I have an Idealised MF shell that I want to mount on a motherboard. Has anyone mounted a BenofKent board on a MF shell at all? I saw a board on MF a couple years ago, but it cost more for the shipping than the board! I should have grabbed it in hindsight. Any input would be great.
It's someone's interpretation off of someone else's measurements. Unless someone can confirm it fits, it's probably unlikely it will work. Better off just cutting your own. Or hopefully MF finally releases one
Ben of Kent packs are undersized and based off of the old plans circa early 2000's

No idea if any of the files available for laser cut mobo's would fit the idealized.

The other option is to buy a sheet of 1/8" or 3mm thick aluminium and hand cut with a jigsaw.
alphabeta001 wrote: May 9th, 2024, 2:14 am Ben of Kent packs are undersized and based off of the old plans circa early 2000's

No idea if any of the files available for laser cut mobo's would fit the idealized.

The other option is to buy a sheet of 1/8" or 3mm thick aluminium and hand cut with a jigsaw.
The Q pack motherboard doesn't fit the Mack's shells I believe, so I doubt anyone else's would either.
I have an answer for you. Coincidentally, I also got my idealized pack a few weeks ago, and I just made and ordered a mother board for it from SendCutSend. I can send my .dxf file, but I am not 100% sure it will fit your pack. My recommendation would be to make your own custom board.

I can also say for a fact that the Q pack motherbaord absolutely does not fit. I had the same thought as you, it is close but off in almost every dimension, overhanging the shell in some places and being almost a half inch short in others, particularly around the cyclotron area. Below is a picture of my original trace and dxf file.


This is a picture of my board. The Q pack is in red for comparison

That looks great! Even moreso if that curve error can be corrected... do you think it was the file, or did they just read it poorly? I may have to hit you up if/when I cave and get the Mack's shell myself. :)
Bobdor liked this
@Bobdor any chance you'd be willing to share the dxf file with me as well? I already cut one myself but not sure I have it in me to do it again if I mess up on drilling holes for the ALICE frame. I'm lucky I still have all my fingers at this point :)
Bobdor liked this
kman wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 1:44 pm That looks great! Even moreso if that curve error can be corrected... do you think it was the file, or did they just read it poorly? I may have to hit you up if/when I cave and get the Mack's shell myself. :)
So I contacted SendCutSend about it. They looked over the file and said that there is nothing specifically wrong with it. When I look up the 3D preview they give you, you can see the clipped curve, so I should have caught it. I used a single spline to make an s-curve there. On my updated file, I made the curve out of like 30 short straight lines. That one cuts correctly, so I updated my file.

K3ymaster wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 2:26 pm @Bobdor any chance you'd be willing to share the dxf file with me as well? I already cut one myself but not sure I have it in me to do it again if I mess up on drilling holes for the ALICE frame. I'm lucky I still have all my fingers at this point :)
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edspengler, prodestrian liked this
Bobdor wrote: June 6th, 2024, 4:55 pm Damn, that looks good. I was too much of a chicken to add the pack mounting holes to my file.
I left a few out too. But I had mounted everything to a board mainly because I was tired of looking at a box of electronics. So I had my layout to transfer over. Hopefully it all goes back together.
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