Write a quick introduction to introduce yourself.
It was about 25 degrees outside with a chance of rain. It actually was snowing during part of the parade.
I'm personally not willing to risk one of my Proton Packs when surrounded by a group of people who have been drinking since Friday.
ImageSome of the other Ghostbusters marching had packs on, but I chose not to wear one.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using a hacked pirate satellite in a decaying orbit
Nickle City Con Buffalo, New York
ImageImageImageImageImageImageTony Stank?Image Then... stuff got weird.
ImageImageJedi Mind Rick?Image

Remeber to have fun out there kids! I met some "official guy" over the weekend and he seemed like he just needed a good laxative! :mrgreen:

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using a hacked pirate satellite in a decaying orbit
I must be doing something right. I had some "Official" Double D dislike a bunch of my posts.
These posts only show me out and about in costume. Nothing more.
If you dislike what I do but still watch me, you're probably wishing you could be out doing what I'm doing...
Or you're just bored and need a good laxitive. 8) Keep watching that gate buddy! I'm not stopping anytime soon!
Proudly doing my own thing since 1966 and beyond... I'm having fun, are you?

This is awesome, great work!

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