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By Rjfalck
Hi, guys. I'm trying to search for 3D replacement parts for the old Kenner trap and proton gun. I've read of them being available on ETSY, but all I can easily find are the actual plans. I don't have a 3D printer. Who sells the plastic parts for these old toys? I have some my kids want to play with, but can't because the internal mechanical parts are broken. What suggestions do you have? I've also bought extras from eBay, but it costs a lot to buy 5 traps to make 1.
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By zeta otaku
The internal air system and pedal really can't be duplicated with a 3D printer (I've tried). If those are busted, focus on junker traps with those parts still in good condition. The doors and handle? 100% doable. Printed up some replacements for a friend about 18 months ago.
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By Rjfalck
That's unfortunate. What is the difficulty?

How are the doors replaced? I couldn't figure out how to take them out for working doors when examining how it worked.
What about the gears in the proton gun?
And who else makes them or has these parts available?
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By zeta otaku
The doors require, if I remember correctly, disassembly of the trap body. You can see how the replacement doors look here:

https://thangs.com/designer/Shwalamazul ... oors-40989

As for the Kenner proton gun gears, I haven't ever seen any replacements for those... most people remove them so it CAN'T make that noise.

As for the difficulty on the trap pedal and inner mechanism for the trap, the pedal needs to have a certain squish to get that burst of air to open the trap doors. While there are materials like TPU that are rubbery, it isn't the right kind of consistency to work right. It's been years since I've seen it, but the inner mechanism that blows the air from the pedal so the doors open is designed in such a way that you need to print it with support, which would completely block the air flow and removing them post-print would damage the part to near uselessness.

No idea if anyone sells the parts you're looking for. If you want 3D printed copies and live in the US, shoot me a PM and we can talk. If you just looking for legit parts, junker traps on Ebay is your best bet.
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By Rjfalck
The noise is part of the fun!
The middle gear in one of the guns broke at a weak spot of the rod, that's why I'm asking for that.
I've taken the body apart to look at replacing a broken door, but I can't see/feel how to slide it out. I see how the door is made and placed, but when I first tried to remove it there was a lot of resistance and I worried about breaking the body where it is supposed to hold the doors.
I'll hit you up though!
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By Belmont78
Dang it all! I had one of those Kenner guns for the pack right! I just threw one out like 2 months ago! I didn't think anybody would want one

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