Hey all,

The famous Talentcell powerbank is not available in where I live, however I bumped into this today:

https://www.mi.com/global/product/10000 ... act/specs

Dimension-wise, it is barely smaller than Talentcell:
Xiaomi: 90 × 63.9 × 24.4 mm
Talentcell: 105 x 65 x 25 mm

Battery power is 3 times more than Talentcell:
Xiaomi: 10000 mah
Talentcell: 3000 mah

but I'm not sure if the input/output specs are good enough. I wouldn't want to fry the electronics in the pack & the wand.

What is your expert opinion, is it good to get one?
atescetin wrote: December 4th, 2024, 6:28 am Hey all,

The famous Talentcell powerbank is not available in where I live, however I bumped into this today:

https://www.mi.com/global/product/10000 ... act/specs

Dimension-wise, it is barely smaller than Talentcell:
Xiaomi: 90 × 63.9 × 24.4 mm
Talentcell: 105 x 65 x 25 mm

Battery power is 3 times more than Talentcell:
Xiaomi: 10000 mah
Talentcell: 3000 mah

but I'm not sure if the input/output specs are good enough. I wouldn't want to fry the electronics in the pack & the wand.

What is your expert opinion, is it good to get one?
I think the reason most go for the Talentcell is because it has a physical ON switch rather than any sort of smart functionality based in software to enable power delivery or not. Most powerbanks can go into a sort of idles or sleep mode which could turn off the proton pack unexpectedly. There are, however, little gizmos you can get to trick powerbanks into always remaining on although I don't have any links to any right now. The capacity has no relevance to the output which will be 5v although technically the pack expects 6v (4 x 1.5v batteries) so Frutto technology have created a little buck converter which sits in between the battery and the pack to ensure it has full power. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1765609 ... for-haslab
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powerbank keep-alive https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176600225515 ... wIQAvD_BwE
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Mercifull wrote: December 4th, 2024, 8:43 am powerbank keep-alive https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176600225515 ... wIQAvD_BwE
That's the exact one I got a few months ago, I can vouch for them. I got them from his Tindie store, it was much cheaper for me: https://www.tindie.com/products/plop211 ... timer-smd/

Here's my review: viewtopic.php?p=4999725#p4999725

Edit: Looks like I have a slightly older version, the current model he sells has smaller components now so it's a little more compact than mine. Same thing though.
gamera1968 liked this
So, let me get this straight: if I buy the Xiaomi powerbank, I will need a separate device to keep the powerbank alive AND another device to adjust its voltage to 6V, is this correct?

This is all apart from getting a keep alive mod for the pack itself, right?
atescetin wrote: December 5th, 2024, 1:59 am So, let me get this straight: if I buy the Xiaomi powerbank, I will need a separate device to keep the powerbank alive AND another device to adjust its voltage to 6V, is this correct?

This is all apart from getting a keep alive mod for the pack itself, right?
The powerbank you have "might" stay alive without the keepalive module but it's not possible for us to know.

The device to alter voltage is optional but might prevent power dropouts when firing the neutrona wand.

The pack keep alive mod IS essential however to stop it turning off after a few minutes.
atescetin liked this
atescetin wrote: December 4th, 2024, 6:28 am The famous Talentcell powerbank is not available in where I live...
Hey, not sure where you're located but I should mention that Talentcell isn't available here in Australia either (occasionally they show up on Amazon AU but they're usually HUNDREDs of dollars, although there seems to be some cheaper ones right now which is unusual).

However, I found Talentcell clones which have worked perfectly for me across two builds and have (so far) lasted 4 years.

They definitely sell the 10,000mAh version but this particular seller is out of stock right now.

They may not have USB output so if that's what you need, you'd need a 12V to 5V USB DC converter, but those are easy to find (they're used in cars). This might give you some ideas of some keywords you can search for (eg "for LED strips" and "CCTV").

These powerbanks don't have the keep-alive issue that USB phone chargers have. The switch is either on or off.

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