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gerard55 wrote: March 3rd, 2024, 4:26 pm Something I basically only ever noticed tonight (though id guess its been mentioned before), in the Stay Puft reveal scene is Bill Bryan only wearing the head of the costume and a random t shirt? I've never picked up on this before but somehow spotted it tonight.
Yeah, in an interview, Bryan said he only wore the hat for that scene because of the shot they wanted.
This is the first time you see Stay Puft, behind the buildings, the head is all you see except one alley which was deep enough that as I went by because it was—they wanted the buildings and the head in focus, I couldn't wear the suit because it put me too far away so I just wore a T-shirt because of course you're not for going to see it except it's my own little easter egg now because it's a commercial for Michelin Tires.
Around the 37:25 mark:
gerard55 wrote: March 3rd, 2024, 4:26 pm Something I basically only ever noticed tonight (though id guess its been mentioned before), in the Stay Puft reveal scene is Bill Bryan only wearing the head of the costume and a random t shirt? I've never picked up on this before but somehow spotted it tonight.
That's pretty funny, never noticed it before either :lol:
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Most people probably knew these already but I just noticed:

1. When Ray slides down the pole when they are buying the Firehouse, after he says “I’m gonna get my stuff” he goes right back upstairs, to probably have another go on the fire pole. He does go through a door first (the rooms behind the Dana interview area) though.

2. I got the arcade machines joke when they are having Chinese food and Janine rings the bell for their first call. The whole meal they are complaining how poor they are, that it’s the last of the petty cash and to chew their food slowly. Then when the bell rings and you get a wider shot, you can see they bought 3 arcade machines. I never realized that joke before.
robbritton, Corey91 liked this
One time wrote: May 18th, 2024, 6:59 pm Most people probably knew these already but I just noticed:

1. When Ray slides down the pole when they are buying the Firehouse, after he says “I’m gonna get my stuff” he goes right back upstairs, to probably have another go on the fire pole. He does go through a door first (the rooms behind the Dana interview area) though.
I always took it as he was going to get his suit and a bag. I presumed since Egon and Venkman are in suits that Ray had one on prior and then changed at the firehouse (probably to explore the dusty firehouse).
This has probably been covered before, and isn't particularly exciting, but I just now noticed that when they first enter the Sedgewick, just before Venkman says "Hey, anybody see a ghost?!", you can see the hotel manager on the phone at the front desk on the far right of the screen. I always assumed he sort of popped in out of nowhere for comedy purposes, but there we are!

As an aside, it's well worth running that long track of them walking and talking with the manager a few times and concentrating on a different buster each time. Harold Ramis in particular is a quiet masterclass of irritation with Venkman!
This might be a weird take but,

In GB1 when the mayor asks, "ok what do you need from me", and we see the Ghostbusters drive up to 55 CPW escorted by the police and the army.

We see cutscenes of various people of different religions deeply praying , Hebrews, Christians, I believe Muslims and Buddhists.
In fact, all the worlds religions.

That entire shot of the Ghostbusters officially escorted by the army. Arriving amongst all the religions of the world praying together.

It's thematically almost suggesting that, in this dire situation, the essence of these organised world religions pale in significance, to approaching this situation with:

Practicality (Zeddemore)
Positivity and hope (Stantz)
Intelligence and science (Spengler)
and humor and wit (Venkman)

It's almost like those simple human qualities (which everyone has) outweigh the collective strength of all the worlds organised religions.

Such an incredible movie.
edspengler liked this
prodestrian wrote: March 4th, 2024, 10:02 pm
gerard55 wrote: March 3rd, 2024, 4:26 pm Something I basically only ever noticed tonight (though id guess its been mentioned before), in the Stay Puft reveal scene is Bill Bryan only wearing the head of the costume and a random t shirt? I've never picked up on this before but somehow spotted it tonight.
That's pretty funny, never noticed it before either :lol:
Thats going to be tough not too unsee on my next rewatch of GB lol
Oh man I’m never gonna unsee that. Seriously how could they let that through? Ok it’s possible nobody noticed...we didn’t for over 30 years...but why shoot it without being in full costume?

Scene breakers like that really bother me. Obvious equipment or set stuff showing up. Kind of related. I’ve noticed similar things in sitcoms. The first episode of According to Jim is full of cameras blatantly showing up. To the point where it’s weird. Like they’re just living with them. They didn’t care to reshoot anything.

Some later episodes of Drew Carey Show have them too. When it was nearing its end they tried different angles to give his house a more realistic feel but they clearly didn’t bother to do it properly. I get there’s time constraints but what the heck.

ALFs first intro has a set light show up in the kitchen. They must have noticed. I plays every episode. I think they left it in as an Easter egg.

Also when sets have major changes to their construction as if we’re not supposed to notice that a door or a wall is in a different location. It’s bizarre.

Fresh Prince is probably the worst offender but for some reason because it’s entirely different when they change it comes off ok. Someone came up with an explanation that they could just be in a different part of the mansion. Maybeeee....or Uncle Phil had the house completely redesigned haha.
gerard55 wrote: March 3rd, 2024, 4:26 pm
Something I basically only ever noticed tonight (though id guess its been mentioned before), in the Stay Puft reveal scene is Bill Bryan only wearing the head of the costume and a random t shirt?
T-shirt? Yes.

Random? No.

He deliberately chose that t-shirt for his own little Easter Egg.





It's a ringer tee of Bibendum, aka the Michelin Man.


Once you know what you're looking for, you can actually stitch together slivers from four frames of the movie and reassemble Bibendum's face.





When I finally tracked down a correct 1983-era Bibendum ringer tee in 2021 and posted this profile pic to my Facebook page wearing it and a Stay-Puft costume head, William Bryan saw it and commented, "Ok. You win."

tobycj, pmcbryde, Ecto-1 fan and 5 others liked this
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