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By d_osborn
the ramis interview on part 7... that's the first i've heard about a draft of the script that takes place immediately after the first film. i'd LOVE to read that thing.

thanks again for posting these!
By Ectofiend666
d_osborn wrote:the ramis interview on part 7... that's the first i've heard about a draft of the script that takes place immediately after the first film. i'd LOVE to read that thing.
By Alex Newborn
Wow, gang. I have to say, I'm amazed to find that most of this stuff is so unknown by all of the hardcore GB Fans.

I guess it's like... you know how when you've got something, you only see the flaws? I look at the clips and hate the fact that I missed the first few seconds.

Frankly, I was expecting posts more like, "Oh, so-and-so posted that interview eight years ago, in better quality and more complete at the beginning."

Seeing all these enthusiastic reactions is making me appreciate the content even more, from the perspective of folks who didn't even know it existed... so I'm gladder than ever that I unearthed that tape!


By the way, since some of you have already seen Part 7 on YouTube, you may have noticed that I cut it down just slightly (I used a telltale white fade at the splice). I don't have the entire conversation, but I do have a lot more at the beginning about earlier parts of Ramis' career. If anyone's interested in seeing the rest, let me know and I'll post that as a non--playlist version.


Part 1 and Part 7 were both flagged for third-party content. Part 1 for 'movie clips' and Part 7 for the song Doo-Wah Diddy, used in the photo montage. They're still available worldwide, just warning you because their status could change without warning and they'd be blocked.

Oddly, none of the others has matched for content, despite the ubiquitous mood slime clip appearing in most. Shrug.

NOTE: I still can't get Part 7 to embed here. Possibly because of the third-party-content of the song? You'll just have to do some digging around on YouTube to get it.


When I was editing Part 8 yesterday, I realized there was a shot in one of the commercial fragments that is not in the movie.

Actually, there are several in this material, but this one was one that even *I* had never noticed before, and don't recall seeing anyone else mention it either.

It's an insert shot of Louis' hand pinned under Janine's leg when they're on the sofa together. Almost from his POV.

Also in the same commercial is Janine's cut "I'm just as thrilled as you are" line, so I guess that was such an obvious deleted bit that it overshadowed the other one.

So in my final edit on Part 8, I added a little title card after the commercial and repeated that quick hand-under-leg shot in slo-mo.

Okay, I got it uploaded but the first title card, which said


on my screen, somehow got split into


after it was uploaded. So I've done a trim to remove that title card. It's processing now, may still show up with the glitch for a while.

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By d_osborn
damn youtube. if the videos are removed, aj quick might be up for posting them on gbfans.

the only interviews you've posted that i've already seen are aykroyd/murray on carson and weaver on arsenio. they were floating around a while back, but i'm not sure if they're still around. SOMEWHERE out there is a making-of special that aired on hbo. i used to have a copy, but it's been lost for ages.

keep up the great work, man!
By Ectofiend666
Yeah YouTube has a tendency to take down all the good stuff...Trust me...And I can honesty say in the coming months and years it's only going to get worse...

What gets me is that this extra material will almost NEVER be included on anything official, as the rights clearances would be just too costly, negating any interest SONY would have in including them on a future release...Not to mention if it were even included on a future DVD/Blu-Ray, it would most likely be in a truncated form due to certain rights clearances not being able to be obtained...

That being the case, if it weren't for YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, and Facebook, we would most likely never have had an opportunity to see this stuff, in it's original un-edited form, in ANY degree, unless we already owned it previously from years past like Alex...I mean, I understand IP rights, and the owner's entitlement to said rights...But most of us LOVE to see this stuff, as Ghostheads and film nerds, and where else are we going to get our hands on it otherwise?

With certain exceptions (Like people who sell old commercials DVD's on eBay) NO ONE is making money off of posting these type of gems from their personal collections for other fans to see and get enjoyment out of...If it isn't being used for profit by the rights holders themselves in the present day, and there's absolutely no chance for it being used for the same in the future, I personally don't see the need for the fuss on the IP holder's part, if it's not being sold for profit via a third-party, but instead simply being shared for others to enjoy...

If anything it helps in the grand scheme to keep the brand visible...
By Alex Newborn
According to my log, the HBO special is on this tape three times. The first time, it is listed as incomplete, but the second and third I just listed it without a descriptor. Cross your fingers, when I get to that section of the tape, perhaps one of the later two will be the entire thing.

In the meantime... still whittling away...

By Ectofiend666
Alex Newborn wrote:Wow, gang. I have to say, I'm amazed to find that most of this stuff is so unknown by all of the hardcore GB Fans.

Seeing all these enthusiastic reactions is making me appreciate the content even more, from the perspective of folks who didn't even know it existed... so I'm gladder than ever that I unearthed that tape!
I've been a GB footage hound for for 20+ years, and even I've never seen alot of that...And I was GLUED to the TV during that period exactly as you were when recording this tape ;-)...
Alex Newborn wrote:When I was editing Part 8 yesterday, I realized there was a shot in one of the commercial fragments that is not in the movie.

It's an insert shot of Louis' hand pinned under Janine's leg when they're on the sofa together. Almost from his POV.
And THAT is definately new to me!! :-D...KUDOS!!
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By spookcentral

I took the liberty of putting the 9 parts you uploaded so far into a YouTube playlist:


I also posted about it on the Spook Central Facebook page:

http://www.facebook.com/spookcentralgb/ ... 5008436584

If you're worried about YouTube deleting/blocking videos, feel free to upload them to the Spook Central Facebook page.
By beezer090
This is absolutely fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Any chance of the Oprah Winfrey show special being on there? I have wanted to see that again since I was five when I saw it the first and only time. Thanks again for sharing.
By Alex Newborn
The Oprah special is on there, but it was just the tail end. Knowing it was available on Spook Central, I opted to gloss over it for now. I may upload it as a bonus later on.

Parenthetically, because it was so incomplete, I ordered the transcript. If I find that, I'll try to share it.

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