Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
Nighty80 wrote: December 17th, 2024, 8:09 am UK Update:
Not great... but not terrible :)
I just got this email too. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to get it this side of Christmas until people in America started getting theirs this past week. I'm a little disappointed but oh well, when it gets here it gets here
Nighty80 liked this
zeta otaku wrote: December 17th, 2024, 11:55 am To the UK backers, looks like the trade lanes are currently a hot mess to keep it as simple and politically safe as possible. This isn't Hasbro's fault, just the world is on fire.


A fellow buster tasked me to figure out ways to lighten up the trap a bit. I'll be whipping up 3D printed replicas of the aluminum side panels and the entire rumble motor assembly can be safely removed without affecting the rest of the trap's functionality. I'll also be whipping a rubber trap holster since the one that came with the 2 in the box feels like it weighs a pound and a half by itself.
Thats awesome! Personally I can't wait for replacement plug and play aluminum handles on Etsy. I think these are the #1 Christmas boutique gift item this wonderful prop needs.
Corey91 liked this

Another kind of trap Easter Egg.

The double press of the button under the handle (opening the trap in pedal mode) has a different outcome depending on how long you hold the trap open before pressing the button again.

If you leave it open a short time, in one of the modes (Ghost mode / Trap mode) it won't show the blinking LED. If you hold it open longer it will and it will play a Ghost sound effect.

I forgot which mode. I think Ghost mode.
zeta otaku, prodestrian, ecto1matt and 2 others liked this
gerard55 wrote: December 17th, 2024, 5:12 pm Not received mine yet, bit concerned about people saying the handle feels quite flimsy and should have been metal reinforced, plus a lot of the sounds are apparently very low in volume?
It isn't flimsy. I mean some people have received theirs and all of us love it immensely, it's just that some are kind of examining it in detail and finding things here and there they would mod (that would have skyrocketed the price).

The handle isn't flimsy. But it is a separate piece attached by bolts. The trap is so heavy and robust that the ABS (heavy duty) plastic handle you can feel is somewhat of a separate piece. There is some very minor movement in the handle when you lift the trap.

I would love a full metal plug and play handle as a mod. The trap is just very heavy, and the handle is connected by a small contact patch (because of the design). The handle is heavy duty plastic so there is something to be gained there with a metal mod.

The sounds fall into two categories: sounds we heard in the movies (GB1 beeping with red LEDs after Slimer capture for example) are very loud. Much louder than the Matty trap. While the Haslab added sounds (trap turning on and off) are softer.

It's just what people are considering would be good avenues for mods. If you haven't received yours yet, don't worry. These things are beyond awesome. They will blow you away.
Last edited by One time on December 18th, 2024, 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
kahuna900, Dioxide, gerard55 liked this
I love it, my lifelong childhood dream. Could be louder but doesn't sound too low either. Maybe it's because I don't have too much other sounds in my room. Rumble doesn't seem bad for me either and has a good sound & shake to me. Not being better could just be because the weight of it. The handle seems good to me, especially when you hold the trap at an angle & not straight like it's on the floor. Which like the rumble the weight effects that.

PKE is also awesome to me. The taser is better in person than in videos but won't be using other than to show it to others. The EMF is still the best part for me. Works really well. Although my house has a slight bit of ENF in it because it stays low but not all in the meter. Weird the middle of the dinner table I left it for a few minutes, it went up & down a few times without anything near it. All I can think of at the moment.
ecto1matt wrote: December 17th, 2024, 6:54 pm I love it, my lifelong childhood dream. Could be louder but doesn't sound too low either. Maybe it's because I don't have too much other sounds in my room. Rumble doesn't seem bad for me either and has a good sound & shake to me. Not being better could just be because the weight of it. The handle seems good to me, especially when you hold the trap at an angle & not straight like it's on the floor. Which like the rumble the weight effects that.

PKE is also awesome to me. The taser is better in person than in videos but won't be using other than to show it to others. The EMF is still the best part for me. Works really well. Although my house has a slight bit of ENF in it because it stays low but not all in the meter. Weird the middle of the dinner table I left it for a few minutes, it went up & down a few times without anything near it. All I can think of at the moment.
I agree 100 percent, Matt. These two replicas are better in person than I expected. The trap's ghostly sounds could be louder, but there are over 24 sounds (12 for the GB1 red bars, and 12 for the GB2 silver bars, plus some variations of a few sounds along with bubbling mood slime for the GB2 bars.)

Also, as other have pointed out, the trap is freaking HEAVY. It's got to weigh at least 3 to 4 pounds, minimum.

Add another half pound or so for the steel-backed belt holster (I'm pretty sure it's steel, b/c one of my fridge magnets was attracted to it) for the total weight to be at least or nearly at 5 pounds. If you're going out to events with it, be sure to invest in a pair or two of military pistol belt suspenders.

You can find them in tan, freedom green, and black, online for about $10 to $15. They will keep your pistol belt from falling down. (Obviously!)

My fave of the two isa lso the PKE meter and it's EMF mode. It often works much better than I thought it would.

I had no idea my cellphone, bedroom lamp, and laptop could fully extend the wings.
As for your house, maybe there could be something akin to an electromagnetic field setting off the PKE during an EMF scan over your dining room table. Or just maybe your house is haunted. (joking!)
ecto1matt liked this
ecto1matt wrote: December 17th, 2024, 6:54 pm I love it, my lifelong childhood dream. Could be louder but doesn't sound too low either. Maybe it's because I don't have too much other sounds in my room. Rumble doesn't seem bad for me either and has a good sound & shake to me. Not being better could just be because the weight of it. The handle seems good to me, especially when you hold the trap at an angle & not straight like it's on the floor. Which like the rumble the weight effects that.

PKE is also awesome to me. The taser is better in person than in videos but won't be using other than to show it to others. The EMF is still the best part for me. Works really well. Although my house has a slight bit of ENF in it because it stays low but not all in the meter. Weird the middle of the dinner table I left it for a few minutes, it went up & down a few times without anything near it. All I can think of at the moment.
Are there any outlets, or a hanging ceiling lights? Phones or smart watches left on the table? Even when turned off outlets and appliances still leave a bit of EMF. I try to find a reasonable explanation before putting it in the haunted section.
ecto1matt liked this
I was kind of freaked out (a bit) to be honest. The PKE was spiking continuously in my bedroom.

Like not in a haunted sense obviously but I was thinking what could be causing it.

This simple added functionality adds a whole new realistic dimension to the prop.

Such a brilliant bit of creative product design thinking. Whoever thought of that at Hasbro needs a substantial raise.
Corey91, ecto1matt liked this
Talyn wrote: December 16th, 2024, 11:26 am Mine arrived here in Wisconsin.

Man I knew the PKE was gonna big and chunky, but this thing is realy big in the hand, especially with the taser cover in the way, making it a bit awkward to hold. Compared to the accurately size Matty PKE, I'm really surprised the enlarged it this much. Even taking away the upgrades in Afterlife, the base shape and size are wrong. I guess i can get over it considering it's an overall later model. Love the sounds though.

If you look at the actual prop from Afterlife they are basically the same. Watch the Adam Savage video with Ben Eadie when he was on the set of the movie
gamera1968, ecto1matt liked this
The biggest overlook of Hasbro was the bargraph animation after the trapping sequence (right-to-left), plus the blinking led should turn on AFTER the ghost is captured, not always on like the trap.
But about the bargraph animation on FB a user have it from left-to-right, but no one understand how:

If someone can solve the mystery would be great!
ProtonPack83 wrote: December 16th, 2024, 9:12 pm Finally, I literally have no clue what anything does. The directions are awful and completely generic - sure, I get some knob controls various ghost sound choices, but WHICH ones are they? Why can't they label that setting 1 is Slimer, 2 is a Terror Dog, etc. Why can't they label GB1 and GBII modes? So many of the nuances aren't articulated worth a damn in their literature and after all this wait, it's like they expect us to somehow know or just rely on "figure it out yourself!". This is pretty crappy coming from a company like Hasbro - everything should be laid out in writing and labeled with minutiae. With the NFC stuff, there is nothing mentioned about how to get the trap to interact with the PKE, or if it would with a wand either. How is a customer supposed to even know about these features and HOW to work them? The directions are the most useless words I've read from a professional company.

Now for the good - the tubing and wire they used for the trap is fantastic. I love that it coils easily and still feels robust. They truly chose a great combination here and I commend them highly on that design note. It's also awesome you can slide the inner trap body out just like you were putting it in containment.
I know, the instructions are difficult to read when the type font is nearly visible. Luckily, user Craig from the 'Yes, Have Some' podcast over on the Ghostbusters reddit posted these cheat sheets a while back. I hope this helps, somewhat!

Ghost trap:

PKE meter:

EDIT: I added the GB1 and GB2 notations for the screen animations just for fun.
Low Ionization (indoors use) and High Ionization (outdoors use) labels are canon

kahuna900, DaveLister, Wafflerobot and 1 others liked this
I wish the EMF detection worked better on mine, it seems completely random. I can leave it in the middle of the room and it will start moving randomly, and then if i put it near a computer, it wont react for a while. Seems like just another scripted mode honestly.

Turtuv, i suppose you are right about the shape and dimensions, I didnt realize it was so different from the Matty one, i thought it was originally built off that model but it does look thicker in the tested video,

The Hasbro PKE switch cover is basically pointless the way they designed it. doesnt really cover the switch at all like it should. I wondered if the switch could be swapped out with a real metal one thats more accurate in size, but since they have that toggle basically hooked up mechanically to pull and push the nubs that hold the wings in place, i doubt it.

Original prop:
I have played around with the trap more and the volume is still very low, especially the capture beam sound effect. I am perplexed why it is so low when every other review video seems to have it at a decent volume.

I took a video of it to demonstrate what I am experiencing. It is at max volume and it has fresh batteries as of two days ago.

Is this the norm?

Sorry to be pestering about this. I just want to get a better idea from others (and if it is worth contacting Hasbro over it).
Found some more easter eggs.

On the PKE, if you press the button to manually rase the wings it will overheat. Pretty sure it's the sound effect from frozen empire when the PKE explodes after scanning the orb.

If you press both the up and down buttons all the lights flash. (Not sure what that's a reference to)
Broccoli wrote: December 18th, 2024, 11:29 pm I have played around with the trap more and the volume is still very low, especially the capture beam sound effect. I am perplexed why it is so low when every other review video seems to have it at a decent volume.

I took a video of it to demonstrate what I am experiencing. It is at max volume and it has fresh batteries as of two days ago.

Is this the norm?

Sorry to be pestering about this. I just want to get a better idea from others (and if it is worth contacting Hasbro over it).
That does sound really quiet, I watched a few other videos and they seemed louder. And I'm not talking about someone's unboxing with a professional microphone, the videos were recorded with a phone.

Could be faulty hardware. Maybe the speaker, the sound chip/amplifier, or the volume control. Or just a loose wire somewhere.
If anyone else can confirm that this is unusual it might be worth reaching out to Hasbro Support.

Looks like the volume control is a simple potentiometer mounted to a PCB with 3 wires running back to the main board.

Edit: If the bargraph is showing maximum when you turn the volume knob all the way up, then it's definitely not the volume control causing the problem.
Broccoli wrote: December 18th, 2024, 11:29 pm I have played around with the trap more and the volume is still very low, especially the capture beam sound effect. I am perplexed why it is so low when every other review video seems to have it at a decent volume.

I took a video of it to demonstrate what I am experiencing. It is at max volume and it has fresh batteries as of two days ago.

Is this the norm?

Sorry to be pestering about this. I just want to get a better idea from others (and if it is worth contacting Hasbro over it).
Oh weird.
ecto88mph wrote: December 19th, 2024, 12:35 am Found some more easter eggs.

On the PKE, if you press the button to manually rase the wings it will overheat. Pretty sure it's the sound effect from frozen empire when the PKE explodes after scanning the orb.

If you press both the up and down buttons all the lights flash. (Not sure what that's a reference to)
The second part you mentioned is also a nod to Frozen Empire when the PKE overheats and all of the front LEDs flash. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. ;)
Haslab Ghost trap LED Bargraph Mod:

(Caution, do at your own risk! I am not responsible if something goes wrong, nor is the guy in the video!)

This guy on YouTube shows off all of the Two in the Box features, what every button and knob does plus all of the bonus features and easter eggs.

mrmichaelt, DaveLister, Turtuv and 2 others liked this
prodestrian wrote: December 19th, 2024, 12:37 am That does sound really quiet, I watched a few other videos and they seemed louder. And I'm not talking about someone's unboxing with a professional microphone, the videos were recorded with a phone.

Could be faulty hardware. Maybe the speaker, the sound chip/amplifier, or the volume control. Or just a loose wire somewhere.
If anyone else can confirm that this is unusual it might be worth reaching out to Hasbro Support.
That is what I am hoping to find out. I am leaning towards contacting Hasbro, but I wanted to get more confirmation before I do.
Edit: If the bargraph is showing maximum when you turn the volume knob all the way up, then it's definitely not the volume control causing the problem.
The bar graph is all the way up.
Murdock wrote: December 19th, 2024, 5:24 am Keep in mind the speaker is facing down, so the surface it is on will change how it sounds. So try it on a hard surface and make sure the bar graph is full when you turn the volume up.
True, but the volume is exactly the same on a hard surface.
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