The Future Is Now.
June 8, 2021 marks thirty-seven years since opening of the movie
Ghostbusters, the singular event from which two cartoon series, numerous comic books, two more movies (with a third already in the can and ready to be released as soon as it's safe to do so), as well as various web sites like this one sprang.
But for the Ectozone in particular, June 8, 2021 means the future has arrived.
Back in 2003 I wrote the fan fic
Future Shocks, set not long after the RGB episode "Robo-Buster" and having a time-travel element which I used to introduce the Ghostbusters of the far-off year of 2023. In hindsight, it was basically my "mission statement"--a lot of the stories I've written since then showed just how the Ectozone universe/timeline 8932 unfolded to lead to that future. A few years later, I began the origin story of the 2023 Ghostbusters,
The Eye of Aretpo. The majority of which took place on June 8, 2021.
So yeah, like I said, the Future Is Now.
With this in mind, earlier this year I took a look at some of the existing material on the 202X team, and did some light editing and overhauling of it, not to mention fixing some bugs in the rendering of some puncutation marks that had somehow cropped up over the years. Nothing major, just little references that dated back from times before the timeline had fully gelled into it's more-or-less "final" form. The main ones are the aforementioned "Future Shocks" and "Eye of Aretpo", with the important
Gemini Rising also seeing a few nips and tucks (and I actually fought off the temptation to do more, particularly to that one).
Along with that, the
Ghostbusters New York profile pages have been updated. The status of the members of Team Extreme and the 202X characters has been updated, and along with that pages for
Marie Lupin and
TJ Anderson have been added.
I contacted Kingpin recently, asking him for permission to host a story of his on this site. That story, which features the 2023 team, is now available here:
Extreme Ghostbusters: Separated At Rebirth, Part One September 2003--Timeline Year Twenty-One
20 years have passed and the Ghostbusters are about ready to celebrate the company's big 20. However, an old enemy from the past is sure to throw a spanner in the works... Guess Who's Back?
Extreme Ghostbusters: Separated At Rebirth, Part Two September 2003--Timeline Year Twenty-One
The original Ghostbusters and the Extreme Ghostbusters are up against the wall. What surprising, and strangely familiar, group of Ghostbusters will they call upon for help?
But that's not all!!!
When I started the update process, I found myself inspired. We know all about the history of the Spengler Twins and Eric Stantz, and quite a lot of the history that brought Marie Lupin into maybe, I thought, it would be a great time to put a slight bit of spotlight to the background of the 202X team's most mysterious member:
Ghostbusters 2021: Born To The Purple June 2021--Timeline Year Thirty-Nine
Five days ago, Scotland Yard Occult Crimes Unit Detective Inspector Tessa Jane Anderson arrived in New York on an investigation of a mysterious death by zombies. She soon found herself facing the attempted return of a dark god, at the side of three second generation Ghostbusters and the daughter of a werewolf. They saved the world. Now, Inspector Anderson returns to her London longer quite as certain where she is meant to be.
And I'm already at work on another 202X story, which among other things will wrap up one little dangling reference going all the way back to "Future Shocks". I hope I'll have it ready soon.
I hope you'll give it all a look.
And thank you as always for sticking with me.