By supermanuf
Hello, I am wanting to add a smoke to my spirit Ghost Trap. I've watched some different YouTubes, but they're all a few years old. Wondering if anyone sells a kit, or what parts you would recommend in 2024?

Thank you!
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By alphabeta001
Costronica smoke v3 seems to be a good pick for a plug and play smoke machine. They are on Etsy.

Been tempted to get one myself but car needs my money more at the moment. I'm pretty sure James over at S.O.S. Ghostbusters uses one of these. Can be seen in plenty of videos carrying it around
By oidoglr
I have the Costronica kit for my spirit trap. It puts out plenty of smoke, but it’s critically missing a fan to push smoke out of the trap doors. I modified mine to run a small CPU fan that also has RGB lights. This helps quite a bit
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