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By Coover5
It's fair to say that a number of us are familiar with the red haired extra in Ghostbusters. He's the one that shouts "Ghostbusters, alright! alright!" For those of you not familiar here is a video He pops up on both sides of the crowd in the finale and if I remember correctly he appears at the library when the busters are running out. I was curious if any one considered about him having a super natural back ground. I know that wasn't the intention but I think it would be interesting. He encounters the Ghostbusters as they investigate at the library and some how swaps sides of a large barricaded crowd. He actually seems like he would be a ghost you would see in RGB or EGB.
By kevinj319
You may be thinking of a different extra with dark hair who appears on the library steps as they are running away, then that same extra appears just after they exit the bank.

The red-haired guy appears in the crowd on BOTH sides of the street in front of spook central.
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By lucky12
Maybe he is a Watcher. Always around to watch important events as they unfold.......granted he is a weeee bit to excited to be an unpartial being.
By loly2kn2
I love his total change of character too. When he's on one side of the street its "Ghostbusters! Alright, alright!"

The over side he is extremely camp and feminine
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