6. Phoebe solving the Rubik's cube
The Honey Pop 8/18/2022
Mckenna Grace: "I learned how to do a Rubix cube in under five minutes for Ghostbusters: Afterlife and we didn't end up using it, but that was a lot of fun."

7. Phoebe running in a field with the Proton Pack on, turning corn into popcorn with it
Source: Collider Interviews YT 11/15/2021, 5:19 mark
Mckenna "My hardest scene was one that got cut out as well. Yeah, there was a whole bit where I took the Proton Pack out into a field and so that was like an entire day of just lugging this huge thing. I had like red marks all up and down my shoulders afterwards like my shoulders were raw from it rubbing because they were like doing this light pack and and I was like 'no, it looks better with the heavy pack' and it was just me like running through this field with this thing on for and the acting like doing that is so hard it's just 'Ah.' and he's like be louder. 'Ah! Oh!' It was really difficult. There was like bugs all over but it was still like the coolest.
Source: Polygon 11/21/2021
Jason "I’m not sure if that’s because I had a daughter, but I just saw her with a proton pack. Originally she was in a field of corn. She fired into the corn and the corn popped up into popcorn, she ate the popcorn and smiled. That was it."
Source: Yes Have Some 11/25/2021
Jason: "The image I always had was brings it out into a row of corn, fires it into the corn, the corn becomes popcorn, flies in the air and she catches it and she eats it like that was the image and we actually tried to shoot that. We we didn't quite pull it off and that's why it's not in the movie but but when I talked to Gil about it and Gil and I had been writing together and I really trust Gil as a storyteller and Gil's also an animator who who made Monster House and and Poltergeist and you know just has a sense of science fiction and horror that you know that isn't just not part of what I've done."
Source: B-roll taken from press site, 9:44 mark
Source: Ghostbusters News/Art and Making Of The Movie
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 6
Passage: A girl finds a dormant proton pack lying dead in a basement. She carries the heavy pack out into a cornfield and fires a proton stream into the crops. They explode like fireworks into a cloud of raining popcorn. She screams and inadvertently begin catching them like snowflakes on her tongue.
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 10
Still of Phoebe with thrower drawn in field, Jason filming her.
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 24
Still of Phoebe catching popcorn happily.

8. Room Stuff
Source: Collider Interviews YouTube 2:25-2:32 mark 11/15/2021
Mckenna Grace says: "There was a whole like plot point that was like room stuff and it's really cool but it ended up working out so well."

9. A whole plot point was changed
Source: Collider Interviews YouTube 3:11-3:17 mark 11/15/2021
Mckenna Grace says: "Yeah, there was like a whole plot point that that's different."

10. Longer version of Trevor and Celeste leaving work to hang with her friends
Collider Interviews YouTube 4:13-4:51 mark 11/15/2021
Finn Wolfhard says: "I'd say the most complicated is actually a shot that wasn't in the movie, it's like this Boogie Nights one take shot that actually makes the movie like longer. It's a really cool but it's like-it doesn't-there's a scene where like Celeste O'Connor's character Lucky asked me to go hang out with her firends and I'm cleaning and then I take off my apron and I go and I get in the car. with them. That was like a way longer scene. It was like she's like 'You coming with?' I'm like 'Yeah' and I see her walk out of the door and then I follow her to the window and I see her and I follow her and uh it's like a one take and I take off all my stuff and I run out the door then I jump in to the cars-the car is moving as the car is moving."

11. Phoebe pulls red wagon with gear along gravel path at the Foundry. Podcast walks behind her.
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 110
Still of scene

12. Podcast eating ectoplasm
EW YouTube 2:35 mark 11/19/2021
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qRPxkg0JUY
Logan Kim says, "I ate ectoplasm. That was an experience. Although it was disgusted, no taste, eww. It was all slimy in my mouth. I still had a very good time enjoying it with my pudding."
Jason Reitman says, "I know, it was cut out of the film, too. That's the real problem."

13. When Phoebe and Podcast duck in the Foundry, they shout "Incoming!"
Source: YHS
(1:01:50-1:02:14) "And I remember there's once where the kids were ducking behind a uh-right in the scene where they the Muncher starts firing the stuff at them at the very beginning, it's like bullets. Okay, right tight and the kids are ducking behind it and they were saying like "Get down!" and they're trying all these other things and and they're just like 'it doesn't sound right' and I'm like well I go 'in the infantry' and I'm like oh (shit)."
(1:02:23-1:02:33) When things are coming at you, the universal scream is "Incoming!" and he's and he's like 'that's it. Okay, let's try it: incoming. You got it?' Did I make a line?
(1:02:43) It got cut.

14. Ray's monologue in Ray's occult was longer
Source: YHS (47:10-47:13) "I was gonna say that monologue was way longer than what was actually on screen."

15. Oliver Cooper played a security guard in Walmart
Source: Eric Reich 1/6/ 22 email

16. There was more about Callie's backstory that streamlined
Source: Avid
(39:44-39:56) Nate Orloff, "So there's originally a lot more about Callie and the backstory and the details and when that gets slowly ironed out and you like massaging bubbles out of a screen protector."
Source: Frame.io 12/1/2021
Nate Orloff: "There was a lot of stuff that expanded on Callie and her relationship with her father that was alluded to, and even Callie with her relationship with Phoebe. But, just like we were talking about with short films, is that what you really need? What do you really need to tell the story? If you have the beats there, it’s what the movie is. The final runtime is about two hours, right?"

17. Podcast had more lines when all 4 were standing around the model Farmhouse coming up with a plan.
Source: [https://www.facebook.com/TheIrishGhostb ... 660038994/ TheIrishGhostbusters 7:54-8:19 mark]
Logan Kim says, "You'll notice that we did reshoots so there's one scene where we're standing around a table and doing a plan where there's a model of the house and stuff. My voice was deeper, I don't know if you can kind of notice it. But they took out a lot of lines for that because my voice just got so deep. They tried their best to make it sound the same but it wasn't really there."

18. Phoebe tells more jokes to Gozer
Source: Frame.io 12/1/2021
Nate Orloff: "There are more jokes that Phoebe told at the stairs and it was very long because I just cut every joke in because they shot a lot of jokes to find the best one. So we’re watching the assembly with the assistants and it turns into a comedy club."

19. Ray insulting Gozer using Hawaiian god Pele
Source: Vanity Fair
"While Hudson prepared to take his shot, Reitman encouraged Aykroyd to join in the verbal jabs. "For Stantz, I feel like your insults would be about her actual cosmic properties," the director said. Akyroyd nodded, agreeing that Gozer might feel some insecurity about rival deities. "Hawaiians have better gods than you!" he shouted. "Pele could kick your ass!""

20. A 1960s cover of the Ghostbuster song that was done for the movie by the Menahan Street Band. The children find a 45 single that turns out to be a 1960s song that Ray Parker Jr. does a cover of that became known as the "Ghostbusters" song.
Source: The Oakland Press 2/24/2021
"Menahan's members remain busy playing for and producing other artists, but Brenneck -- who's also scored the upcoming documentary "Blood Brothers" -- says the group did some work together during early 2020 in New York, before the pandemic hit, and is also recording a new version of the "Ghostbusters" theme song for "Ghostbusters: Afterlife," due out in June...They have a scene where the kids of the original Ghostbusters find their dads' old (stuff) and a 45 (single) that's, like a 60s version of the 80s 'Ghostbusters' -- as if Ray Parker Jr.'s was a cover of a 60s song. It's a really cool idea, so we cut a 60s-sounding version of 'Ghostbusters' while we were in New York, and it's pretty cool."

21. 45 minutes total was filmed of Podcast vs. the Mini-Pufts in Ecto-1
Source: [https://www.facebook.com/TheIrishGhostb ... 660038994/ TheIrishGhostbusters 12:10-12:13 mark]
Logan Kim says, "I was going "Ah!" for 45 minutes"

22. There is a deleted subplot about Janine trying to figure out what to do with Egon's ashes.
Source: December 12, 2022 Big Head NFT Masterclass Session, Afterlife Watch Party on Zoom with Jason Reitman and Gil Kenan

23. Both mid and end credit tags were "were longer and were actual scenes in the film."
Source: January 6, 2022, reddit user BigDreamsandWetOnes (note: we don't know which crew member the user is or how legit etc.)
Quote: "Main part I thought was interesting was that both end credit scenes were longer and were actual scenes in the film. I was confused seeing them as end stingers tbh."
Notes: He/she/they say "I worked on the production and read the script before they even shot it and it was always that ending." earlier in the thread.

24. The argument between Phoebe and Callie after the police station ended with Callie smashing the P.K.E. Meter in frustration. Test audiences hated Callie for doing it so they cut it. But in the actual movie you will see the repaired screen of the P.K.E. Meter preserved in later scenes.
Source: December 12, 2022 Big Head NFT Masterclass Session, Afterlife Watch Party on Zoom with Jason Reitman and Gil Kenan

25. Podcast's jump drive was originally scripted as a Hello Kitty brand one but they couldn't get the licensing agreement in place.
Source: December 12, 2022 Big Head NFT Masterclass Session, Afterlife Watch Party on Zoom with Jason Reitman and Gil Kenan

26. The original closing shot of Afterlife was going to be the Spenglers towing Ecto-1 to Manhattan.
Source: November 17, 2023, Jason Reitman instagram story (GB News)

27. Mckenna Grace told a different joke each take for a scene Phoebe told a joke and Jason Reitman chose the ones he liked.
Source: December 17, 2023, Fandom Spotlite YouTube at 21:43-22:20 mark "I loved whenever we're going down the elevator because I thought it was so cool they actually had us in this elevator that was way off the ground and we had all our flashlights and Logan who plays Podcast and I had learned Morse code while we were on set - we were always learning random things - and so we'd be flashing our flashlights and trying to spell out and while we were going down the elevator I got to tell all of my own jokes cuz I did that throughout the film was all the jokes I would tell, different ones every single take and whatever ended up in the film was just Jason's favorite."

28. Podcast tries to show the colander to Phoebe but is yanked back because it's connected to something.
Source: December 11, 2024, YHS Podcast YouTube at 34:17-34:28 mark, "And I'm like, "Phoebe, look at this." I run towards Mckenna and then it has--it's connected to something. I didn't know it was connected to something. It was connected. It yanks me back like this. It was so funny and they took it out.

--Digital erasures/additions/changes in Trailers/Movie--

1. Summerville water tower, "Summerville" added later

2. Background mountains when Phoebe and Podcast walk to Shandor Mining fence/bridge.

3. Wisp that shoots out of mine shaft, green to orange

4. P.K.E. Meter removed when Phoebe finds trap in floor space

5. Grooberson holding up Trap, green to regular puff

6. Muncher is erased where he is at the hydrant in Trailer #1

7. Proton Stream colors during Muncher chase

8. "Empress" removed from signage by Trailer #3

9. RTV removed during Muncher chase

10. Gozer's eyes changed from red to black, Olivia suggested more spikes to costume
Source: Crossrip #743
After 36:47 mark, Arjen Tuiten, "I did give her red eyes actually and surprised to see i post production they turned them black for some reason."
After 37:58 mark, Arjen Tuiten, "The spikes were actually something that Olivia came up with. She said, 'Oh it would kind of nice if we had some little bit more spikes to tie in with the Terror Dog.' And I liked that a lot and gives her a sense of danger as well.

11. Flipped shot of Ecto-1 leaving Shandor Mining Company
Source: International Trailer #3

--Not Filmed--

1. Skeletal animal ghost, seen at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights 2019 Orlando, is loosely based on some ghost concept art for Afterlife but it was never planned to be used in the movie.
Source: viewtopic.php?p=4925201#p4925201
https://twitter.com/SunshineFrights/sta ... 3433341952
https://twitter.com/Liverstealer/status ... 6372900865
Eric Reich 1/6/22 email

2. Dimetrodon ghost, an ornery school teacher, and cosmic terrors inspired by the Lovecraft mythos.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD2ukZH ... 1:20-12:00
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 142
Concept art by Brynn Metheney

3. The Sentinel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD2ukZH ... 7:49-27:54

4. Class III Demon from the 2nd Circle of Hell
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 142
Concept art by Brynn Metheney

5. Balloon ghost, possessed chicken sandwich, School crossing guard ghost - Louise was one of the best crossing guards in Summerville until that runaway school bus took her down, Rancher ghost - This rancher had an unfortunate encounter with a young steer that had a bad temper
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 154
Concept art by Brynn Metheney

6. Assorted Miner ghosts - Dynamite, Pick Axe, Lunchboc, Coats, Shovel
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 155
Concept art by Brynn Metheney

--Unknown if Filmed--

1. Z logo/business card.
https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qM1YGJ-U0 ... e1vy11m5lj

2. Tobin's Spirit Guide cover.

3. After the truck flips, Egon has to close the Trap as Vinz's arm reaches out.
Source: The Art and Making of The Movie Page 26-27
Storyboards by James Doh
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By robbritton
I don't remember seeing the shots of the earthquakes affecting the police station and hardware store in the final cut, but I could have dozed off!

EDIT: On a rewatch they come after Gozer is resurrected, so don't mind me!
Last edited by robbritton on November 30th, 2021, 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
By joezlo
With all the extra time Jason mentioned they had to refine - I hope they planned a supercut for the home release - or even when the VOD starts after (my assumption) Thanksgiving weekend.

I still preferer the extended ATC cut to the theatrical minus a joke change or two, plot is more cohesive.
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By groschopf
mrmichaelt wrote: November 21st, 2021, 9:43 pm 1. Phoebe running in a field with the Proton Pack on
Source: Collider Interviews YT 11/15/2021, 5:19 mark
Mckenna "My hardest scene was one that got cut out as well. Yeah, there was a whole bit where I took the Proton Pack out into a field and so that was like an entire day of just lugging this huge thing. I had like red marks all up and down my shoulders afterwards like my shoulders were raw from it rubbing because they were like doing this light pack and and I was like 'no, it looks better with the heavy pack' and it was just me like running through this field with this thing on for and the acting like doing that is so hard it's just 'Ah.' and he's like be louder. 'Ah! Oh!' It was really difficult. There was like bugs all over but it was still like the coolest.
Tangental to that or part of the same scene... Phoebe firing the wand and turning corn into popcorn, as Jason Reitman indicated:

"Originally she was in a field of corn. She fired into the corn and the corn popped up into popcorn, she ate the popcorn and smiled. That was it."

Remember the scene where Callie comes into Phoebe's room while she's watching the old Ghostbusters ad? It's after Phoebe discovers the lab. Callie comments on what Phoebe is inexplicably eating... popcorn.

I'm willing to bet that was shot and cut from the theatrical release for time since they already had the test fire scene with Podcast. I'm also willing to bet Callie would leave the lab through the staircase (which is evocative of the secret staircase in the Shandor Building) that's down in the lab during the initial sweep of it when Phoebe discovers the space.

If the Clue game is any guide, there's a staircase that leaves the lab and comes out in a field. Phoebe would have climbed the staircase, stood in the field in that tiny bit of footage we saw that was unused, fired, turned corn into popcorn, and then cut to the scene where she has a bowl of popcorn.

That's probably why there was a Pop Secret tie-in as well.
mrmichaelt, DaveLister liked this
By gerv
Roamer wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 10:46 am I thought the ghost/ghoul in the store was the same taxi driver ghost/ghoul from the original movie? In fact, I still think it is. Was disappointed to see that it wasn't in the final cut.
Eh? It was in the final version.
By Bison256
I suspect there's a cut scene that takes place in the kitchen. In Adam Savage's set visit they point out the gb2 toaster. In the film when podcast asks Phoebe what she had for breakfast she say toast. This suggest there's a scene between Callie and Phoebe in the kitchen.
Last edited by Bison256 on November 22nd, 2021, 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By One time
I have this nagging feeling that the Reitman's, have shot 20 years of material that will be drip fed to us over the years with HE upon HE release. I hope I'm wrong and it's just a massive directors cut with a whole lot of material added.
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I just need more OG GB's scenes.
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By Fritz
groschopf wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 1:54 pm
"Originally she was in a field of corn. She fired into the corn and the corn popped up into popcorn, she ate the popcorn and smiled. That was it."
Now see, that would be an awesome Easter Egg, intended or not. An alternate timeline version of her grandfather discovered that trick back in the 80's
By joezlo
One time wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 2:53 pm I have this nagging feeling that the Reitman's, have shot 20 years of material that will be drip fed to us over the years with HE upon HE release. I hope I'm wrong and it's just a massive directors cut with a whole lot of material added.
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I just need more OG GB's scenes.
I didn't need more OGB scenes. I just needed their entrance to make more sense - even if they came out of a taxi, drove up or something - it didn't feel right.
AMC78 liked this
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By zeta otaku
JonXCTrack wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 5:27 pm We know that they made a Stop sign covered in slime with a large bite mark taken out of it. I don't remember seeing it at any point in the movie.
While it wasn't COVERED in slime, you do see the stop sign with the bite in it when Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast are looking for Muncher in town. It's just before they spot him gnawing on a fire hydrant.
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By An Invisible Bed
I was definitely disappointed and noticed that the Dorito shot wasn't in the final movie, it's too bad as it was funny.

I hate to think of there being any deleted scenes, I would have been happy as a clam watching the movie for another 30 minutes.
By TheManEatingToaster
zeta otaku wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 5:31 pm
JonXCTrack wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 5:27 pm We know that they made a Stop sign covered in slime with a large bite mark taken out of it. I don't remember seeing it at any point in the movie.
While it wasn't COVERED in slime, you do see the stop sign with the bite in it when Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast are looking for Muncher in town. It's just before they spot him gnawing on a fire hydrant.
I also remember seeing a picture of a restaurant table covered in Ectoplasm, it wasn't in the movie but I think it was outside of Spinners.
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By Ecto24601
Trevor working on Ecto engine, Phoebe strolls by "You went with the station wagon?" - "It's the only one that had an engine"

Podcast after gunner seat is accidentally activated "I love this car!"
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By Kingpin
mrmichaelt wrote: November 22nd, 2021, 11:08 pm Hmm, was that shot of Phoebe soldering in the movie?
It wasn't.

Between that clip, and photos of the PKE prop at the The Hollywood Museum exhibit, it looks like there was a sequence where the PKE gets badly broken, and Phoebe has to repair it.

I initially thought it happened when
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, but it doesn't seem damaged when Phoebe and the others
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By mrmichaelt
Kingpin wrote: November 23rd, 2021, 4:48 am It wasn't.

Between that clip, and photos of the PKE prop at the The Hollywood Museum exhibit, it looks like there was a sequence where the PKE gets badly broken, and Phoebe has to repair it.
In that shot, she is wearing her outfit she wears from the Foundry scene when she first at the glass bottles to when she argues with Callie. So it might take place after the argument and works on it on her room.
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By mrmichaelt
JonXCTrack wrote: November 23rd, 2021, 9:50 pm Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of Moose Skeleton ghost? They showed it on the Universal Studios Ghostbusters event a couple of years ago.
Yeah, still trying to track the OP about it. But there's this newer post about it.

EDIT: Here it is
https://twitter.com/SunshineFrights/sta ... 3433341952
https://twitter.com/Liverstealer/status ... 6372900865
From Liverstealer! 10/4/2019

And I suppose, I don't think we saw Winston's Z logo/business card in the end tag?
https://www.instagram.com/p/B2qM1YGJ-U0 ... e1vy11m5lj

Or the Tobin's Spirit Guide cover
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By Chicken, He Clucked
Maybe the “Moose Spirit” as I hope it comes to be called, even though I think it has a specific name I’m too lazy to look up, is one of those ideas Jason talks about backing away from and he mentioned the challenges of getting something to look scary and maybe this prop just didn’t look right. But… it would’ve been cool to feature in the montage sequence along with bug eye and add flavour to the rural setting. I hope we learn more in time, and with the release of the concept art book maybe.

Amazing work with this thread, mrmichaelt.
mrmichaelt, DaveLister liked this
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By An Invisible Bed
Chicken, He Clucked wrote: November 24th, 2021, 12:14 am Maybe the “Moose Spirit” as I hope it comes to be called, even though I think it has a specific name I’m too lazy to look up, is one of those ideas Jason talks about backing away from and he mentioned the challenges of getting something to look scary and maybe this prop just didn’t look right. But… it would’ve been cool to feature in the montage sequence along with bug eye and add flavour to the rural setting. I hope we learn more in time, and with the release of the concept art book maybe.

Amazing work with this thread, mrmichaelt.
If it's one thing I do feel like Afterlife is lacking it's ironically... ghosts.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only new ghosts we see are Muncher, the old miner and the eyeball thing, that's it?

The movie desperately needed an equivalent to the librarian ghost.
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By SpaceBallz
What was with all the artwork of Muncher with the Ecto-1 plate in its stomach? Another cut scene?
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By SpaceCoastGBs
Regarding the “moose” ghost - it’s BS. That character in the haunted house was just a reused Wendigo from Universal’s costume department, used as filler. Since those people on Twitter didn’t recognize it as a GB ghost, they assumed it’s from the new movie. Here it is in a photo from a prior year.

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By Ecto24601
The miner memorial was briefly seen, overflowing with ectoplasm.

The famous photo (from trailer 2) of the four guys with cigarette Egon was not in the movie. I guess it belonged to cut parts of Janine's first scene.
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By Chicken, He Clucked
Moose ghost double-twist?

I don't think these are the same model... I could be wrong:

(Tongue-in-cheek, they are different but I don't think this photo is enough evidence of it being a cut ghost. We'll presumably get a glimpse of it in the upcoming artbook if it was)

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