For those crazy guys in Europe.. Great Britian, United Kingdom, England... etc.
By Tinus
Does a Belgian who is living in Holland count??
Writing a story about GBI branch in Belgium.

I'll put it up here when im finished.
By BarbarianJ
Het lijkt erop dat je me al eerder gevonden had dan ik in deze thread kon antwoorden, Kenny ... :)

By Terror cats
I'm Flemish and life at the Belgian coast. We speak french AND dutch (and also german but we dont like germans) (caus of the war).

Great to be here and hope i can add some cool stuff here.

Groeten uit Belgie
NDD liked this
By Terror cats
Durden wrote:Howdy!

Since I didn't find a thread for my country, I feel like I should ask.

Anyone from Belgium? Or am I the only one?
No youre not, one more over here !
By Przem82
I live in Belgium at the moment. Recent GB toy collector fan. With the help of Terror Cats hope to have complete collection of basic figures and firehouse,
By Jin
hello iedereen, ik ben zeer laaaat, enkele jaartjes, maar hier ben ik namelijk kei-newbie! XD ik kwam eens kijken aangezien ik een Pack aan het bouwen ben. En ook daar zeeeeer newb, ik kan best wel what hulp gebruiken vandaar! en natuurlijk ook leuk om fellow belgian ghostbusters te ontmoeten! anyway weer nen belg derbij!! grtz uit de Kempen!
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By xelvis1976
Hi guys, i'm a GB fan from BRUSSELS.
I'm speaking french.

I'm currently building a GB proton pack ad uniform. I want to wear it at convention.

DO you guys cosplay too?
We should meet :cool:

I'm from westflanders and quite the newbie, looking for costumes and ready to build a pack :D
I'm curious .. is there a belgian chapter for Ghostheads?
By Propsken
2020 thread necro time!

Name's Wim, I'm an East- Flemish GB fan; recently started collecting my gear.
The only Belgian fangroup I could find are the previously-mentioned ones on Facebook, but they seem to mainly French-speakers.
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By Rasponov
OI! beetje laat maar nog een Belg hier (For the time being), Oost-Vlaming. Altijd leuk om nog Belgen te vinden.

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