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By TK5759
My pack arrived in the mail today! I got so excited that I forgot to take any unpacking pics...

Either way, BustingCO sent me an awesome starter pack, it should already have most of what I need to get it finished. So over the coming days/weeks/months (dare I say years?) I'll be working on converting this over to GB1 style. There's something about the first movie that keeps me coming back and I love the look of the pack in that movie.

Here's the plan:
Review GB1 build threads for photo references.
Ask LOTS of questions. :)
Slowly source what I need from the shop, I already have an order started for some misc items: gun track, banjos, flight suit, patches, etc.

My pack, as it currently stands, doesn't have any electronics and some missing parts. I bought it knowing this as I didn't want to repeat the mistakes I made while building my stormtrooper armor. Overall, it's about 85-90% complete with the major assembly already being taken care of. I did receive some electronics with the pack however,and that's where I'm going to start the conversion. BustingCO sent me a wand light kit and I'm going to start with getting the wand set up with correct size tube and handle so I can run the wiring.

Here's the pack as it currently stands:

And while I figure out my first step, I'll need some jams:

Feel free to drop some input if anyone feels I need to go a certain direction during this build.
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By TK5759
Not much done over the weekend, some fiddling here and there, tightening this bolt or that, etc. i did a lot of moving around in it with the soundtrack playing in the background. :)

I did, however, start disassembly and overhaul of the wand. Wasn't too accurate to start with anyways, wrong size handles, no trigger tip or banjos. But I do think it's a solid base to start with

I started by removing both handles.

After seeing the inside of the wand and where I'll need the most work, I scraped off all extra hot glue (or as much as I could get anyways). All the switches that were in it were non functional anyway, so no real loss in destroying them.

I took apart as much as I could and cleaned glue from the control box and where the Slo-Blo light goes.

I did also receive a Heavy Props light board with this pack but no matter how I try, it doesn't fit in the wand at all. Has anyone else used this? Is it supposed to fit in the pack? Guess I'll have to do some searching.

Next up is stopping at the local hardware store to get accurate size PVC tubing for the handles and then painting and mounting them. I honestly don't mind the stickers as they sit, but some dry rubs might be in my future once I get the rest where I like it.
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By TK5759
So after doing some research on correct diameter tube for the handles, I bought a couple feet of 1.25" OD PVC from the hardware store. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit the body unless I rout it out. I have no idea what make this gun body is but I think it's worth a shot. I'll post some pics when its warmer outside. Also ordered up a set of replica banjo fittings from the shop and will hopefully be getting a resin gun track soonish. This'll leave a trigger tip as the final piece I need to complete the wand. The plan is to source everything I need then paint and redo the stickers.

*edit: spelling
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By TK5759
So I'm a little confused about how to proceed with the wand. As posted above, this pack came with the Heavy Props light kit but I'm unable to fit it into the gun body when putting in handles. Just doesn't seem to fit right. So I took some outer measurements and I'm hoping someone might be able to identify which gun body kit this is.



I'd really appreciate some input from some of the more seasoned builders on this.
I could be wrong, but it looks like a MMM body.

There are a few things you could do.

Run the board from the pack and extend all the wires through the loom. I've never done this, but others have. It looks difficult to me.

Upgrade to a gbfans kit. It has a smaller board. (No clue if it would still be too big.)

Get a TC kit. I highly recommend this as you get a more accurate thrower that has plenty of room for a kit. The money you spend will save you time and effort overall and you will end up with a great thrower.
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By TK5759
Well, after about a month of consideration, I decided to purchase a Matty wand instead of build this one out so it'll be coming up for sale rather soon. Matty wand should be here sometime next week at which point I'll be ordering the pack adapter kit and a light kit for the pack.
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By TK5759
I ordered up the Matty adapter board from Spongeface this weekend! :-) Can't wait for this to come in. Next up will be the light kit for the pack. This should get me through my next convention, ValleyCon in Fargo, ND:
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By TK5759
It's been a while since I've updated this. I don't have any pictures to add (yet) but there have been a few updates.
Got my Matty wand and Spongeface adapter board/loom coupler. Since I have only a PVC tube for my booster tube, I ordered a plug from Karniverous Creations.
And, i placed my large pending order with the GB shop! Should be getting my light kit for the pack, elbow pads, custom name patch, flight suit, and no-ghost patch here rather shortly! :)
I'll try and get pics of the pack as it stands loaded up later tonight.
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By TK5759
So here's the pack as it currently sits. Please note the booster tube and frame are currently removed so they can be redone. The booster frame was originally mounted much too high and was pushing on the ion arm assembly.


I'm still waiting on my booster plug from Karniverous Creations but since I just ordered it yesterday, I'm not expecting it for at least another week.

Padded the Alice frame.


I think we've all seen Spongeface's loom coupler for the Matty wand, but here it is again anyway (insert shameless plug here)


And last but not least, the Matty wand. Some people like it, some people hate it. I simply love it! :)

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By TK5759
This leaves me waiting on the light kit and Matty v-hook assembly. Since I haven't really done anything out of the ordinary, I didn't think I needed to load a metric crapton of pics here. Once I get to the lights, that's when the fun begins. :)
Why would people hate the matty wand? Its awesome! sure is not 100% screen accurate , but hey, u get a wand with lights, sounds, vibrations, and an extending tip mechanism .

Your pack is looking awesome! where did you get the bumper from?
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By TK5759
CAZAFANTASMA wrote:Why would people hate the matty wand? Its awesome! sure is not 100% screen accurate , but hey, u get a wand with lights, sounds, vibrations, and an extending tip mechanism .

Your pack is looking awesome! where did you get the bumper from?
I love the Matty for what it is. Everything functions as its supposed to and so far it's been really easy to interface with the pack.

Bumper came with my pack. From what I understood when I bought it, it's a Vinny shell with some resin and some aluminum parts. Kind of a Frankenstein. :)
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By TK5759
Soooo I've really slacked with the updates. I have a tendency to get working on a project and so wrapped up in it that I completely forget to take pictures. Regardless, here's the final result.

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