Hello All,

so I built a house and I wanted to keep all my GB storage and propping in my garage. I tend to have a lot of people over with gear either from my own team or some of the East Coast greatest stopping by for a long weekend so I wanted to make sure they left at home and safe bringing their gear.

First thing first was I needed the wall nice and stong so I had 2x10 boards added to the wall before sheet rocking, gotta keep them bad boys safe!

for visual purposes I hung 1.5"x10" stain boards into the wall

Starting on the far end giving room for the fridge door to open I gave each pack 24 inches

Also going down the line is power strips for rechargeable packs

Due to the Slime Blowers over-sized stature I gave it it's own corner wall using 2 sets of hooks for the Tanks and the Glider

once given that measurement knowing how much space I needed for the blower I could continue hanging hook. 10 sets.

Now going back the the idea of waiting to make everyone feel welcome and like it's there home I had styrene name tags made up the hang above everyones gear. (Pink for the Hello Kitty Pack!)

We had to place the Slime Blower tag beside it due to the height of the tanks.

now given with all the extra space above the packs I could fit some posters above.
Spilled Milk Teaser, Spiller Milk, Ghostbusters Teaser, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II Teaser, Ghostbusters II

All hung up

Now it looks all fine and dandy but this weekend was the test to see how it's look filled up.


And here are all the happy pack owners. 13 Proton packs and 1 Slime Blower

I hope you enjoy it!!!

Last edited by FunkPunkTwang on July 30th, 2012, 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1985gbfan, Smeghead, alphabeta001 and 1 others liked this
Sutton621 wrote:Sweet Jesus, that's awesome. I'll understand if George never wants to hang out with us again...
<face palm>
awesome slime blower. and wow that's a lot of unlicensed nuclear accelerators. i hope you guy's got permits for all of them or else the epa is gonna have a field day with yous. lol. but seriously that is one beautiful site. great job. looks awesome.
BlkMesaHero wrote:
Sutton621 wrote:Sweet Jesus, that's awesome. I'll understand if George never wants to hang out with us again...
<face palm>
Hey didn't that Marshmellow guy come by? I thought he steeped on someone too.
lannyjack wrote:Wow, that is awesome!

Do you have room on the other side of the garage for a containment unit? :)
If he dose it had better be a Containment Unit that happens to be a Dry Bar.
I'm not jealous...

But l just want to say.... I hate you all!


... sigh
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