By JohnDoe1211
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the smaller black box on the slime blower thrower had any lights. Slimer7's plans suggest that there is a yellow and red light built in but I cant clearly see them in reference photos. Thanks for the help..
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By Zack
Slimer7's plans are the ones I used, they were great at the time(no offense to Slimer7 by any means because they broke ground at the time and opened doors as he was the first to really tackle the Slime Blower the best way at the time IMO) but many discoveries have been made since then and parts found... this photo was made available after those plans revealing the square box and flat lights as well as the longer rectangular box that was nearly impossible to see through most of the film.


this is from nick-a-tron's build

the black box was discovered to be square rather than the rectangular project box initially's a topic showing that box ... 31&t=31638

all that said I think Slimer7's plans are still great just look at some recent topics as there are a LOT of discoveries about parts that were made!
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By PukieDoug
Late to the party by 10 years but I handled one of the 89 slime guns
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did anyone source the black covers? I’m making a copy as have lots of pics I took.
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Thanks for any help
Last edited by Kingpin on December 11th, 2023, 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.Reason: Added spoiler tags
By tobycj
PukieDoug wrote: December 10th, 2023, 10:00 am Late to the party by 10 years but I handled one of the 89 slime guns
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did anyone source the black covers? I’m making a copy as have lots of pics I took.
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Thanks for any help
Any idea if it was definitely the original prop? I heard anecdotally that it wasn't, and was one of Karnivorous Creations' slime blowers. Are you allowed to share the pics you took yet?
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By Kingpin
As users who are trying to avoid spoilers for the new film may visit this topic to take part in the Slime Blower discussion... could we make sure to apply spoiler tags to any discussion of the
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until we're a good month or two after the film's release.
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By PukieDoug
tobycj wrote: December 11th, 2023, 3:08 am
PukieDoug wrote: December 10th, 2023, 10:00 am Late to the party by 10 years but I handled one of the 89 slime guns
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did anyone source the black covers? I’m making a copy as have lots of pics I took.
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Thanks for any help
Any idea if it was definitely the original prop? I heard anecdotally that it wasn't, and was one of Karnivorous Creations' slime blowers. Are you allowed to share the pics you took yet?
Yes we had one from Sony that was an 89 screen used one and
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Last edited by Kingpin on December 13th, 2023, 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.Reason: Added spoiler tags
tobycj liked this
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By Kingpin
PukieDoug wrote: December 13th, 2023, 12:17 pm King in. I am in Buckinghamshire too. I tried to PM you did you get it? I worked on Firehouse ( frozen empire)
Was that through the forum here, or on Facebook?
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By Kingpin
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