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Hot Wheels Elite 1:18 Ecto-1
Door Logos
You will need:
Your Finger Nail
Micro Set ($4 at hobby shops)
2 WET Q-Tips
Bowl of Water
Paper Towel
Comet Soft Cleanser or Car Scratch remover

Remove your old logos w/ your finger nail.

Remove gray outline w/ comet soft cleanser & water (as member filandrius showed us how to)

After you clean the door and dry it off, you can use come car wax on the door to get it nice, shiny, clean, & free of any micro scratches before the new logo goes on. You won’t be able to do this after logo is applied.

Tape off these measurements so that when the decal is wet and coming off paper you can place it in right place:
Measure 5/16" from base of red ban to bottom door line
Passenger Door: 11/16" from finger to rear door line
Passenger Door: 1 & 2/16" from finger to front door line

Driver Door: 13/16" from finger to rear door line
Driver Door: 1" from finger to front door line

First hold decal under water for 5 seconds only
Set on paper towel and count to 15
Put a little Micro Set & water on the door in taped off area(this is a good idea since we can’t clear coat the doors!)
When applying be careful I used minimal clear coat (don't want noticeable edges!) so the decal is very fragile.

And make sure the little hand is just slightly higher than the big hand!

If you need to get any wrinkles or air bubbles out use 2 WET q-tips and be GENTLE.

Don't even look at it until its been 24hrs!

License Plate
What you need:
Metal Tape (provided w/ your order)
Wet Q-Tips
Bowl of Water
Paper Towel

Do not try to remove original tags.

Cut License Plate out of decal sheet so that there's no edges showing.

Cut Metal Tape to size of original tag and tape over them.

Hold decal under water for 5 seconds only
Set on paper towel and count to 15
Put a little water on the Metal Tape & slide License Plate off on to it

Remove air bubbles properly align decal to be straight w/ Wet Q-Tips

Do Not Touch for 24hrs!
Last edited by slaysghosts on June 4th, 2012, 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Arm Patches & Name Badges

Cut the patches out to desired shape and place them in water for 5 seconds and then on a paper towel for about 15 seconds. Then just pick it up and slide it off onto the arm of the figure w/ a damp q-tip in to place. Then use the damp end of the q-tip to kinda push any water bubbles out from underneath the patch or name badge. Let it sit for 24hrs.
Last edited by slaysghosts on June 3rd, 2012, 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Proton Pack Set

The Blue & Red labels with the SHINY METAL are stickers. You need to carefully cut these out w/ a GOOD pair of scissors. Cut them to the right shape and size. Take a GOOD sharp xacto/hobby knife and separate the backing. Once the backing is removed you carefully place the Warning Label in it's appropriate place. The Blue one goes on the Bumper and the red one goes on the Top of the pack.

The Red & Yellow labels w/ black borders are water slide. Cut them to size & shape. Place under water for 5 seconds. Place on paper towel for 15 seconds. Use 1-2 damp Q-tips to slide off and place on Proton Pack. Once in place, DO NOT touch for 24 hrs. Also, be careful not to touch other wet decals while placing on new ones. Maybe do one a day.

After all your stickers and decals are set, you may wish to go over them (at least the edges) w/ a small amount of clear coat. Testors Flat or Gloss is fine. Just use a SMALL amount on a soft brush and go over the edges. This is especially important on the metal stickers. The decals on the metal stickers can peal off if this step is not taken.
Slimeblower Set
Hobby Knife

The Metal "Singer" labels are stickers. Carefully cut them to shape & size. Remove backing w/ hobby knife. Carefully place label on pack w/ knife or finger (I prefer knife).

The Red & Black "Caution" & "No Handle" labels are water slide. Carefully cut them to shape & size. Place under water for 5 seconds. Place on paper towel for 15 seconds. Slide into place on pack w/ wet q-tip. Remove air bubbles w/ q-tips. Do not touch for 24 hrs once in place!

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