Congratulations! It is awesome

Everyone does something different. I think the easy to hard list, for me, could be something like this:
1. Fixing the cable positions
2. Adding the accurate Flexo PET
3. Getting a Rothco frame and adding that
4. Add the neck foam
5. Adding the Etsy 3D printed Ion arm end cap with the screws
6. Buying Rub and Buff 4 pack (with the 4 colors) and adding gold to the cable banjos, etc. (Well gold diluted with black + naphta) Using RnB Black and silver you can also get the Etsy endcap to be the exact same color as the pack
7. Using a magic eraser to get rid of the Hasbro weathering
8. Using RnB to add slight definition to the edges of the pack and add copper tape to the Clippard wires
9. Use streaks N tips to add weathering
10. Seal it all in using a clear coat
11. Apply weathering highlights using silver RnB or a silver sharpie
12. Weather the inside of the cyclotron
13. Add a GPstar or Ninjatunes kit for always on and added functionality/
14. Add a better speaker
15. Add lights to the inside of the cyclotron

This thread has my own weathering project if you want some inspiration:
viewtopic.php?t=50645 Let me know if you have any questions, happy to help with the things I picked up.