By prestonkay
How do i get the gun barrel part of the neutrino wand to extend like in the films? Servos or a spring? What do i keed and how would i do it?
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By trekgod3
Need a little more info to go on. What wand are you talking about? The Hasbro wand? The Mattel ? A 3d printed one? One your planing on building from scratch?
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By Kingpin
prestonkay wrote: March 26th, 2023, 8:45 pm How do i get the gun barrel part of the neutrino wand to extend like in the films? Servos or a spring? What do i keed and how would i do it?
In the first film it was a fairly simple spring-release mechanism, I'm not sure what they used for Afterlife. Some people have replicated this, while others have gone for more elaborate designs, like the one jonogunn has linked to.
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By tobycj
Kingpin wrote: March 31st, 2023, 2:43 pm
prestonkay wrote: March 26th, 2023, 8:45 pm How do i get the gun barrel part of the neutrino wand to extend like in the films? Servos or a spring? What do i keed and how would i do it?
In the first film it was a fairly simple spring-release mechanism, I'm not sure what they used for Afterlife. Some people have replicated this, while others have gone for more elaborate designs, like the one jonogunn has linked to.
I'd assume a Freekygeeky made them they used his mechanism?
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By Pseudodonn7
I bought a Nickatron pack back in 2009.

The mechanism in that wand is a simple manual pully system. Push down, extends, push up retracts. I've been trying to replicate it but to no avail. I refuse to dismantle the old pack completely to figure out how it is rigged. But here is the jist from just what I know.

It won't extend as much as the pop spring method but it can retrieve the barrel back into slot instead of having to push it back from the barrel at the top, as I've seen some pop spring mechanisms. Obviously I prefer this one. Not saying it's superior, it's just my personal preference. Even if it's not film accurate, it's still practical in my opinion.



It won't extend as much as the pop spring method but it can retrieve the barrel back into slot instead of having to push it back from the barrel at the top, as I've seen some pop spring mechanisms. Obviously I prefer this one. Not saying it's superior, it's just my personal preference. Even if it's not film accurate, it's still practical in my opinion.

I haven't completely gotten it to work yet, but the theory is sound. I just need to figure out a way to rig it to the acrylic rod, and I'm in business. I still need to figure out length of the rod, and other things as well, but so far so good... it looks like the old pack's original mechanism.

I made a... I guess a tri-coupler? (black triangle thingy) which fits the wire perfectly. It could bump the base of the wand a bit, and I still am unsure how it'll work with the electronics.. but baby steps.

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