Talk about the your favorite Ghostbusters Collectibles from Mattel, Kenner, and more.
gamera1968 wrote: December 11th, 2024, 11:44 am Shipping Address
We are currently shipping to all U.S. States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, APO/FPO addresses and Canada. Please note we cannot ship to a P.O. Box or any other country at this time.
How many of our European members here got theirs already?
Turtuv wrote: December 12th, 2024, 3:11 am
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 1:57 am Negatives (if you can call it that): The trap trapping function feels like the prop as opposed to the Matty which feels like an experience. It's just white lights on the Haslab open and close. One aspect the Haslab has over the Matty is the ghost sound effeccts. There are so many., almost not understandable.
As far as you know is there a way to change the trap sequence? About the lights they are white because, at least this what i've understood by reading some comments under some youtube videos, the trap has the removable inside and it's not sealed as the matty one. but i don't know if this could be true or not.
As far as I can tell the Haslab trap does not do the mysterious after capture rumble or shaking effect that the Matty does unless I didn't understand the functions completely.

the haslab has a vibration motor too, but since it heavier it can't shake around as the matty trap. i think it's just a matter of weight
But yeah, you can change the bargraph animation on the Haslab to many different effects. (but it resets to the default right to left scroll when you turn it on and off).

Is the default right-to-left scrolling accurate? i recall that it should be left-to-right.
The Haslab trap can change the trapping animation between "trap mode" and "ghost mode" according to the manual, using the sync dial. Both modes are very similar I think one just takes a bit longer. There may be other things going on that I didn't notice.

The default GB1 bargraph sequence is indeed left to right (the opposite of the Haslab) but really, when you have this thing in hand you are not going to care. All the traps in universe (to me atleast) were different. Like the Matty says ATF on the front left dial as opposed to ADF (Auto Detect Field / Auto Trap Function). Yes I know it was Mattel interpreting the faded and worn out decals on the Planet Hollywood screen used trap (it should have said ADF as they were verbiage from an avionics UHF radio).

So all the traps were not identical. It's a small thing and you can change the animation to be left to right (it just resets every power off). Trust me you will love this thing when you receive it.
Turtuv liked this
Ecto24601 wrote: December 12th, 2024, 5:23 am
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 2:02 am It's weird, the Matty PKE felt (and is) an exact copy of the GB1 prop. The Haslab is much more nuanced and reflects the Afterlife PKE 100%.
Perfect summary. If you want a GB1/GB2 PKE, find a Matty one. If you want the Afterlife/Frozen Empire version, Hasbro got you covered. Biggest advantage: wings that move on their own in EMF mode. Isn't this what we always wanted from a PKE? Not having to manipulate the wings by button presses (although you can)? I LOVE it. The PKE is what I was looking for the most from the Haslab Two in the Box, and it's everything what I wanted and hoped for. The trap looks and feels like a proper self-made replica, if only the actual trapping would be better. As a display piece, it is perfect.

BTW, the PKE functions:
Manual mode
Top left button: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted animations mode
Bottom left: wings move down, four positions possible
Bottom right: wings move up, four positions possible

EMF mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted mode
Bottom left: wings can be forced to move down
Bottom right: wings can be forced to move all the way up

Taser mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right, Bottom left and right: tasing
Weirdly the Haslab PKE has an Easter Egg(?) if you hold down the lower two buttons together for a few seconds the thing lights up like a slot machine that just paid out a million bucks. It obviously changes something but I can't tell what. Perhaps it changes the animation between GB1 and GB2? I don't know the exact sequence difference so I can't tell but it obviously does something.

What I also noticed is that the Haslab PKE EMF function is very sensitive.
Last edited by One time on December 12th, 2024, 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Turtuv wrote: December 12th, 2024, 5:35 am
prodestrian wrote: December 12th, 2024, 3:26 am
Well no, the Matty trap had an entirely different mechanism for that, and I always hated it. Two of the wheels were on a pivot, and a motor would jiggle them. It didn't have a vibration motor at all, it basically rocked the whole trap back and forth.
i didn't knew that, thanks for explaining
Ecto24601 wrote: December 12th, 2024, 5:23 am The trap looks and feels like a proper self-made replica, if only the actual trapping would be better. As a display piece, it is perfect.
this is the thing that drive me crazy. i mean, the haslab guys know very well the matty trap, they are fans of GB and they always showed they precision and accuracy with their gb products, but this time they miss a huge part of the trap, which is the trapping sequence...this doesn't make any sense. how is this possible?
Yeah the Matty trap had that thing where the rear axle would shake and really move the trap after a capture. The thing would literally shake (because the axle would move). But the negative part of that was that it would sometimes not lie flush on a smooth surface like a glass table when it was off. You would have to wait a few shakes until the axle was perfectly even before turning it off to have it lie flat. The Haslab has a rumble motor. So it doesn't have that problem.
But trust me, like I said, I would trade 3 Matty traps for one of these. It is so much better, heavier, metal, more nuanced, etc.
Turtuv liked this
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 9:43 am
Ecto24601 wrote: December 12th, 2024, 5:23 am

Perfect summary. If you want a GB1/GB2 PKE, find a Matty one. If you want the Afterlife/Frozen Empire version, Hasbro got you covered. Biggest advantage: wings that move on their own in EMF mode. Isn't this what we always wanted from a PKE? Not having to manipulate the wings by button presses (although you can)? I LOVE it. The PKE is what I was looking for the most from the Haslab Two in the Box, and it's everything what I wanted and hoped for. The trap looks and feels like a proper self-made replica, if only the actual trapping would be better. As a display piece, it is perfect.

BTW, the PKE functions:
Manual mode
Top left button: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted animations mode
Bottom left: wings move down, four positions possible
Bottom right: wings move up, four positions possible

EMF mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted mode
Bottom left: wings can be forced to move down
Bottom right: wings can be forced to move all the way up

Taser mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right, Bottom left and right: tasing
Weirdly the Haslab PKE has an Easter Egg(?) if you hold down the lower two buttons together for a few seconds the thing lights up like a slot machine that just paid out a million bucks. It obviously changes something but I can't tell what. Perhaps it changes the animation between GB1 and GB2? I don't know the exact sequence difference so I can't tell but it obviously does something.

What I also noticed is that the Haslab PKE EMF function is very sensitive.
Here is the 'cheat sheet' for the Haslab P.K.E. Meter I added the "GB 1" (High Ionization) and "GB 2" (Low Ionization) wording for the silver 3-way switch. (From Yes, Have Some Craig on /r/Ghostbusters.)
That means the screen animations change, depending on the position of the silver switch. What's neat is that you found a (possible?) Easter Egg.


And here are most of us still waiting on official shipping notification e-mails from Hasbro Pulse. (They claim to start shipping sometime next week, before December 20th, the last calendar day of Fall.)
One time liked this
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 9:37 am The Haslab trap can change the trapping animation between "trap mode" and "ghost mode" according to the manual, using the sync dial. Both modes are very similar I think one just takes a bit longer. There may be other things going on that I didn't notice.

The default GB1 bargraph sequence is indeed left to right (the opposite of the Haslab) but really, when you have this thing in hand you are not going to care. All the traps in universe (to me atleast) were different. Like the Matty says ATF on the front left dial as opposed to ADF (Auto Detect Field / Auto Trap Function). Yes I know it was Mattel interpreting the faded and worn out decals on the Planet Hollywood screen used trap (it should have said ADF as they were verbiage from an avionics UHF radio).

So all the traps were not identical. It's a small thing and you can change the animation to be left to right (it just resets every power off). Trust me you will love this thing when you receive it.
when you change the bargraph sequence, is it applied to the trapping sequence too?
anyway i know that i will be so much happy with this, it's just that i care about this details and i'm surprised that haslab didn't did a better job regarding the trapping sequence
I have a question for anyone that had their tracking number show up in FedEx in the US: is there a reference number anywhere in the tracking that can be correlated to your order or your personal information? If so, what is it? I don't mean your specific info, just what they're using for a reference number, be it an order number or phone number or something else.

My building can sometimes have different street numbers depending on what system companies use to verify addresses. I didn't realize until it was too late that the address I've shipped my Two In The Box to doesn't match what I have registered in FedEx. Unfortunately, the address I set in my order also isn't able to be added to FedEx because it doesn't pass their validation, so I don't have my tracking info. I know nothing's moved in the US yet but I'll be going out of town for Christmas and am hoping to figure out if there's a way to hold the package or something if it will be delivered while I'm gone. Hoping I can use a reference number and ship date to get my tracking number.

Thanks! Excited for this one to arrive.
I love this. Hasbro verbatim used my own words from this post (which I also sent to Eric at Ghost Corps) alongside a 35 page PDF which I will share here soon:


They even included my European spelling of "ionised" as opposed to the American "ionized".



It's crazy. My own theories and words used in official Ghostbusters merchandise. First the Egon's Journal and now this. It's insane :)

For those wondering, the full text is:

"Entrapment occurs when a field of ionised radiation is created inside a cone shaped area using hollow laser beams. In ADF mode NRADS requirements are automatically calibrated by the trap upon opening to the specific PKE quantity of the entity detected above it. In the two Tr modes the user must manually manage NRADS.

Rotate clockwise to increase entrapment cone size. Rotate counter clockwise to decrease cone size. A wider cone will entrap over a larger area but dilute entrapment performance. A focused and concentrated cone will allow trapping higher charged entities but require more precision in guiding the entity to the exact trap opening."

Which together with Beau Obremski we turned into the wonderful video here.

It's so cool to actually be a part of creating this stuff.
gamera1968, Ryusui, Turtuv and 1 others liked this
One time wrote: December 11th, 2024, 11:54 pm
Alphagaia wrote: December 11th, 2024, 12:47 pm Yeah, that's not going to happen anytime soon. I want one that easier to refill. And cheaper. I'll just wait for something half that price.

Anyways, had a nice cosplay session and finished with a small little photoshoot.

Sweet. BTW I understand you are in the Netherlands like me. If you want I can ship or bring the screen accurate Flexo PET yellow tubing to accuratize that pack you have free of charge. Let me know. I have like 10ft of the stuff lying around.
Hey man, that sounds super nice, but unfortunately I'm not going to give out my home address to someone I don't know. Don't take it the wrong way, though! Nothing personal.
Ryusui wrote: December 12th, 2024, 8:40 am I've had my FedEx label since Dec 3rd. Still waiting for Hasbro to release the package.
Yeah, same here. Must be some sort of delay at there distribution facility. Saw a screenshot of an email on one of the fb groups from hasbro sent on Tuesday that said something to the effect of they are here and will be sent out sometime in the next two weeks.
gamera1968 liked this
timeware wrote: December 12th, 2024, 11:08 am Not sure if I'm thrilled about the idea of the wings being able to be forced up and down during EMF mode.
I was under the impression that the wings moved (on their own) according to the strength of the EMF signal? At least it seemed that way during the recent unboxing / demonstration videos from Tested, Experience Explorers, and Ghostbusters News.
SpaceBallz liked this
EMF mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted mode
Bottom left: wings can be forced to move down
Bottom right: wings can be forced to move all the way up

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe EMF does work on its own. I'm just not thrilled EMF mode allows for the wings to be adjusted manually as it lends an easy option to prank someone.
timeware wrote: December 12th, 2024, 12:07 pm EMF mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted mode
Bottom left: wings can be forced to move down
Bottom right: wings can be forced to move all the way up

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe EMF does work on its own. I'm just not thrilled EMF mode allows for the wings to be adjusted manually as it lends an easy option to prank someone.
The EMF does work on its own (and is very sensitive). But you can override it temporarily using the buttons on the PKE. After changing the wing level manually using the buttons, within 1 second it goes back to EMF mode automatically and overrides whatever you did with the wings. It's useful because of the IR receiver on the trap. Basically the trap (when idle) plays a ghost sound when it detects a PKE in the vicinity with maxed out wings.

So you can just play around with it.

In essence the EMF mode is the "default" mode on the PKE because it is the first position on the On/Off dial. It's Off/EMF/Manual or prop mode.
timeware, gamera1968 liked this
timeware wrote: December 12th, 2024, 12:07 pm I'm just not thrilled EMF mode allows for the wings to be adjusted manually as it lends an easy option to prank someone.
Maybe worry about it if it does actually happen. All in all, it seems to be hanging a lot of unnecessary angst on a cool toy with a fun gimmick.
Corey91, zeta otaku liked this
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 1:25 pm
timeware wrote: December 12th, 2024, 12:07 pm EMF mode
Top left: Sleep mode
Top right: Scripted mode
Bottom left: wings can be forced to move down
Bottom right: wings can be forced to move all the way up

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe EMF does work on its own. I'm just not thrilled EMF mode allows for the wings to be adjusted manually as it lends an easy option to prank someone.
The EMF does work on its own (and is very sensitive). But you can override it temporarily using the buttons on the PKE. After changing the wing level manually using the buttons, within 1 second it goes back to EMF mode automatically and overrides whatever you did with the wings. It's useful because of the IR receiver on the trap. Basically the trap (when idle) plays a ghost sound when it detects a PKE in the vicinity with maxed out wings.

So you can just play around with it.

In essence the EMF mode is the "default" mode on the PKE because it is the first position on the On/Off dial. It's Off/EMF/Manual or prop mode.
Thank you, One Time, for clearing this up. :crunch:
One time liked this
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 9:43 am Weirdly the Haslab PKE has an Easter Egg(?) if you hold down the lower two buttons together for a few seconds the thing lights up like a slot machine that just paid out a million bucks. It obviously changes something but I can't tell what. Perhaps it changes the animation between GB1 and GB2? I don't know the exact sequence difference so I can't tell but it obviously does something.
Pat said...I want to say Zach. Whomever is programming the electronics loves slipping in easter eggs like things like the Morse code and this and is putting similar hidden stuff in the Ectomobile.
gamera1968 liked this
cmbelped wrote: December 12th, 2024, 10:29 am I have a question for anyone that had their tracking number show up in FedEx in the US: is there a reference number anywhere in the tracking that can be correlated to your order or your personal information? If so, what is it? I don't mean your specific info, just what they're using for a reference number, be it an order number or phone number or something else.
In the FedEx app, if you go into the shipment info and then go to "Details", there is a reference number that should start with "PO", followed by your order number as seen on your Order History in your Haslab profile.
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 10:35 am It's crazy. My own theories and words used in official Ghostbusters merchandise. First the Egon's Journal and now this. It's insane :)
I can't even imagine how amazing this must feel. Congrats for being an inclusive part of this official release! I love the fact that our community has contributed to the official lore of the GB universe.
Ryusui wrote: December 12th, 2024, 6:19 pm
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 10:35 am It's crazy. My own theories and words used in official Ghostbusters merchandise. First the Egon's Journal and now this. It's insane :)
I can't even imagine how amazing this must feel. Congrats for being an inclusive part of this official release! I love the fact that our community has contributed to the official lore of the GB universe.
Thank you for your kind words, Appreciate it :)
Ryusui, gamera1968 liked this
Ryusui wrote: December 12th, 2024, 6:08 pm
cmbelped wrote: December 12th, 2024, 10:29 am I have a question for anyone that had their tracking number show up in FedEx in the US: is there a reference number anywhere in the tracking that can be correlated to your order or your personal information? If so, what is it? I don't mean your specific info, just what they're using for a reference number, be it an order number or phone number or something else.
In the FedEx app, if you go into the shipment info and then go to "Details", there is a reference number that should start with "PO", followed by your order number as seen on your Order History in your Haslab profile.
Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Unfortunately I still can't pull up my info, oh well. I saw on the Ghostbusters subreddit that at least some people are getting alerts from FedEx that they have a delivery date, so hopefully I get my tracking info from Hasbro soon!
One time wrote: December 12th, 2024, 10:35 am I love this. Hasbro verbatim used my own words from this post (which I also sent to Eric at Ghost Corps) alongside a 35 page PDF which I will share here soon:


They even included my European spelling of "ionised" as opposed to the American "ionized".



It's crazy. My own theories and words used in official Ghostbusters merchandise. First the Egon's Journal and now this. It's insane :)

For those wondering, the full text is:

"Entrapment occurs when a field of ionised radiation is created inside a cone shaped area using hollow laser beams. In ADF mode NRADS requirements are automatically calibrated by the trap upon opening to the specific PKE quantity of the entity detected above it. In the two Tr modes the user must manually manage NRADS.

Rotate clockwise to increase entrapment cone size. Rotate counter clockwise to decrease cone size. A wider cone will entrap over a larger area but dilute entrapment performance. A focused and concentrated cone will allow trapping higher charged entities but require more precision in guiding the entity to the exact trap opening."

Which together with Beau Obremski we turned into the wonderful video here.

It's so cool to actually be a part of creating this stuff.
this is awesome congrats! i was thinking about one thing tho, regarding the trap: could it be that this trap is based on the trap sequence of afterlife/frozen empire? i've looked for some video of the trap sequence of this movies, but haven't found it.
So here we go, a comparison in trapping animations between the Matty and the Hasbro. You can't see it well but both pedals are pressed twice at exactly the same time. All the ghost noises are coming from the Hasbro.

They are different obviously, but on the whole I much prefer the Hasbro trap. It is solid and feels much less like a toy than the Matty trap. The Matty trap has a more elaborate and slower trapping sequence, the Hasbro is more like the actual prop used. But on the whole the Hasbro is 3x better than the Matty trap. It's also slightly bigger (slighly thinner but longer).

It is so much better and more accurate than the Matty it's ridiculous. The Matty is still valuable to me though because it was the first mass produced trap and is still a bit mysterious. Also, with the Matty being so light they actually got it to do that weird shaking thing. The Hasbro is so heavy it would not have been feasible.

I guess the Matty feels like Mattel's attempt at making a ghost trap. It's plasticky, not super accurate, etc. but has tremendous play value and weird functionality. I still love the Matty because of what it is and how rare it was. It was the holy grail for mass produced traps for over a decade. The Hasbro on the other hand doesn't feel like an attempt at making a ghost trap, they made an actual prop accurate ghost trap. It's so much better. The amount of sound effects in it are vast.

If I had to guess which movie the Hasbro trap is accurate to, it's like a mix of all movies. The right side black (volume) dial and the bargraph small yellow LED size is from GB1 hero. The ribbed metal plate size (height) behind the gold CAL-R MC250 Resistor is from GB2, as is the size and location of the white sticker underneath the relay. The relay is very accurate to the GB2 trap but the relay is positioned with the "Italy" text towards the pedal. It should be on the same side as the white sticker. It's not possible to change it without sanding away a small plastic tab but is easy enough to fix.

The 5 yellow stripes indicates it is accurate to Afterlife, as is the heavy weathering. The pedal section left of the relay is more accurate to GB1, thankfully (for me) it's not like the double height pedal from Afterlife or that triple decker bus monstrosity pedal from Frozen Empire. The relay section is more accurate to Afterlife and the relay itself can be swapped to the front of the relay box to make it exactly like in AF.

I think one of the first things I'll do is hit the aluminium metal egg shaped plate on the relay with some black RnB to make it look like GB1. I'll also mix RnB with naphta and get it to pool in the yellow and red cables to look like oil and dirt. Also the weathering on the trap (while AWESOME) is a bit too regular in terms of color. It's all silver chips. Darkening some highlight areas with black RnB+naphta should add some depth. As Savage said it's also missing some browns here and there, whether paint or cinnamon it could use some pooling grime. But on the whole it is amazing. You really feel the evolution from the Haslab pack to this. The pack weathering was chunky and very crude. This is on another level. The Matty props you never saw any evolution in materials or paint apps, with the Hasbro the trap feels like it's a generational leap in terms of weathering from the pack and both wands.

The trap is like a combination of the best parts from the different movies. It is so awesome. Personally I took off the Vhook underneath (just 2 screws), this way it feels more like we see in the movies. The Vhook feels a little weird becuase it is so large under the trap.

But yeah, like I said before I love the Hasbro. I'd trade 3 Matty traps for one of these it is that good. It's amazing.

PS: When you get your Hasbro be careful about something. On one of mine, when I unboxed the pedal to trap cable I found a tiny screw in the bag. It was a tiny screw from the metal connector. I needed a very small screw driver to screw it back in. Just watch out that the ones on yours aren't loose.

Last edited by One time on December 13th, 2024, 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Nighty80, zeta otaku, Alphagaia and 2 others liked this
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