lets start from the beginning . . .

Back in October of 2009, Pat built the first mold and pulled 4 casts for the GBNH team.

Sadly due to our rushing we tried using a heat gun to dry the paint on one and warped the shell to hell, ruining it. The shell has sat in the prop room ever since.

For nearly 2 years I've joked about painting it pink and making it into a rookie pack for new team members, that joke evolved into making it into a Hello Kitty pack after discovering a little website called http://www.kittyhell.com

After the St. Patrick's Day Parade this year in Boston, Matt Burkit heard of the little joke and brought this pic to my attention: A little photoshop from our friend Throwing Chicken
Shocked that the joke has already been photo-shopped I realized I must make this joke a reality, so I dug the crap pack from the prop room and found some spare pack parts laying around and started with he cleaning and painting and well, after 3 hours here we are
I still need to pick up some baby blue paint for the crank knob.

I have some really "cool" ideas for this thing and I want everyone ideas in opinions on it. I think this can end up being a fun Community project.

the Goal is have to done For New York Comic Con October 13-16 2011 and wear it for a day there.

Ideas? Thoughts? COME ON!
Last edited by FunkPunkTwang on November 4th, 2011, 6:13 pm, edited 19 times in total.
purple power cell and cyclotron lenses.....sparkly streamers tied to the handle
I'm sure there's any number of cutesy anime songs you could have that thing blasting. Personally, I suggest "Hare Hare Yukai".

Oh, and learn the dance.
parksdesign wrote:Elmo should probably be somewhere on the gun...maybe next to the bargraph
because elmo has everything to do with hello kitty.

ProtonCharger wrote:
parksdesign wrote:Elmo should probably be somewhere on the gun...maybe next to the bargraph
because elmo has everything to do with hello kitty.

And it really matters because this is such a serious thread. Lighten up, dude.
You should load it up with strawberry scented air freshener, wherever you go people will be bombarded by a strawberry scented hell.

Then load up the soundboard with kitten sounds and theme songs from girl shows like Jem and Rainbow Brite.
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Molding My First Pack

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