Discuss the upcoming 4th movie, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire to be released in March 2024.
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By tylergfoster
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 10:22 am
mrmichaelt wrote: June 5th, 2024, 6:05 pm
Agreed. The pandemic and strikes didn't help get things going. And of course the animation guild could be striking, too, but I haven't kept up on it lately. Hopefully the animation gets a mention on Saturday.
I saw today that there is a animated series tying into TMNT Mutant Mayhem, which came out less than a year ago, providing a great contrast, if an imperfect one.
The thing is, the series was in development before the movie was released based on positive reception by the studio to the movie. I worried before and still worry that the animated Ghostbusters movie or show coming to fruition was dependent on the success of the live-action movie. For all they've said, or anyone involved has said about the status of it, we don't have tangible evidence that the show is a real thing moving toward completion; it's all just talk. If there were a voice cast, and a basic release date (like "2026") then it'd seem more like something that was actually going to happen.

EDIT: the Netflix presentation that seems to have happened just today and is now being reported on is a good sign that the animated series is still going despite the mediocre box office.
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By RiverofSlime
tylergfoster wrote: June 6th, 2024, 3:52 pm
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 10:22 am

I saw today that there is a animated series tying into TMNT Mutant Mayhem, which came out less than a year ago, providing a great contrast, if an imperfect one.
The thing is, the series was in development before the movie was released based on positive reception by the studio to the movie. I worried before and still worry that the animated Ghostbusters movie or show coming to fruition was dependent on the success of the live-action movie. For all they've said, or anyone involved has said about the status of it, we don't have tangible evidence that the show is a real thing moving toward completion; it's all just talk. If there were a voice cast, and a basic release date (like "2026") then it'd seem more like something that was actually going to happen.

EDIT: the Netflix presentation that seems to have happened just today and is now being reported on is a good sign that the animated series is still going despite the mediocre box office.
This is great news for sure. Feels more concrete.
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By mrmichaelt
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 10:22 am I saw today that there is a animated series tying into TMNT Mutant Mayhem, which came out less than a year ago, providing a great contrast, if an imperfect one.
Yeah, it was asked in other threads, will this animated series be directly canon to the movies or will it be it's own continuity like RGB/S/EGB. There are pros and cons to both. But for the sake of this thread's topic, could help expand the world of the movies, focus on certain characters that the movies can't, more details and answers etc.
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By RiverofSlime
mrmichaelt wrote: June 6th, 2024, 6:37 pm
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 10:22 am I saw today that there is a animated series tying into TMNT Mutant Mayhem, which came out less than a year ago, providing a great contrast, if an imperfect one.
Yeah, it was asked in other threads, will this animated series be directly canon to the movies or will it be it's own continuity like RGB/S/EGB. There are pros and cons to both. But for the sake of this thread's topic, could help expand the world of the movies, focus on certain characters that the movies can't, more details and answers etc.
My preference would be for it to be in the canon of RGB/XGB or completely ambiguous tbh. If it's good, I'm not sure I care where it fits in.
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By mrmichaelt
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 7:24 pm My preference would be for it to be in the canon of RGB/XGB or completely ambiguous tbh. If it's good, I'm not sure I care where it fits in.
Art style and character design matter for me, too. I don't hate it 100% but after the Back in Town comic's art, I'm a little apprehensive what the cartoon might look like.
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By RiverofSlime
mrmichaelt wrote: June 6th, 2024, 7:30 pm
RiverofSlime wrote: June 6th, 2024, 7:24 pm My preference would be for it to be in the canon of RGB/XGB or completely ambiguous tbh. If it's good, I'm not sure I care where it fits in.
Art style and character design matter for me, too. I don't hate it 100% but after the Back in Town comic's art, I'm a little apprehensive what the cartoon might look like.
Yeah, I hear you on that. I'm a big comics fan in general so of course I've been anticipating Back in Town and at first I was really disappointed with the YA-style art but the writing has been so good I'm able to look past it.

Hot take alert: but I wasn't a huge fan of the IDW monthly art either. I really liked the more realistic art of the holiday one-offs, etc that came before the ongoing series.
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By mrmichaelt
RiverofSlime wrote: June 7th, 2024, 11:43 am Yeah, I hear you on that. I'm a big comics fan in general so of course I've been anticipating Back in Town and at first I was really disappointed with the YA-style art but the writing has been so good I'm able to look past it.

Hot take alert: but I wasn't a huge fan of the IDW monthly art either. I really liked the more realistic art of the holiday one-offs, etc that came before the ongoing series.
Agreed, Booher's got a good bead on the characters.

Yeah, it took me a couple issues to get used to Dan Schoening's design for Peter and Winston in particular. But give him credit, when the fans gripped about his take on the pack - he changed it up and made it more movie accurate looking.

That is true. The artists on the IDW comics either kept to the realisitc gritty style like the Christmas and Valentine's one shot and the Infestation two parter or went to a stylized animated look. no real in between. The whole likeness rights thing is a hard one to understand because in the former, they looked a lot more like the actors and those comics got printed.

But I digress. The future. Animation and comics for for the immediate future.
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By RiverofSlime
mrmichaelt wrote: June 7th, 2024, 4:28 pm
RiverofSlime wrote: June 7th, 2024, 11:43 am Yeah, I hear you on that. I'm a big comics fan in general so of course I've been anticipating Back in Town and at first I was really disappointed with the YA-style art but the writing has been so good I'm able to look past it.

Hot take alert: but I wasn't a huge fan of the IDW monthly art either. I really liked the more realistic art of the holiday one-offs, etc that came before the ongoing series.
Agreed, Booher's got a good bead on the characters.

Yeah, it took me a couple issues to get used to Dan Schoening's design for Peter and Winston in particular. But give him credit, when the fans gripped about his take on the pack - he changed it up and made it more movie accurate looking.

That is true. The artists on the IDW comics either kept to the realisitc gritty style like the Christmas and Valentine's one shot and the Infestation two parter or went to a stylized animated look. no real in between. The whole likeness rights thing is a hard one to understand because in the former, they looked a lot more like the actors and those comics got printed.

But I digress. The future. Animation and comics for for the immediate future.
I agree with all of this for the most part. But yeah, I'm looking forward to animation and hopefully more comics.
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By mrmichaelt
RiverofSlime wrote: June 7th, 2024, 8:07 pmI agree with all of this for the most part. But yeah, I'm looking forward to animation and hopefully more comics.
Yes, it's already been revealed by Booher there will more comics after Back in Town. Maybe a formal announcement at GB Day.
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By BatDan
Was a pretty limp GB Day, we were spoiled last year. Was hoping for some teasers for the new animated series.

Honestly, I look forward to the new cartoon, put the movies on hold. We got our GB3 after all these years, and as a bonus we got a GB4. ‘Time to widen the content with some new animation.

As much as I think theres a few things they missed some opportunities on..overall: FE is a good bookend to the movies. Ends with the OGs as the veteran “bosses” greeting civilians while the Spenglers ride off into the sunset.
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By BrianReilly
I haven't read Back in Town yet, but I like Blue Delliquanti's work (Across a Field of Starlight is a really gorgeous book). I'm not sure they'd be my top pick for Ghostbusters, but I am interested to see what they do with it. At least it's an interesting choice.

There's a large portion of GB fandom in particular that seems to hate any kind of stylization and would rather the comics be made up of obviously traced stills from the movies than anything approaching "art". I'm just not interested in that kind of sterile product.

Given that it's Sony Pictures Animation, and they've been on the cutting edge of the industry lately, I'm hoping the Ghostbusters cartoon will have some of the creativity that the Spider-Verse and Mitchells vs. The Machines films showed.
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By RiverofSlime
BrianReilly wrote: June 12th, 2024, 9:32 am I haven't read Back in Town yet, but I like Blue Delliquanti's work (Across a Field of Starlight is a really gorgeous book). I'm not sure they'd be my top pick for Ghostbusters, but I am interested to see what they do with it. At least it's an interesting choice.

There's a large portion of GB fandom in particular that seems to hate any kind of stylization and would rather the comics be made up of obviously traced stills from the movies than anything approaching "art". I'm just not interested in that kind of sterile product.

Given that it's Sony Pictures Animation, and they've been on the cutting edge of the industry lately, I'm hoping the Ghostbusters cartoon will have some of the creativity that the Spider-Verse and Mitchells vs. The Machines films showed.
What I find frustrating time and again is the divergence between cover/promo art and the interior art of a comic book. This is definitely the case with Back in Town, which is superbly written and a great comic but the promo images set up an expectation of a different aesthetic.

For me the high bar is Ilias Kyriazis work on Displaced Aggression back in the day.
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By BrianReilly
RiverofSlime wrote:
BrianReilly wrote: June 12th, 2024, 9:32 am I haven't read Back in Town yet, but I like Blue Delliquanti's work (Across a Field of Starlight is a really gorgeous book). I'm not sure they'd be my top pick for Ghostbusters, but I am interested to see what they do with it. At least it's an interesting choice.

There's a large portion of GB fandom in particular that seems to hate any kind of stylization and would rather the comics be made up of obviously traced stills from the movies than anything approaching "art". I'm just not interested in that kind of sterile product.

Given that it's Sony Pictures Animation, and they've been on the cutting edge of the industry lately, I'm hoping the Ghostbusters cartoon will have some of the creativity that the Spider-Verse and Mitchells vs. The Machines films showed.
What I find frustrating time and again is the divergence between cover/promo art and the interior art of a comic book. This is definitely the case with Back in Town, which is superbly written and a great comic but the promo images set up an expectation of a different aesthetic.

For me the high bar is Ilias Kyriazis work on Displaced Aggression back in the day.
I was not a big fan of Displaced Aggression. I think Ilias Kyriazis' art has improved significantly since 2009, and would like to see him tackle GB now.

But really I'd be far more interested in someone like Mike Allred or Jen Bartel taking it on. Someone with a strong distinctive style. And yeah, cover art and interior art is handled by different artists. That's comics.
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By RiverofSlime
BrianReilly wrote: June 12th, 2024, 12:30 pm
RiverofSlime wrote:
What I find frustrating time and again is the divergence between cover/promo art and the interior art of a comic book. This is definitely the case with Back in Town, which is superbly written and a great comic but the promo images set up an expectation of a different aesthetic.

For me the high bar is Ilias Kyriazis work on Displaced Aggression back in the day.
I was not a big fan of Displaced Aggression. I think Ilias Kyriazis' art has improved significantly since 2009, and would like to see him tackle GB now.

But really I'd be far more interested in someone like Mike Allred or Jen Bartel taking it on. Someone with a strong distinctive style. And yeah, cover art and interior art is handled by different artists. That's comics.
I'm not a fan of time travel or alternate realities in general, but Displaced Aggression pushed the GB concept further than I've seen it pushed it anywhere else. Looking at it now, I would say I like the coloring more than the pencils, and in combination with the concept work it's just really enjoyable as GB on Nitro. Similar to XGB.
By Davideverona
I'm with BatDan on the live action chapter of the franchise.

My hunger has been temporarily satiated so they can let it rest a little.
I hope, for the next movie, they give the new team a more fleshed out arc.
Let's open the movie with Lucky, Trevor, Phoebe and Podcast on a routine bust and let the bigger problem begin earlier in the movie, show its growth and let it explode in the third arc.

Let's have the OGB in a mentoring role at the Firehouse, maybe with Winston as the new major?
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