UPDATE: 12/05/2016 - I have cancelled my Anovos pre-order kit. If you are only interested in the ANOVOS kit do not read any further.

Hello GBFANS community,

This is my second proton pack build and I have opted for the ANOVOS kit. I am of course in the pre-order stage and things are looking a little dicey at the moment, but, as a pre-orderer, I am just sitting on this one and riding out the waves into the calm waters, I am hoping for a February or March delivery of the kit. I made the purchase through their "partial.ly" payment plan so I was able to partialy finance it and pay it over 6 months. Which came in handy as I am a budgeter and have a wife and 2 kids, so the whole family thing can be quiet expensive. We all know that the wives are not exactly happy campers when you tell them you've just spent $500.00 on some parts or another item, this does not go over well sometimes, but never the less, we cannot deny our true selves, we purchase these items because they make us happy... also because they are fun to make and wicked bad ass to have! I live in a moderately sized city and I am the only true Ghostbuster in my town, nobody else in town has the gear that I have so it's almost like I'm a celebrity when I put on all the gear and walk around a con, halloween party or other event, it feel's awesome to be a part of the GB community.

- Ghostbuster Fraser
"Tell him about the twinkie... What about the twinkie?"
My GB1 HERO pack build! --> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=38945
Last edited by idfraser on December 6th, 2016, 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
Subscribed. Hope it comes out well and glad you were able to finance.
Interesting! Hope it turns out well. I noticed that the thrower in the photos is fitted with a genuine vintage Clippard valve - the earlier, narrower font used on the plastic base to spell out 'CLIPPARD' is the giveaway - these are accurate to what were actually used in the movie. As they are very hard to find nowadays, it's likely that current stocks will be used for the kits.
barison82 wrote:Interesting! Hope it turns out well. I noticed that the thrower in the photos is fitted with a genuine vintage Clippard valve - the earlier, narrower font used on the plastic base to spell out 'CLIPPARD' is the giveaway - these are accurate to what were actually used in the movie. As they are very hard to find nowadays, it's likely that current stocks will be used for the kits.
There are not genuine clippard, legris or any parts in this kit, I was told by Anavos that they are replicas. :(
idfraser wrote:There are not genuine clippard, legris or any parts in this kit, I was told by Anavos that they are replicas. :(
Oh dear. That's a deal-breaker right there, especially for the price they're asking
I decided to cancel my Anovos kit and build one from the GB community instead, I am going for accuracy and quality in my next pack build. The kit is nice in that you get all your parts in one go, however, you sacrifice quality for convenience. Sure it may be a decent shell, but resin Clippards, legris and all other parts is not what I was looking for. That and they cannot guarantee a delivery date of Q1 2017, I would not be surprised if they announced another delay beyond Q1 2017. I need a working and finished pack for a Con in May and I do not trust that Anovos will have my kit delivered in time. Anovos was very good about my refund, at first they tried to give me a gift card so that I could only use it on their website, but a quick conversation to their Facebook Support Chat and they credited my credit card back, it only took about 3 business days to process my refund after that. I have now purchased several items from among the GB community towards my pack build. I will post pictures and details.

- Ghostbuster Fraser
"Tell him about the twinkie... What about the twinkie?"
My GB1 pack build! --> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=38945
Theres definitely alot of question marks with Anovos. I too would not be overly surprised if the delivery date gets pushed back again. $600 is alot money when you dont know what your getting or when your getting it. I orderd one thinking i would id get decent pack for money maybe upgrade a few parts parts, but i totally understand not wanting the pack.
So they couldn't promise to deliver on their newly promised delivery date? I swear, this sounds like a total con job. They take peoples' money by using pictures of a product that isn't even remotely representative of the final product, no ACTUAL pictures of the kit they're selling, the first shipping date comes and goes, they promise a new date and can't guarantee they'll make THAT date - why are people continuing to give them money? I'm glad you got your money back when you could. I'll be VERY surprised if anybody gets a kit at this point and I'll be even more surprised if it looks CLOSE to what they're promising. I'm sorry if this post offends anybody but I'm calling it how I see it: a joke.
Too much mystery surrounding this kit, the company itself has also got a track record of not delivering on its pre-orders as promised or published, sometimes is excess of a year. Absolutely no offense towards Anovos or Got Maul I believe his name is, but he has been repeatedly asked to post pictures and updates of the kit and has not delivered, at one point he even posted a comment that hinted he was sourcing real Clippard valves, but as the company has repeatedly reminded me "All parts are made from polyurethane, PVC, and ABS plastic". I would rather wait and see how this item plays out rather than unofficially kickstart it into existence.
This is fairly typical for ANOVOS. They use the pre-orders to fund production, which doesn't prepare them for the unexpected production hiccups. I pre-ordered stormtrooper armor from them almost 2 years ago, and the armor was about 6 months later than promised. Good quality, but quite delayed.

It's a poor business practice, I'll admit. But I was happy that they eventually made good.
I smell a Star Trek Battle Replica repeat, I was very stoked when I heard about the "Trek First Contact Picard Variant Phaser Rifle" and other Star Trek replicas that they were planning to release in 2014, they were not pre-order items but nonetheless, they promise the future sale of these items and then never come true to their word. Right there, as a man whom runs a business, I would never deal with a company that does something like that, "It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous!" to quote the great Jackie Chiles from Seinfeld.
idfraser wrote:Right there, as a man whom runs a business, I would never deal with a company that does something like that
My thoughts exactly - I don't like what I've seen here either. Stay away from this one!
Now I'm on the fence. I pre-ordered when they were first announced. It will be my first pack build and a project I'd been looking to tackle for years. But now that I'm a new father with little to no time I'm not sure if it would be easier to go through with it and build it when I have the time since its all in one package or scrap it and order and work on parts a little at a time through GB Fans.

I am a visual learner I figured this Anovos kit would familiarize myself with the build so that I could later build a more accurate one and sell this one at cost at least.
As a father of two young boys myself, my belief is that every shortcut you can take is a good thing. So a shell, ready to go, is a great way to start. Having ordered from ANOVOS before, my suggestion is to stick with it, but don't assume it to be ready any time soon. They make good stuff, just never on time, and they usually miss by many months.

That said, it doesn't hurt to familiarize yourself with the parts and start on a scratch build too, just a little at a time. That way, if you don't like what you get from ANOVOS you can always resell, but all that waiting time wasn't lost. :D I'm biased, but scratch building for a few bucks at a time has been a great experience for me.

The hunting for parts alone has been great fun. My wife only half-jokes now that I'm constantly off to see my mistress, Ms. Home Depot...

robandliv, idfraser liked this
idfraser wrote:UPDATE: 12/05/2016 - I have cancelled my Anovos pre-order kit. If you are only interested in the ANOVOS kit do not read any further.

Hello GBFANS community,

This is my second proton pack build and I have now opted to do a scratch build sourcing my various parts online. I was an ANOVOS Pre-order customer, but with the release date being continually pushed back I had no choice but to request a refund.

- Ghostbuster Fraser
"Tell him about the twinkie... What about the twinkie?"
My GB1 HERO pack build! --> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=38945
[quote="idfraser"]UPDATE: 12/05/2016 - I have cancelled my Anovos pre-order kit. If you are only interested in the ANOVOS kit do not read any further.

Hello GBFANS community,

This is my second proton pack build and I have now opted to do a scratch build sourcing my various parts online. I was an ANOVOS Pre-order customer, but with the release date being continually pushed back I had no choice but to request a refund.
Here are my photos finally updated, sorry for the delay but you know how it is. I purchased this shell from a guy on eBay in France.

The parts I purchased as a kit from Heavyprops or Crix as he is known in the GB community

The wand is a "Throwing Chicken" wand from ETSY.com

I also purchased a Heavyprops electronics kit for now, to be upgraded in the future

The motherboard I had cut by a waterjet cutting place in my local area, I got an autoCAD file from GrabCAD.com that the waterjet cutting place was able to use, it was in metric measurements but the guy was able to convert it to standard. The piece of aluminium was included with my shell but was not cut.

After a bit of repairs to the shell with wood filler, a lot of sanding and a couple of coats of Tremclad Flat Black and the pack begins to take shape and start looking amazing!

Then I begin to plan the layout of the speakers and electronics, I prefer 2 Pyle 6.5" Speakers and a Dayton DTA-2 amp.

That is all the updates I have for now, I will of course keep you updated as my pack progresses, I must have it finished completely for an Con in May.
I really like the progress! I've done the pre-order, too. I've found it seems to be the price for the entire pack minus the frame and electronics. I live on Vancouver Island and I'm really anxious to get a GB of BC patch once I've got more of my kit put together.
idfraser liked this
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Ghostbusters of BC are an awesome group, I myself have recently become a member but you don't have to wait to get a patch, they are available on eBay, here is the link;
http://www.ebay.ca/itm/361039808104?_tr ... EBIDX%3AIT

Also, you may be waiting a while for the ANOVOS kit, they have already bumped the release date 3 times now, Q1 2017 was changed on the website to Q2 2017 without even a whisper to the pre-order or newsletter subscribers, and thank you for the kudos on the progress.
I had no idea about the patch. Can one really just get the patch even without being a member recognised by the group on FB? Since seeing your posts I've been humming and hawing between keeping my pre-order in and trying to get my money back then follow in this guy's footsteps... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=41946 Through another fan forum, I know of a guy who works for Anovos... I've reached out to see if I could get any more detailed insider information from him... No response yet though.

I'm only 2 of 5 or 6 payments in, so it's still early. How did you convince them to refund you completely?
I simply asked for a refund through the chat interface on FB. And, yes one can get a patch that shows ambition and a keen interest in joining the Ghostbusters of BC, there is no search for the patch on eBay I believe. The link must be given out, just like I gave it to you, it was given to me, but if you message them and ask to become a member, you show an interest in Ghostbusters and putting together some equipment and are a cool person, they will allow you membership no problem!
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