This is for other Ghostbusters Props that don't fit into the categories above.
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By RiverofSlime
Has anyone ID'd the duffle used in Answer the Call? This would be a fun thing to recreate and then store my flghtsuits, etc in.

Secondary question would be whether anyone knows where to source any of the graphics or materials for making this duffle?

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By prodestrian
The original prop went up for auction last year, unfortunately it doesn't say whether it was a scratch built prop or if it was an existing bag that they customised: ... lot/113515

There's some good photos there.

I'm friends with the current owner of the bag so I've asked for some photos of the inside, I'll share them here when I get them. It might help, it might not, but it's worth having them anyway.
tobycj liked this
prodestrian wrote: June 19th, 2024, 2:47 pm The original prop went up for auction last year, unfortunately it doesn't say whether it was a scratch built prop or if it was an existing bag that they customised: ... lot/113515

There's some good photos there.

I'm friends with the current owner of the bag so I've asked for some photos of the inside, I'll share them here when I get them. It might help, it might not, but it's worth having them anyway.
Wow, that's amazing! Keep me posted!

Functionally it seems a lot like the North Face duffle I use for travel, lol.
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