By Bison256
Hello, I'm thinking of buying a spirit ghost trap soon. I am wondering what updates there are. I've seen the cosmetic kits to update the ghost trap to look much closer to the movies. I've also seen various kits to build a pedal but are there any kits or guides to wire up the trap and pedal so the pedal opens the trap? Lights and sounds would be a nice bonus, but not really needed.
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By hawkbatsquadron
There are some cosmetic modifications you can make that make the trap look much better. Switch, light and wheel upgrade kits are available.ImageImageThe addition of a metal fitting and better stickers is an easy mod, as seen here on a $15 Target belt hanger trap.Image

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using a hacked pirate satellite in a decaying orbit

    I was mistaken, and the trap is the Walmart trap, […]

    Another pedal build

    we are just about finished with ours. check out th[…]


    I have the new 1 but with only one speaker

    Greetings from the Greek Ghostbusters We’d […]