By Cory GB Maine
I know I will get "Not movie accurate" but it is my project and I think it rocks.

First off this is what I am starting with.

A "big game hunter" hand held game I picked up at good will.


A spinning.... light.... thing....

an (I don't have photo shop) MS Paint mock up of how it will look.

Mounted the lights in the screen, on/off switch and two momentary pushbutton switches to power the two parts of the screen.

By crusader_x
The first thing that comes to mind is that the motor that turns the lights in the dome extends about half the length of the handle of the spinner toy, so as you cut that apart you will find it is going to extend well passed where you have the display screen area in your concept picture. Leaving room for the motor assembly in the body pushes the clear dome out of the body a few inches and is the reason I create a "neck" from PVC for the dome on my builds.
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