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By NeutronStarPilot
What are peoples opinions regarding the flash bulb at the end of the clear tube in the Neutrona wand?

I can never decide if I want to include one in a build?

I completely understand why people love it, the flash/pop and prop accuracy.

But questions I have considered, does it have an in universe explanation like to not sound silly do the Ghostbusters see the flash bulb? Or is it there as a cool solution for the special effects people?

What are the reasons you did or didn't include a flash bulb on your builds?

By OnEdge
The flashbulbs don’t have an in universe explanation, they were there for the special effects people to animate the streams. The ones used in the film were single use, so they had to change them out after every take but it made a very nice bright flash and looked cool haha. TobyCJ makes a flashbulb kit that has the appearance of the originals, but can be used over and over again, I might pick one up for my build ;). I think the reason I would include a flashbulb on my build is just because it looks cool! Heres a screencap from the original film with the flashbulb in action. Theres other scenes when you pause it at the right time where you can really see the bright flash like when they shoot at the chandelier.

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By prodestrian
OnEdge wrote:The flashbulbs don’t have an in universe explanation, they were there for the special effects people to animate the streams. The ones used in the film were single use, so they had to change them out after every take but it made a very nice bright flash and looked cool haha.
They also illuminated the actors faces, and they flickered while the actors held the front button down:

Of course nowadays they just use LEDs, but it's the same concept because practical lighting is always better than trying to add it afterwards using CGI:

I don't have a flashbulb on my current thrower, but I bought one from TobyCJ for my next build. The main benefit for me is it'll look cooler than the coloured LEDs alone, especially in photos.
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By Ebobhazard84
I'm all about accuracy on my pack, kind of warts and all, so I love having my flash bulb. Mine was custom made so when you hit the red botton on the ear, the lightbulb flashes while the barrel LEDs fire.
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By Kingpin
prodestrian wrote: November 29th, 2024, 7:24 pmThey also illuminated the actors faces, and they flickered while the actors held the front button down:
The flash bulbs didn't flicker. The flicking lights seen in the clear tube were separate lights that were housed inside the Gun Body (some of the wiring for these can be seen in this photo):
NeutronStarPilot, pmcbryde, OnEdge and 2 others liked this
By tobycj
I'm a fan of them myself, not just because I sell them! I only started selling them because I had leftover parts from doing one for my pack build, and then just carried on as there seemed to be demand for them. I think I've probably sold about 200 now :)
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By prodestrian
Kingpin wrote: November 30th, 2024, 11:00 am The flash bulbs didn't flicker. The flicking lights seen in the clear tube were separate lights that were housed inside the Gun Body (some of the wiring for these can be seen in this photo):
Ah yep, I see what you mean. Got my wires crossed (no pun intended) :lol:
So I guess the flashbulb is triggered by the front ear button for shots where they start firing (for the VFX artists), and the flickering barrel LEDs are while they're already firing (presumably by holding down the Intensify button).

Flashbulb is MUCH brighter than the flickering:
Kingpin, SP Productions liked this
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By alphabeta001
tobycj wrote: December 2nd, 2024, 3:03 am I'm a fan of them myself, not just because I sell them! I only started selling them because I had leftover parts from doing one for my pack build, and then just carried on as there seemed to be demand for them. I think I've probably sold about 200 now :)
I'll be adding to that count in the new year for a couple at least ;-)
tobycj liked this

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