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By LM_Productions
Ever wanted to make a remix of the Ghostbusters theme like Bustin' by Neil Cicierega ? Well now you can! Extracted from the original record of the theme, there are 8 tracks for you to play with!
In fact, I'm making a midi by listening to each of the tracks.
These are the tracks:
  • Bass Drum (Drum1_layer)
  • Snare Drum (Drum2_layer)
  • Hihats, Crash Cymbals, Toms (Drum3_Layer)
  • Bass (bass_synth_layer)
  • Electric Guitar (guitars_layer)
  • synthisizer, Horns, Sound effects (synths+fx_layer)
  • Lead Vocals, Chorus (vox+choir_layer)
Download the tracks here!
NotSabbat liked this
By Kenten
I mean, I'm showing up over 5 years later, and these are amazing. Thank you for making these available! (yes, I just saw the 'Bustin' video and came searching for stems)

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