I been following the updates and made a few changes to my pack based on what I'd seen here.
The silver on the tiny copper connecting around the clippard was one thing. I went gold for some of the connectors (like the HGA and hydrogen gas tube connectors).

I'd kinda like to change the diffusers on the cyclotron next to make them a bit darker next. I'm not sure if I want to modify the powercell's blue or not though.

So good work and I look forward to seeing what you do next.
kahuna900 liked this
Ha, I had one of those sideways screwdriver things and it was still way too difficult to get to the one screw in the back with my big ol' hands. I ended up grabbing one of these off amazon which made the process much more easy. I can't believe I didn't have one of these in my tool chest, they are extremely handy.


I just replaced all the fake electrical tape on the hoses on the pack and then weathered them. My wife thinks I'm so silly because the pack looks exactly the same to her after the mod, but I know it's not. :)
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By kahuna900
I did do a bit of tweaking to the cyclotron cover. Picked up a ribbon cable from MiscHobbyParts. Rory is so awesome and is always eager and available to listen to my wants and needs. :)

I also did some light weathering with my brass, gold (for the screw heads) and silver metallic markers. Weathered up the ribbon cable with a mixture of black paint and a smidge of thinner.

I finally picked up the final piece of the puzzle.

tobycj hooked me up with these awesome film accurate v-hook wand mounts. They fit a little tight but I was able to get these on the stock mounting points with just the right amount of wiggle needed to slide them on. The mounting screws could be a little longer but the seem to be just long enough to hold the stock washer and nut. It is so much easier to mount and retrieve the wand with these new v-hooks over the stock setup. Thanks tobycj for helping me finish off the pack with this awesome mod.
ccv66, KingTorg, tobycj and 1 others liked this
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By KingTorg
Question for you...
In that latest picture, I see you found a bolt and washer to fit the empty screw hole next to the v-block. Do you remember what gauge bolt you used? I want to add one there myself but I haven't taken the time to try to figure out what size will fit it.

Last edited by KingTorg on April 19th, 2023, 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By KingTorg
kahuna900 wrote: March 30th, 2023, 9:32 amI just replaced all the fake electrical tape on the hoses on the pack and then weathered them. My wife thinks I'm so silly because the pack looks exactly the same to her after the mod, but I know it's not. :)
My wife is the same way. If I try to explain to her the mods I'm doing/have done, she just looks at me with a dead stare and says, "If you say so. I don't see a difference." But we do. WE know the difference. :cool:
kahuna900, Arch27 liked this
KingTorg wrote: April 19th, 2023, 5:13 pm Question for you...
In that latest picture, I see you found a bolt and washer to fit the empty screw hole next to the v-block. Do you remember what gauge bolt you used? I want to add one there myself but I haven't taken the time to try to figure out what size will fit it.


Check out this post where I mention the two sizes of screws and washer that I used.

https://gbfans.com/forum/viewtopic.php? ... 9#p4977949
KingTorg liked this
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By kahuna900
Danman21 wrote: December 7th, 2023, 3:48 am Did you mod the bumper? It seems to be sitting more flush to the cyclotron. The Haslab pack is far out from it. Not screen accurate

I haven't modded the bumper other than changing the screws on each side.
By Ryusui
What an awesome thread. Thank you for documenting all your amazing work for us to see and reference.

Question: maybe I missed it as I have not been around the GB community for a hot minute, but how did you get the hose shroud to flex so nicely? Mine is just ridiculously stiff and even trying to bend it doesn't do anything as it just straightens back out.
kahuna900 liked this
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By kahuna900
It's actually still pretty stiff, but I use an old wire hanger, cut and doubled up, and then slid in-between the hose and the shroud until I could no longer see it. Then I bent the shroud to my liking. :)
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