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By StayPuftsHat
Everyone all the way from bury north west england .although I’m Originally from Liverpool but moved here to bury 11 years ago.huge ghostbusters fan from the age of 5,and I’m still hooked.I’m currently looking at purchasing my first ever proton pack together I’m doing a lot of research online at the moment about it.if anyone has any tips let me know.I put my own ghostbusters suit together last year and I want to build on it and make it better.I have the boiler suit not movie accurate but it’s still cool I got it from Amazon then got my ghostbusters patches and name badge from Etsy,I purchased the ghostbusters belt and key fobs from a prop store which are very movie accurate.so if there’s anyone from the north west give us a shout or if you have any tips please let me know.
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By GaudinosWheels
StayPuftsHat wrote: April 29th, 2023, 7:07 pm Hi
Everyone all the way from bury north west england .although I’m Originally from Liverpool but moved here to bury 11 years ago.huge ghostbusters fan from the age of 5,and I’m still hooked.I’m currently looking at purchasing my first ever proton pack together I’m doing a lot of research online at the moment about it.if anyone has any tips let me know.I put my own ghostbusters suit together last year and I want to build on it and make it better.I have the boiler suit not movie accurate but it’s still cool I got it from Amazon then got my ghostbusters patches and name badge from Etsy,I purchased the ghostbusters belt and key fobs from a prop store which are very movie accurate.so if there’s anyone from the north west give us a shout or if you have any tips please let me know.
Welcome - from Middleton, England 😂
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By Mercifull
StayPuftsHat wrote: May 7th, 2023, 4:40 pm Thanks kingpin do you have any recommendations where to buy a proton pack with Alice frame from
What’s your budget? Do you want full size, hyper accuracy etc. There’s a few options for Brits…

1. The ~80% scale Spirit pack. Plenty of these around especially now they released a larger 1:1 pack. Easy to mod, wand is very small though so you’d probably want to upgrade that to either a repainted Hasbro “mod” wand, a 3D printed wand or a Spengler wand.

2. The 1:1 scale Spirit pack… I’ll be honest we’re not likely to see any of these this side of the pond any time soon.

3. The HasLabs proton pack. If you don’t mind paying over the original retail price then it’s a fantastic product out the box. They were a limited production run though and you will not be able to buy new (unless zavvi find anymore in the back of a warehouse). Doesn’t come with a wand so you’ll need a Spengler wand (still on sale).

4. 3D printed. Use the files for v4 of the “q-pack”. Be prepared to wait hours and hours for some parts to print with many more hours filling and sanding.

5. Kit build. Ben of Kent for example, also Epic Props and a few others. Several uk workshops sell kits made from resin cast or fibreglass parts.

6. Premade by someone else like Blind Wolf. Expensive… very. But probably the only way if you don’t want to do anything yourself.

7. Make your own out of foam, cardboard etc. there are some fairly details (although not screen accurate by todays standards) plans on the gbfans wiki. Here’s a photo of mine.

8. Make one out of junk… like literal junk. Stick a middle finger to the gate keeping elitists. It’s still a proton pack to me!
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