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By halloweenfiend
Hey guys is there any official length for the red hose that connects the two banjos? I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to this stuff and I've noticed the Mack's kit seems a hair too long for my tastes. I believe the hose he supplies is ab 9.25" but when collapsed it just seems too long. Now I have looked at a lot of reference pics and I'm already guessing that there was some variation among the screen used throwers, just looking for any insight. I'm also going to use some of the softer red tubing from CharlesworthDynamics, love his tubing kit.
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By Kingpin
For a lot of the props there is no official/definitive measurement for some elements due to lengths and placements varying even from one prop to the next in the same film production.

What little I can suggest is give yourself enough red hose so that each end of it fits comfortably in the banjos, without it being so short or too long that it causes the banjos to start shifting out of position from as close to dead on vertical as possible. Beyond that, you could always study the screen-used props at the Ghostbusters Reference Library (keeping in mind the parts have shifted and been knocked from years of movement and storage).
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By edspengler
I too was eyeing this for my current build and decided to just eyeball the measurement. I went with a little over 7 inches. Looking at the Spengler pack, it appears there may be different lengths shown on screen for 84 and the promo shots (maybe it’s the angle but the rooftop looks shorter). So even the reference library may give you different answers.

So as Kingpin suggested, make an educated guess :blush:

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