For those crazy guys in Europe.. Great Britian, United Kingdom, England... etc.
Cross The Streams aims to bring Ghostbusters fans of all kinds from across the UK (and beyond!), together in one place a couple of times a year.

Whether you're a Ghostbuster or ghost, Key Master or Gate Keeper or even just yourself, come and meet like-minded people, make new friends and above all, enjoy our fandom together in this amazing community.

After the success of having around 100 'busters at the first Cross The Streams we're back at MCM Birmingham at the NEC Birmingham on 30 November 2024, and hoping to smash that number. Be there, or be a Peck!
Nighty80, alphabeta001 liked this
I hope you all have a really great time. I was so looking forward to seeing some of the other busters in the more creative side (props builders and suppliers etc) of things but a change of work circumstances means I'm unable to get away that weekend. I really wanted to show off "Britain's best RTV" as well :(

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    Took the RTV for a spin at Yeovil Railway Centre t[…]

    I have a red one and as far as I can tell they're […]