The latest updates to the Ghostbusters Fans site.
By GBFans
We're bringing you the latest updates to the Shop. We've had a lot changes in the past week and wanted to let you know!

Here are the newest products, and products that have recently come back in stock:

Pack: Hasbro Proton Pack USB Power - Pre-Order!- Expected Mar. 8th 2023


Goggles: Rubber Strap for Battery Cover - In Stock!


Pack: Amplified Sound Board - Pre-Order!- Expected May. 31st 2023


Pack: Clippard R-331 - In Stock!


Pack: Metal Bellows - In Stock!


Uniform: Leather Keychain Fob (Style 3) - In Stock!


Uniform: Leather Keychain Fob (Style 2) - In Stock!


Pack: Proton Gun Aluminum Side Knob - In Stock!


Pack: Proton Gun Aluminum Top Knob - In Stock!


Uniform: Leather Keychain Fob (Style 1) - In Stock!


If there are any items you need specifically, or want to be notified about, please add products to your wishlist. The wishlist can be found here:

You can also reply here with any questions!
Kingpin liked this
Crashoveride74 wrote: March 20th, 2023, 2:33 pm They stated they won't be making anymore of the out of stock GBFans cyclotron/power cell light boards, but will replace it with a new board with Afterlife additions.
I actually noticed they restocked some on wednesday, I had to wait 2 days until I got paid, and by then it was out of stock again
tobycj wrote: March 21st, 2023, 6:04 am I see the green wand tubing has changed colour quite significantly. Is this permanent, or a temporary supply issue?
The manufacturer changed their color formula. We're looking for a new supplier.
tobycj liked this
AJ Quick wrote: March 28th, 2023, 5:38 pm
tobycj wrote: March 21st, 2023, 6:04 am I see the green wand tubing has changed colour quite significantly. Is this permanent, or a temporary supply issue?
The manufacturer changed their color formula. We're looking for a new supplier.
Bastards! The old stuff was great :(
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