- November 29th, 2022, 4:19 am#4974739A number of issues can lead to a longer time between when an order with the store is received and when it's dispatched, the first and most common is how many orders are ahead of you in the queue.
Halloween is often the busiest time of year for the store, with the volume of orders increasing substantially (Halloween 2021 was record-breaking for GBFans due to people wanting to have costumes for Halloween itself, and also for the release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife).
The volume can be so substantial that the weight of them can still be felt in late November, which unfortunately can lead to some delays. In addition to this, further delays could be caused either by waiting for suppliers to provide stock to AJ for the store, or for custom gear to be completed.
In addition to that, unlike retailers like Amazon, HMV, Toys 'R' Us, Target and Walmart, the GBFans store is staffed solely by AJ, rather than by a team of employees - which will have an additional impact on the quickness and number of orders that can be processed per day.
AJ does try to get orders posted out sooner if he's able to... Hopeully yours will be marked as shipped soon.
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