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By Shredder565
I've been wondering if the basement will expand to create a bigger containment unit. Even in the first movie, Egon said it was getting crowded in the small one. But, in the latest dev blog, things from RGB are apparently being ignored.

So, does that mean we'll see the original containment as well?
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By JayM
I know this is my edited pic, but I'm too lazy to find the real one. Look on the video screens. I think thats the containment unit.
By Wiggyof9
JayM wrote:I know this is my edited pic, but I'm too lazy to find the real one. Look on the video screens. I think thats the containment unit.
Thats some great photoshop work. Very fitting.

As for the containment unit it's anyone's guess. We have not seen it since the first movie and if the equipment has gone thorugh this many changes I think we can expect the containment unit to have changes as well. I do not expect the giant one from RGB, though it would make sense if they went that way.
By Lionbush
I think it has been mentioned that the containment unit is essentially the same as the one in the first film, just bigger.
By Wiggyof9
Agreed. If nothing else it would make the game stand out more. I may still pick up the Wii version anyway though just because it looks to have enough differences in game play and level layout to warrant playing through. It's too bad the stylized look isn't available as a PC version as I am sure there would be someone making RGB styled custom content. I can;'t wait to see what people come up with for the PC version of the game.

As for the containment unit, it was stated in a blog that the containment unit in the game looks like it has RGB elements, but who knows what the blogger knows about RGB or what they consider to be RGB elements. Unfortunately the Wii containment unit doesn't really prove anything one way or another. As wee can see the equipment looks very different, so who knows. I'm just glad it's in the game.
By Lionbush
I think I'll end up spending an hour just wandering around the firehouse anyway.
By tobiasjenn
Lionbush wrote:I think I'll end up spending an hour just wandering around the firehouse anyway.
i'd prolly spend an hour just sliding down the pole lol!
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By Donkey8012
That's what she said.
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By Donkey8012
I'm not usually one to complain, but those stupid knee pads kill me.
By Wiggyof9
I still don't get why Ray has just the one. Seems they did it just for the sake of being different.

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