This is for other Ghostbusters Props that don't fit into the categories above.
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By Psycho Werekitsune
I'm sure a lot of you are aware that the video game's version of the Lifegard was redesigned so it wouldn't infringe on any copyrights, and I honestly think the redesign is so much cooler and fits with the rest of the 'busters' gear's aesthetic.


I was just curious about whether anyone out there has tried recreating it? I've scoured Etsy and other resources, but all I seem to find are either 3D printed versions of the original Lifegard II, or the files to do so. Curious as to why people haven't taken a more active interest in trying to recreate this or, if they have, where I can score one. :D
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By prodestrian
Aside from the holster and the greeblies, what's different about the LifeGard itself? It looks like a low res version of the original but with the top knob painted black, then a random circuit board attached to the front, some extra wires, and stored in a leather holster.

I'm wondering if you could just print the original and modify it to match the video game. For the circuit board you could probably rip something out of an old electronics appliance and cut it to size.
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By Psycho Werekitsune
I suppose you could, but even at that, it's still weird no one's selling that as is considering the variety of belt gizmos you can find online .

(Also, I'm lazy an would rather someone with better crafting skills do the job. :P)
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By CelestialChoc
Chris Hunt in the Facebook Group 3D Printed Ghostbusters props provided a file for the lifegard chip if you have a printer handy to make one otherwise I could honestly suggest painting up and adding wires to some foam like stunt gizmos
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By Psycho Werekitsune
CelestialChoc wrote: April 19th, 2024, 7:46 pm Chris Hunt in the Facebook Group 3D Printed Ghostbusters props provided a file for the lifegard chip if you have a printer handy to make one otherwise I could honestly suggest painting up and adding wires to some foam like stunt gizmos
No printer here, I'm afraid, that's why it'd be easier for me to just buy one ready made. :P

I do see Chris Hunt does make replica Lifegards on his Etsy (DragonWorkshop, assuming it's the same guy), but it's the standard one from the second film and not the jacked up video game version.
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By DerGrundel
I'm sorry, but wouldn't be able to. I was only able to do this one because I had free time during the pandemic. If you have questions along your own build process I'm happy to answer them though.
Would you be able to put together a guide and/or a list of parts and post it here? Probably could be handy for anyone who might be interested in making one. Yours is identical to the one from the game, so it'd be pretty definitive!
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By DerGrundel
I'm sorry, I forgot, too.

Here are some pics I just took of the Lifegard out of its holster.




This started life as a Lifegard IV, but since the board hides the logo I figured it wouldn't matter. I drilled and dremeled the holes so it matched the one on screen. The board was a piece of styrene painted green with some silver puffy paint for lead lines and miscellaneous resistors, capacitors, and whatever else i could find glued on. Once I was happy with the board I pop-riveted it to the lifegard.

The blinking LED was bought stock on eBay and I built the housing for it from a small section of clear acrylic tube and two half round pearls from the craft store that I painted silver. The red and black wires are practical for routing power to a coin cell battery in the battery box of the Lifegard. After that I removed the knob from the top of the lifegard, painted it black and glued on the pin connector and ribbon cable.

I'm afraid I don't have a pattern for the holster, I was cutting the leather to fit on the fly. But it is a similar pattern to an MT500 holster.

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.
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