Hammond Project Boxes
The Hammond Project Boxes were used on the Ghost Trap Pedal mainly for aesthetic purposes however they did support the various fittings attached to them. One can only speculate the actual components contained inside them (if any) and their actual purpose.
In real world applications these boxes would be used for housing different electronic projects and test equipment and are available in many different sizes and material types to suit the project needs.
Aluminum 1590A Box
The large project boxes used on the Ghost Trap's pedal is part #1590A and is made by Hammond Manufacturing. The 1590A is a cast aluminum box . The Foster #B22-2 is mounted on the end of this box as well as the banjo fitting (on top) and straight fitting on the opposite end.
Its dimensions measure: 3.64" X 1.52" X 1.06".
Plastic 1591L Box
The project boxes used on the Ghost Trap's pedal is part #1591L-SBK and is also made by Hammond Manufacturing. This one is available in either Polystyrene, or ABS Plastic, and is the box which the Relay and octal socket sits on top of. The 20 pin ribbon cable is also attached to this box by its connector. There is also an arcolectric indicator light on the top next to the relay.
Its dimensions are: 3.3" X 2.2" X 1.4".