Talk about stuff that has nothing to do with Ghostbusters!
I've searched extensively but haven't found a solution. I thought someone here, especially an 80s enthusiast, might offer assistance.

During the 1980s, there was a book titled "Dee Snider's Teenage Survival Guide." Unfortunately, it's been out of print for quite some time, and the prices on Amazon are exorbitant.

I understand this is a remote chance, but does anyone happen to have a PDF copy of the book?
Hello! This is the first time I've ever come across this forum (registered just to reply) but I second this. I've been looking for a way to read this book- whether it be through a second hand copy or PDF- for so long. All the copies I have found for sale are unfortunately at least $100 and I have yet to see any PDF or digital copy online.

Please let me know if you stumble across a PDF or cheap copy! I'm dying to read it as well.
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