Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
Official discussion thread for the Haslab Hasbro Two In the Box!

Here is the 10/27 Hasbro Pulse Premium video. Ghostbusters starts at 1:08:55. The actual presentation starts at 1:11:35.

Summary (copied from Kingpin's post in News)
The Plasma Series Ghost Trap replica has the following features:
•Lights on the front indicator, the battery, and in the interior of the Trap cartridge.
•Removable Trap cartridge.
•Detachable cable connecting the Trap to the pedal.
•Alternative silver side rods, which will have an effect on the Trap's ghost sound effects.
•Volume control via the black knob on the side of the casing.
•Adjustable options via the knobs on the front of the Ghost Trap.
•A hidden button in the handle to activate the replica's display mode.
•A display stand matching the one provided with the Plasma Series Proton Gun and Proton Pack.

The Plasma Series P.K.E. Meter has the following features:
•Light sequences on the arms, screen, and top of the meter in taser mode.
•Moving detection arms which will replica the movement seen in Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II and Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
•Toggle switch to activate the replica's taser mode.
•EMF Meter feature.
•A display stand matching the one provided with the Plasma Series Proton Gun and Proton Pack.

Here are the details we currently know:
Price: $299.99/£299.99/€349.99
Design: Scanned from one of the screen-used props featured in Ghostbusters: Afterlife.
Stretch Goals:

Fully Funded: 10,000 backers reached on October 30, 2023.
The Supernatural Startup Unlocked: 12,000 backers reached on November 3, 2023

1) The Supernatural Startup Unlock
The first stretch goal will include a set of blueprint drawings of the P.K.E. Meter and Ghost Trap; stickers for Camp Waconda, Ray's Occult Books, World of the Psychic, and Stay Puft Marshmallows; a replica 1984 uniform logo patch, and a deck of Ray's Occult-branded Zener cards.
-12,000 Backers.

2) The Secure Receptacle Ghost Trap Unlock
The second stretch goal will include a belt holster for the Ghost Trap, and an exclusive HasLab Ghostbusters logo patch.
-15,000 Backers.

3) The Psychokinetic Energy Detection Unlock
The third stretch goal will include a belt holster for the P.K.E. Meter, and a no-mini puft logo patch.
-18,000 Backers.

Those interested in pledging support to the campaign will have until 11:59pm Eastern Time on December 11th, 2023 to do so. The project requires 10,000 backers minimum to be greenlit for production.

If successful, the replicas are expected to ship late Fall 2024.

-Official page for backing. ... -k-e-meter
-Subreddit Q&A with Emily from Hasbro ... utm_term=1
Xajacity liked this

Leaving this here as well as in the Firehouse thread. FYI, you don't (shouldn't?) need to be a Hasbro Pulse premium member to watch the stream. Sometimes Hasbro can be confusing if this is for members only or not, but I think this is just relevant for the different preorder slots. If i'm wrong the link to the video gets shared quickly usually.
deadderek liked this
We're getting a Haslab of the Trap & PKE. The bundle will be $300. Oh HELL yeah.
CaptainAssholay, Kingpin, SpaceBallz and 1 others liked this
deadderek wrote: October 27th, 2023, 11:10 am We're getting a Haslab of the Trap & PKE. The bundle will be $300. Oh HELL yeah.
cool. Man I hope it has some sort of functionality with the pack. Some interaction somehow? I duno how thatd work

I thought for sure they do a remote controlled trap like the movie.

So this will like the proton pack where it has to meet order requirements before entering production?

I duno. I have a Matty PKE meter that I like. But that Trap looks pretty spiffy.

I do wish they’d partner up with a Polaroid company and do some Ecto goggles like in GBA. Those would sell like hotcakes. Put a blu tooth wireless chip in. Have it connect to your iPhone.

Make a legit pair of Ecto goggles that can track motion, do night vision, IR. It would cost a pretty penny but that’d be like a legit working pair of Ectogoggles. Minus the ghost part

It would be cool if the PKE meter could actually catch signals of some kind. Like a wifi or FM radio signal. I know I’m living in fantasy land but that would be neat. It’s a functional PKe meter that doesn’t measure ghost activity but can measure wifi signal intensity or radio signal strength. Just to give it some functionality. God I wish I was smart enough to be an engineer cause I’m sure that could be done. But Hasbro wouldn’t make it into a 300 dollar collectible.

Has anyone heard of Hacksmith? I keep hoping they tackle something Ghostbusters related. Obviously a proton pack is out of the question but then again, I would’ve said so is a lightsaber… but they made one. They made a working Aliens Power lifter Suit. An Iron Man helmet with HUD, a back to the future 2 hoverboard that actually hovers. They made Spider-Man web shooters that work. Pretty crazy stuff. But I’m hoping for some sort of proton pack that’s just like an amiable Tesla coil gun
The wheels on that trap look a little high...or is that how it was in Afterlife? The PKE is definitly the Afterlife upgrades. theres more shots on facebook one stretch goal for the PKE is that it can actually react to EMF. And it has taser mode.
Last edited by Talyn on October 27th, 2023, 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
One time liked this
Talyn wrote: October 27th, 2023, 12:02 pm The wheels on that trap look a little high...or is that how it was in Afterlife? The PKE is definitly the Afterlife upgrades. theres more shots on facebook one stretch goal for the PKE is that it can actually react to EMF. And it has taser mode.
Where on facebook are these pictures? I looked at the Hasbro Pulse fb page and didn't see anything.
Looks like you'll be able to move the relay to the rear of that box like it is in Afterlife. I'll have to look again, but I think the stock trap had oversized wheels... though, let's be honest, if that's the only inaccuracy, that's a simple fix.
Alphagaia wrote: October 27th, 2023, 1:29 pm I need to know one thing.

Is Zavvi going to handle the European distribution again?
No, by now Hasbro Pulse is available EU wide so that's your way to get it. At 350€. Plus 5€ shipping if you're not a premium member (but you can get a code for free shipping by subscribing to their newsletter).

Should be live at 10pm.
#4987012 ... -k-e-meter

The arms on the PKE look a little fat...but the fact that it can also do the taser mode kind of makes up for it.

Also cool that the section on the top of the body lights up
Last edited by Talyn on October 27th, 2023, 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Talyn wrote: October 27th, 2023, 2:01 pm ... -k-e-meter
Thank you so much for the link. I didn't get it via e-mail yet (as a Haslab member)

Let's go and get this backed ASAP! We can do it!
Backed two. Very disappointed it's a Haslab. I mean, Afterlife came out in 2021, they are based on the Afterlife versions but will ship Dec 2024. Ouch. But...they look great. And now that the features of both are listed on the site, that looks promising. Especially curious about the trap and it's changeable modes between GB1, GB2 and Afterlife.
I'm definitely ordering two. Depending on funds in early Dec., might spring for a third. It does worry me a little that we need 18,000 backers for all three stretch goal unlocks. I think when it was all said and done, the proton pack had a little over 19,000. So it might be cutting it really close.
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