I go my Walmart trap on Friday! It lasted about 1 hour before it was attacked by a screwdriver. I spent the evening deciding what I would change, as I've never owned a Spirit trap. Then spent the day Saturday cutting and glueing plastic. Once I had some of that out of my system I decided to investigate the electronics.
The brain is microcontroller. Attached are some transtors to power the LEDs, and a motor control chip. After about an hour of futsing, I came up with a way to make a LED in the foot switch light and blink in unison with red LED on the trap. And still only use two wires going to the foot switch.
Watch video:
The trick is to unsolder the positive black wire going to the foot switch. This the wire closest to the power connector. Now on the underside of the board, solder the wire to the positive terminal (red wire) for the red LED. Next, connect the original switch terminal on the board and the red LED positive terminal to gather with a 1k ohm resistor between them.
Last, connect a red LED directly to the the pins on the foot switch. Touch the led to the foot switch terminals to see which is positive and negative. If the LED doesn't light when the trap is lit. Swap the direction. There is no harm in getting backwards.
Downside to this mod. The red LED on the trap will appear a small amount dimmer, but still plenty bright. It also blanks out while the switch is pressed. The switch has to be held down for at least .5 seconds to trigger the trap. As this change slightly tweeks the debounce technology on the microcontroller.
While I was in there I added a push switch at the top of the handel, that operates the same as the foot switch. And swapped out the power switch. For true power off control, connect the green and the yellow wires to a SPST switch. This will stop power drain while the trap is off.
The white and red wires can removed/ignored, connecting these togather triggers demo mode(no lights in standby). This was what was the "off" option befor changing switches.