For users in Canada. Eh?
By jessejames51
i posted a reply in the uniforms thread, but i thought i would post one here too just to be sure that as many canadian gb's as possible know...., a supplier of the judo century knee pads, are in the process of building a canadian web site to order from and have already in place a warehouse in mississauga, ontario. you can place an order by calling customer service or you can arrange for a local pick-up and avoid shipping charges. there is a price mark-up, 27.99 for a set, but it is a close and convienient option. just thought i'd let you guys know as i have just placed an order for myself. i'm not enodrsing them or saying these are the best pads to get, it's just nice option for canadians to be able to order within canada.
By ScooterinAB
Wow. Thanks a lot. I was just looking at buying some new pads, and all of the posted websites have vague or questionable shipping details (like faxing my credit card).

I'll give Century a call tomorrow to see if I can get some shipped out west.
By RickH
I bought the same ones from their website. They were about $30 AU, so I'm guessing they all originate from the same place. I'm not a very good judge of accuracy, so I can't say whether or not they are the most accurate, but they do look good and wear well.
By jessejames51
i did recieve them within a few days of ordering, i would assume ontario residents would get them faster if not just as fast and they were delivered to my front door. the rep i spoke to on the phone was very nice and gave me an approx shipping time and even explained that i could save shipping fees and pick them up at the warehouse in mississauga if i wanted. they are the same as the ones posted in the uniform forum. the latex logo comes off with little to no damage as long as you take your time and are careful. now to dye them! mtl comiccon comming up!
By jessejames51
well my pads are done. the only fabric dye i could find around my area was dylon and wasn't really made for synthetic fabrics, so my pads turned blue. what i did was bought, dupli-color vinyl and fabric paint from candian tire, 8.99 a can i think and sprayed them with that, turned out awesome. what do you think?
By ScooterinAB
I just got mine in the other day (finally got around to ordering them). I'm glad I could get the locally/ish, but I'm not pleased that they charged me 3 times the shipping that was quoted on the website. The website said they only take money orders, so I had to phone in.

I've already cut and sewn them up (learning bits from my last pads). They are actually quite loose. It should be a pleasure to wear them, considering my old ones would start making my hands a little numb.

I'm going to run over to Canadian Tire tonight or on Sunday. Which fabric paint did you use?
By jessejames51
sorry for the late reply!! i used dupli color fabric and vinyl. i put the pads over 2 litre soda bottles full water, to stretch them out, and that way you can paint the whole pad at once and evenly. the more you put on, the darker they get. for my pads, i also put black paint of the same brand and type in the creases of the bubbles. i used a q tip for that. hope this helps.
By ScooterinAB
Thanks a bunch. I was tired on Friday, and didn't head over to Canadian Tire. I'm glad I waited.

I'll post to victory shots maybe tonight after work (if I can get the paint).
By Silvertek
Hey, sorry to bump an old thread but I just thought I'd update this. The Canadian site is no longer functional but I ordered a pair yesterday and picked them up this afternoon in Mississauga. Not bad for less than a 24 hour turnaround. They were a but pricey, but I was panning on using the ones from Sportcheck, but they no longer carry them in store. Their online store takes 2 weeks shipping so I went with Century. They're looking good so far.

Just as an FYI heating the logo with an iron and a piece of paper between them melted the logo to paper and pulled right off.

Overall a good experience.
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By tilallr1
So I have these pads and I got the labels off pretty easily. Now I am ready to modify and dye.

Any dying options over fabric paint in the GTA? I would like to also add the GB1 black stretch patch, on the inside, any recommendations on that component?

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