Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
The wait is killing me now!

I feel like an addict checking my email every few hours to see if there is a email confirming it's on its way.

I'm also waiting on the Haslab Star Wars Ghost ship too, but that's a few weeks behind this one. Not convinced that will make it out before Christmas at this rate.
mwilkinson wrote: December 6th, 2024, 3:40 am The wait is killing me now!

I feel like an addict checking my email every few hours to see if there is a email confirming it's on its way.

I'm also waiting on the Haslab Star Wars Ghost ship too, but that's a few weeks behind this one. Not convinced that will make it out before Christmas at this rate.
I got SUPER excited 2 days ago with a notification from FedEx that a package was headed my way... little did I know I accidentally had an unrelated Christmas gift from my parents ruined XD No, I haven't told them. Yes, I'm going to ask surprised. Yes, I still check on my label status multiple times a day >_>
mwilkinson, gamera1968 liked this
Just curious, has anyone in Canada receive their tracking yet?

I'm not getting impatient... It's just that... Christmas break is coming and my wife's gonna be home.

I've kinda been terrible these past two years, preordered a bunch of stuff and now it's all been coming in for the last month. Do you know how hard it is to justify your fifth PipBoy?
Dioxide liked this
Dioxide wrote: December 6th, 2024, 6:13 am Received email from Hasbro a few minutes ago ......

Your Hasbro Pulse order has left the building!
Your order is on the way!

Though, currently just saying "pending" at the Haslab Order details .....
For some reason, I misread that as "Elvis has left the building."

I think I need more coffee after my coffee.

Anywho, I also checked my Haslab account page. "SHIPPING - PENDING"
And my FedEx account still says "Label Created - Will be updated soon."

Knowing very well that both sites take a few days to be updated, all we can do now is wait until actual confirmation. :sigh:

EDIT: I just checked the Hasbro Pulse website and came across this article: ... hipped-yet

I received a notice that a shipping label was created, but my order has not shipped yet.

If you have an existing account with a courier, you may receive a notification or email when the shipping label for your Hasbro Pulse order is created. Though the courier's shipping label is ready, it still takes time for our team to prepare your order for shipment. It is not uncommon for it to take 5 business days or more from the time when the shipping label is created to the time when your order is shipped. You will receive an email from Hasbro Pulse containing tracking information as soon as your order is in transit.

My best guess is that we'll receive e-mail and/or FedEx shipping updates sometime early next week. (Monday-Tuesday)
Dioxide liked this
Giangieto wrote: December 6th, 2024, 7:29 am I received the email too
Lucky! More updates on top of updates. :)
Giangieto liked this
zeta otaku wrote: December 6th, 2024, 9:45 am That's awesome news, guys! I'm happy for you!

Not jealous at all...


Not. At. All...

-screams into the screaming pillow in a jealous rage-
It's strange, since I just sent Hasbro Pulse a PM via their sit asking about shipping estimates and they replied back via e-mail Fall 2024". No other direct e-mails, no updates on my FedEx account (label printed), and radio silence in general from Haslab.

Very strange. Maybe they're so far behind on shipping preparations ( Approximately 24,000 is a lot of orders), that it's difficult for them to catch up. They still have until Dec. 20th to keep their word of "Fall 2024" since Dec. 21st is the first calendar day of Winter.
NOTHING YET HERE IN NEW YORK besides fed-ex app telling me a shipping label was created. This is kinda torture because as of right now...i got 7 dream ghostbusters items paid for (as in NOT pre orders but money taken out of my account) and 2 i wont see for a year and the other 5 are just...waiting.

2 are custom magnoli clothiers ghostbusters uniform jackets i likely wont see before March... 1 is the Venkman Samhain Mono The Real Ghostbusters figures that says shipping by May.

The two Hasbro Ghostbusters Ecto 1 sets...basic and Deluxe which is atleast a year away so if i have them by NEXT Christmas ill be happy....

Then i got the Hasbro O Ring Plasma Series GI Joe figures that should be here monday...then of course the major one right now is the Two in the Box set i've been dying for ALL YEAR LONG.

I was devistated when they wouldent be here by halloween. I so badly wanted to wear my Proton Pack and Ghost trap out for trick or treating but hey next year i'll be able to complete with a custom jacket.

Its just weird knowing i 1600 hundred dollars if not more on Ghostbusters stuff that is fully paid off for and not in my poession at the moment...and that kind of money is A MASSIVE AMOUNT OF MONEY for a guy like me to spend cause thats like no joke half a years worth of savings for me!

I dont do pre order stuff often. Never have. I think before all this the last stuff i pre ordered, let alone backed via crowd sourcing (which hasbro is the first time ive ever done that with the two in the box set) was maybe a collectors edition of a video game back in the mid 2000s and that was like a month or so before it came out.

Im very much a buy it off the shelf or amazon or online type of guy. So the idea of having all this ghostbusters stuff paid for in full meaning money taken out of the account, yet still having to wait for it is a new experence to me and its kinda weird cause theres no sense of instant gradification.

I missed out on the Hasbro Proton Pack campaign as i had a trip planned at that time and couldent shell the money for it (I ended up not going on the trip so that was a double blow in terms of money wasted and not getting the pack) but i ended up getting it for i think $650 when Big Bad Toy Store had them last year and i was hesitant to get that. Now its the pride of my collection, but i got that within a week of ordering it.

With the two in the box, both ectos, the jackets (which i understand are custom to my bigger size) and the mondo figures, its weird cause they still feel like a lifetime away, yet i paid for them. To me its like...idk paying for a movie ticket a year in advance...i look at the bank account and its easy to go...oh yeah...i paid for all this stuff...where the hell is it lol!

I feel like whats her name from Willy Wonka...the I want it now girl lol!
ecto1matt, DaveLister liked this
zeta otaku wrote: December 6th, 2024, 2:23 am
Turtuv wrote: December 6th, 2024, 2:09 am

yes, the fact is that no one knows for sure tho. so we have to wait and see, i hope to read some update here regarding this feature!
I'm checking my FedEx status daily, so as soon as I get mine (if no one beats me), I'll make a video of the two modes.
thank you!
Yeah, first thing I ever backed and it's weird paying for something I will get a year later. Especially for someone like me who checks every few minutes with stuff I just bought that will get to me in a week or less. At the same time knowing it's so close makes me want it even more than I did the year before. Can't wait to see how even better the Ecto 1A is when I get it next year than it looks now.
DaveLister liked this
I received a shipping notification from Hasbro but there is no tracking info in the email or in my account on hasbropulse website. When I click on the "view my order" button in the notification email, I get an "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH" error.

Delivery location: Germany
zeta otaku wrote: December 6th, 2024, 2:23 am
Turtuv wrote: December 6th, 2024, 2:09 am

yes, the fact is that no one knows for sure tho. so we have to wait and see, i hope to read some update here regarding this feature!
I'm checking my FedEx status daily, so as soon as I get mine (if no one beats me), I'll make a video of the two modes.

i've asked to check if the pke has a gb2 mode regarding the wings' leds, but as far as he knows it doesn't unfortunately. it says it right at the end of the video
gamera1968 liked this
timeware wrote: December 8th, 2024, 6:31 pm i was under the impression you could you could set the wings to do animations? Thought that would work for the lights as well?
You can set the wings to do pre-scripted animations, but that doesn't mean you can create your own custom ones. ... eat_sheets
gamera1968 liked this
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