I finally got around to finishing my GB1 belt accessories, as well as building a new GB2 belt with an accurate buckle.

The Belt Gizmo w/ holster, fobs, and radio antenna were scratch-built. As for the Motorola holster, I got a set of four holsters on eBay for $15 shipped; the seller clearly didn't realize the value of what they had (I think they were listed as "old radio cases" or something)...

The belt, fobs, and GB2 Gizmo were also scratch-built. I'll probably add some more resistors to the daughterboard, though.
Last edited by Demon Vice Commander on December 8th, 2014, 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DerGrundel wrote:Thanks! I'd never even heard of water-repellant posterboard, where do you pick up something like that?
I have these printed at Sam's Club on their "photo board", which is an "RC semi-gloss photo board". It's relatively easy to cut with an exacto knife and is pretty durable; my GB1 gizmo has taken some abuse, including several cons across the midwest and even a trip to Hook & Ladder 8 in New York. As crazy as it sounds, it's a sturdy belt gizmo made of essentially... paper.

I've used this stuff on several other projects and have occasionally gotten caught in the rain without any damage.

Of course, you can always just print it out as a 4x6 and glue/seal it to a sheet of plastic.
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By DerGrundel
Oh wow, I didn't realize that was just paper there, that's pretty impressive! I figured you'd glued it to some styrene or something. I will definitely be using your template, it's really top notch. Still haven't decided if I'll go with your RC posterboard or gluing it to styrene like I did with my GB1 belt gizmo
By Lewis Tully
Awesome lookin' stuff! Instead of transferring my belt gizmo from belt to belt, I decided to make a GB 2 belt gizmo, too. Yours looks awesome, man! Hope mine looks nearly that good. The belt looks incredible! Great job!
Lewis Tully wrote:Awesome lookin' stuff! Instead of transferring my belt gizmo from belt to belt, I decided to make a GB 2 belt gizmo, too. Yours looks awesome, man! Hope mine looks nearly that good. The belt looks incredible! Great job!
Thanks! I know that the GB2 gizmos get a lot of hatred for looking so fake, but they can look pretty decent on a GB2 belt.
By Lewis Tully
I agree. I don't like putting my GB 1 on my GB 2 belt... Just doesn't feel right. I got one of Nick A Tron's kit, so it's actually gonna be more of a hybrid, but it'll definitely be more of a GB 2 belt gizmo. Again I say, Great job!
By txteva
Sorry to raise an old thread but I love your GB2 gizmo and thank you for the high res pic - I've ordered some on photo paper and planning to mount it on plastic... will be my first attempt at building a prop!

Any chance you could post a pic of your GB2 gizmo out of the holder? Pretty please!
By txteva
Thank you that's really helpful! :-)

I'm off to the electrical & DIY shops tomorrow to pick up parts - I'll take photos of my build as I do it.
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By Demon Vice Commander
Also, for anyone that's interested, I'm working on a template for an accurate GB2 gizmo holster. So far, I've designed a basic template in Photoshop:

The GB2 holsters had a much longer band that bowed out more than the GB1 holsters.

I'll have to make a mock-up first to get the bowing right; it's kind of hard to illustrate in a 2-D, front view drawing. The belt slats are drawn at 3", which isn't accurate, but looks much better than trying to stuff the oversized belts into smaller slats, as seen on the screen-used belts.

Here is the template overlaid with a photo of the Aykroyd belt that toured the country a few years ago (along with a uniform and GB2 stunt pack).

Here I've added the GB2 board template for size comparison. The placement of the rivets for the band is rough at best...

Any thoughts or critique are welcome!
By txteva
Demon Vice Commander wrote:Thank you for the kind words on my GB2 gizmo. Even though it's not as realistic as a Sanyo circuit board, it makes for a fun detail on a GB2 belt configuration. You should definitely post some photos of your build - I'd love to see it.
Well I'm making a start - if you are interested you can keep up to date on the UKGB forums here. Thanks for your pics - they've been a help so far.
By Matt Campbell
I've got a couple of questions.

1) Is the template on your Deviant Art page 1:1, or do I have to adjust the size before printing?
2) What did you use for the raised part of the gizmo where the nixies sit?
Matt Campbell wrote: 1) Is the template on your Deviant Art page 1:1, or do I have to adjust the size before printing?
The downloadable template is 1:1 as a 4x6 image.
Matt Campbell wrote: 2) What did you use for the raised part of the gizmo where the nixies sit?
For the nixie shelf, I used a combination of 0.5" foam core and the corner of a DVD case. However, it seems that the screen-used boards didn't even have shelves - the tubes pretty much sat right on the surface. Of course, the shelf helps add a little more dimension to what is pretty much a fake-looking facsimile of a circuit board.
By Matt Campbell
Ok, thanks!
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By CPU64

And I just finished fobs for my belt. I just couldn't find the correct "key chains" so I used whatever ACE had.

Your stuff looks great!
Over the past two years, I've gotten a lot of questions about my GB2 belt, so I decided to take a few new photos of it. After several modifications and futzing over the exact configuration, I've finally found a set-up that I feel is both aesthetically pleasing and distributes the weight of all the gear I feel obligated to carry about my person.

I'd love to add a trap holster to the belt someday, but would have to sacrifice a few fobs in order to fit it on the belt. It's not like I have the waist to actually WEAR a trap, though... :roll:

I recently acquired some screen-accurate snap hooks in order to make a GB2-style leather fob. These fobs, similar to those used in GB1 and fitted for a smaller belt, did not fit the black belts terribly well and scrunched them up pretty badly. I decided to make mine a bit longer in order to accommodate the wider belt.

More junk to carry! Monitor 4 & Sound Meter

As for the GB1 belts that my wife and I use, I dyed some new belts grey and built a new set of key fobs (lower belt).
By Hasford1978
That is a very nice belt DVC, top quality love the gizmo template, I'm wanting to print mine of but haven't had much luck in finding a printer or somebody who has one?
Hey demon, since I met and bought a belt off u ive been in awe with the craftsmanship. Unfortunately due to my own stupidity I broke the buckle. Can u lead me to where I can purchase another one?
Hasford1978 wrote:That is a very nice belt DVC, top quality love the gizmo template, I'm wanting to print mine of but haven't had much luck in finding a printer or somebody who has one?
Just get it printed at any photo print shop as a 4x6. Afterwards, just glue it to a piece of styrene and hit it with some clear spray sealant.

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